2 boys 1 hat Chapter ~ 3

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The students entered the castle. The inside was beautiful. There were over a hundred paintings on the walls, a mixture of classic wooden floors and beautifully tiled flooring as well. Expensive Persian carpets and gigantic chandeliers. James pinched himself just to make sure all of this was real. He turned around, looking at the moving staircases, living paintings and the old brick walls of the castle. The professor McGonagall took the students right outside another pair of massive doors. She then proceeded to explain what exactly was going to happen once we get past those doors.
"All the other children are seated in the great hall. When these doors open, you will follow me to the front of the room and patiently wait until your name is called. Once your name is called you will sit on the stool with the Sorting Hat on your head and you will wait to be sorted".
James whispered to Sirius "that seems like A LOT of waiting".
McGonagall turned towards him and said
"Be patient Potter. Patience is a virtue".
James still wasn't convinced but he decided not to argue for the sake of not wasting time.
The doors opened and the first years started walking down the isle towards the front. The first student's name is called.
"Alexander Ador"
A boy leaves the crowd of first years and sits on the stool. McGonagall puts this old hat on the boy's head. James couldn't tell what was happening, but the boy on the stool seemed to be pretty shocked.
After almost a minute the hat shouts "RAVENCLAW" and the boy slips off the stool and runs to the Ravenclaw table. This routine continues for a few more people.
"Samantha gabbs ; HufflePuff"
"Jonathan franks ; Gryffindor
"Remus Lupin ; Gryffindor
"Peter Petigrew ; Gryffindor
" Don Rowes ; Slytherin"
"James Potter!"
James steps up and walks
to the stool arrogantly. Once he is seated the hat is then put on his head
"Hmmm you're an interesting one. Smart arse, arrogant, courteous...where to put you?"
"Er...why not Gryffindor?"
"You sure lad?"
"Err ya"
"But I think Hufflepuff might be a good house for you, or Skytherin..."
"If you say so, GRYFFINDOR!!!"
James heaves a sigh of relief, swiftly slides off the stool and runs over to the Gryffindor table.
Sirius was also put into Gryffindor thankfully. The rest of the names are a blur. James becomes lost in his train of thought until they call the last name.
"Lily Evans"
The most beautiful female James has ever seen walks onto the stage. She gently sits on the stool and the hat is put on her head. Sirius notices James' staring and chuckles.
This Lily Evans has fiery red hair and brilliant, shiny green eyes. She is fair skinned with a short nose and beautiful freckles.
It takes more than a minute for the Sorting Hat to decide on what house she would be in, but when it is finally decided James couldn't have been happier.
Evans runs to the Gryffindor table and sits across from James. He opens his mouth to say something to her, but then silence falls over the hall. The Headmaster Albus Dumbledore stands up to say a few words.
"Welcome back everyone, to Hogwarts. And welcome young first years to your new lives. I wanted to remind all of you that as usual, the forest is forbidden for all students of all ages. My good friend Hagrid will make sure of that. Your professors will be handing out your timetables. Classes start tomorrow. Now we eat and after that, off to bed".
Plates of chicken, chips, steak, salad, beans, potatoes and soup fill the tables. The children hungrily start devouring the delicious food.
As good as the food looked, James Potter was concentrated on one thing and one thing only, Lily Evans.
James whispered to Sirius "help me look good in front of her!"
And with that, Sirius started talking, rather loudly, about how well James could play Quidditch.
"Oh yes, I can score a goal with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back!" Said James.
Evans just rolled her eyes and went back to eating her steak.
"What's your problem Evans?" Asked James
"I don't have a problem, I'm just not a fan of people with such high opinions of themselves Potter!"

" oh come on Evans, don't be such a goody two shoes, I know you're impressed!"
Lily then picked up her plate of food and went to sit somewhere else, away from James. But not before she could shout one last comeback.
"You're too arrogant for you own good Potter!" And with that she left.
James didn't know exactly what just happened, but he knew one thing. He WAS going to get Evans to go on a date with him by the end of his time at Hogwarts.
The students ate the rest of their food. When everyone was done, Dumbledore stood up again and ordered the prefects to take the rest of their houses to their common rooms and off to bed.

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