Tailworm Chapter ~ 13

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"I have a very important announcement to make"

Silence fell over the great hall and the students stopped chattering excitedly about what this special announcement could be. Lily was sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table. She had left the hospital wing that morning but she was still feeling a little shaky and didn't feel like making small talk with any of her friends or fellow Gryffindors. Marcy was sitting way at the other end of the table. The two haven't spoken since the incident. James was trying to inch closer and closer to where Lily was sitting and Severus was watching her from the Slytherin table.

"This is crucial to your safety." Albus Dumbledore said. He was standing at the front of the elevated platform where all the professors ate and chatted with one another.

"I'm afraid there is very evil magic lingering. Dark forces that will rise soon." Dumbledore said seriously. "These forces are ones that are very powerful and could very well change the world in a terrible, terrible way."

The students looked at one another with confused and worried expressions on their faces.

"One of our very own first years was attacked a week ago, by said dark forces. Lily Evans may you rise."

All heads turned in Lily's direction. She gulped, and stood up reluctantly. James stared at her with curious eyes, desperate to know what had happened on the night his beloved Lilyflower was attacked.

"Please explain the full story of what had happened that night." Dumbledore said kindly.

Lily felt the eyes of a thousand students all on her, she was desperate to run out of the Great Hall, and to her dormitory but she knew she had to tell these students of her traumatic experience. She had been placed in Gryffindor for a reason after all.

"Er well you see, it was late at night and I was up in the Gryffindor girl's dormitory, I was awake under the covers, playing with my wand..."

She heard a few snickers around her. Now she really wanted to run away, but she forced herself to press on.

"And er, one of the other girls in the dormitory, I'm not saying who, sat up right on her bed, staring at well...nothing...her eyes were glowing green..." Lily glanced at Marcy who still wasn't making eye contact but was listening intently to the retell.

"I went up to her and asked what was wrong but she kept staring at the wall. She got up and started to make her way out of the dormitory-" She was stopped by Professor McGonagall

"And you went after her? Why didn't you get a professor instea-"

"That's quite enough Minerva, continue Ms. Evans" Dumbledore said.

"Right, so I followed her into one of the corridors and I kept shouting her name and she finally turned around. She had this evil look on her face and her chest was glowing green...she kept telling me to leave or else she would kill me. I didn't leave and then she threw this curse at me...she said something like cruica, cruciah, cruci-"

"The Cruciatus curse." Professor Slughorn, the defence against the dark arts, finished.

Several of the older students gasped and looked at each other, terrified, while the younger students scratched their heads in confusion.

"The Cruciatus curse is one of the three unforgivable curses. It causes excruciating pain and can cause someone to go insane." Dumbledore said.

"It is highly unlikely that a first year student could have performed that curse with such ease, the student you are referring to was most likely under the Imperius curse." More of the older students gasped.

"The Imperius curse is another one of the unforgivable curses, it allows someone to take complete control over someone else." Dumbledore said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you sure we should be talking about these curses in front of the younger students?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Yes, professor for this is a pressing matter." Dumbledore said sternly. "A wizard or witch who has mastered these curses is one that is most dangerous. This wizard is most probably very powerful, and they will probably do everything in their power to get what they want and by the looks of it, they will even torture or kill others who stand in their way. Students, this is very serious. We must take precautions from now on. Nobody shall be allowed outside unless it is break time, unless they are supervised by a professor or Hagrid." Dumbledore said strictly.

"Dark times will rise soon, we must be prepared. That is all. Prefects, take the students back to your common rooms. Good night everyone."

Lily and the rest of the Gryffindors stood and started to follow their prefects back to their common rooms. James approached her on their way up the several flights of stairs.

"I'm sorry about what happened Evans." James said

"Go away Potter." Lily shouted as she ran up the stairs, desperate to be alone.

"Way to go." Said Peter sarcastically.

"Shut it Peter." James snapped.

"Calm down Prongs." Said Sirius with a laugh.

"Would you stop calling me that?" James whined

"Nah, it suits you."

James rolled his eyes and continued his way up the stairs.

"He's love sick I tell you." Remus muttered to Peter and Sirius.

"You've got that right Moony." Sirius said with a sigh.

"I want a cool nick name." Peter complained.

"Hey, so do I!" Sirius shouted. "Hey Prongs! Think you could come up with a cool nick name for me? Something like Myhairiscoolerthanyours"

"No, you're not worthy." James retaliated.

Sirius huffed "You're a git you know that?"

"And you're a bloke."

"Enough you two, we need to get back to the common room to do our Charms homework!" Remus shouted.

"Oh come on that's due in three days we have plenty of time!" James said.

"Yeah, plenty of time to come up with an awesome nick name for me and Peter!"

"You know what? Fine. Peter, if you could turn into any sort of animal, what would it be?" asked James.

"A rat." He said almost immediately. "Because they can fit in small spaces, and they're cute."

"Okay, what stands out on a rat?"

"Why do you ask?" Peter questioned.

"Because you seem to stand out when it comes to us four. Your height, weight and intelligence levels are different compared to ours." James replied.

"Gee thanks...er...the tail is something that stands out, since it looks like a worm." he said.

"Perfect, your new nick name is Tailworm! How do you like it?" said Sirius.

"Er....maybe it should be Wormtail...sounds better." Remus suggested.

"Perfect! Wormtail!" Peter said with delight.

"Great, now make one for me!" Sirius demanded.

"Er....can't think of anything...sorry!" James said as he ran up the rest of the stairs.

"HEY GET BACK HERE YOU BLOKE!" Sirius shouted.

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