3 some and The back seat of a car

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So I was walking from gym glass with nana and roc..  The triplets was somewhere else to be found. but I couldnt help but notce that roc was extra happy.

"nigga ?" i asked

"hey niq"

I looked behind him at the gym closet "wh-what happened in there?" I asked

"Oh nothing" he smiled and then nana's fine ass walked out the girls locker room.

"hey babes" I peck her cheek

"so what? Yall an item or some shit?" Roc asked

I giggle. "oh papi dont be jealous"  I smile and kiss him.

"whatever, well are yall?" He asked to clarify

"No rocky. but we did have sex" NAna confessed

"Oh my god. nana I thought you were straight" roc's eyes got delusionally big.

"she is, babe but We were just having fun , like those hoe's do on bgc" I smile

"whatever." Roc shakes his head

Then The bell rings ... we're all out of school.  I decided to go upstairs to  my locker and I purposly left roc and nana alone since those two scums were acting strange


I turned up the corner after dominqiue's ass left and Then pulled nana to the side.

"yeah.. " I mutter

"wassup?" She asked

"that teasing... you were just playing right?"

"Uhm.. No. Baby you have to earn this."

I paused. Im not just trying to get some for the sex but I have been wanting her lately. I could have 4 hoes in each class if I wanted to just for the sex but instead I just want nana's fine ass.

"well your weak ass has to come up with something better then that closet shit and I got just the idea" I laugh

she chuckled nervous "and what would that be skippy?"

"3 some.. Tomarrow"

she stopped walking with me as  I saw kylee, kenna and karman approaching from a distance.

"matter fact I want a 5 some"

"now your pushing it!" she pointed her index finger at me.

"That's the point, 5 some or I give you the worst teasing you could ever posssibly have" I cross my arms

"I hate you." She rolls her eyes. "but you'll love me later tomarrow"

"yeah whatever"

She walks away and I text prince but This Nigger isnt replying But I figure he's with hazel still in the hospital.  Nana runs back down the stiars with her backpack and Apparently she's talking to someone, I walk with her outside and she's  still talking.


"yes Girl he wants a 5 some" I say in shock but excitment

"Forreal? " Hazel asked

"Yes" i smiled and I felt his warm hands on my waist.

"Well we all know what that means." She laughed

Before i could respond Roc kissed the back of my neck. "mm What ?'

"roc Is a .... " she started and went off to a whisper tone "man whore"

"haha HAzel shut up!!" I laughed and he rubs his sharp fangs against my neck giving me chills.

"roc stop" I say softly.

"I cant wait till Tomarrow" He breathed down my back

"hmmm Me either" I moan a little "you man whore" I smile and he licks my neck

"mmm"I bite my lip

Not even paying any attention hazel hears all of this .. "hello?" She asked  "hello?"

"Uhhh " I moan a little as I feel roc's friend behind me but feeling on my butt.

"he wants to be inside of you." he whispers in my ear

"roc you nasty!" hazel yells threw the phone and he smiles .

"oh GAWD! " I Laugh. "Im sorry hazel baby, Ima call you back"

"k.. Bye bitch" She laughs and I hang up.

I sighe and Turn looking face to face at roc. "The Things you do to me" I shook my head

"You aint seen nothing yet" He bit his lips

We held hands and walked to the bus stop. he's not really a bully to me.. Well not anymore, I find him more of the person I can get close with and hopefully see a future with.

----on the flip side of things Prince and hazel are checking out.


So Im just In my car with hazel and We're listening to the radio.

"I have a question" She Starts

"what's up?" I ask

"What exactly are we?"

"What do you mean? " I question

"like.. Are we an item, are we bullies with benifits, are we going to be something?"

I nod my head. "well what do you want to be?" I ask

"I want to be yours"

I look at her and smile a little. "even if Im that monster under your bed?" I ask

She ran her hands threw my hair. "even if you are that monster under my bed" She smiled

"Im sorry... for all that shit Ive done to you. "

She nodds and Gets closer to my face. "It's okay" 

I grabbed her waist and kiss her. We end up making out but to a familiar song. by me and my boys. "future"

We put our foreheads together and just smiled

"so let me guess , this is our song?" She asked

"Unless you like whoodni"  I grin

"shut up!" she kiss's me again and before I knew it... It was getting hot.. And I mean H-A-W-T

The windows were foggy and I was shirtless. her hair fell out of the pony tail it was in and we were in the backseat of the car.


I F-U-C-K-E-D My B-U-L-L-Y [bullies with benefits]Where stories live. Discover now