We know Chapter ~ 17

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James was irritated.

Every single day he would see Remus and Lily walk beside each other in the hall, talking about books or something irrelevant like that. He would see them sit beside each other at his Quidditch games. He would see them look at books together in the library. It was like they were bonding...

And he hated that.

Every time he saw them together he would try to wriggle his way into the conversation, but his actions were either followed by stares of annoyance, awkward silence, or the two of them would just walk away. James even saw Snape glaring at the two of them. It was only a week before the stupid Yule Ball, and James was trying to ask Lily to go with him, but he would never get the chance because of Remus. James knew Snape had the same idea as well, but he wasn't about to let Lily go out with a grease ball like Snivellus.

At least Lily and I are closer than before he reminded himself. And when we finally finish the map, we'll be even closer.

James continued to pay close attention to Remus, watching his movements, listening to what he says so that he could take a few notes. He began to write some of his observations down when he noticed that Remus was a tad bit...hairier...than usual, and his ears seemed to be a bit bigger as well. He made a mental note to recommend Sirius's one of a kind shampoo to Remus later on.

The bell rang, and it was time to go to the dormitories, finish some homework, then go to bed. The students began to make their way to the dorms and started getting ready for bed. Luckily, Remus had persuaded James, Sirius and Peter to finish their homework early, so they didn't have to do it now. They had quite a bit of time to talk about the map.

The four of them wished Lily and her friends a good night, and entered the dormitory.

"Hey Remus." James said.

Remus turned around to face James

"Look if this is about Lily, there's nothing going on between-"

"No it's not about that- wait you're sure?" James asked

Remus nodded "We're just friends mate."

James stared at him, then sighed

"Okay...but that wasn't what I was going to talk to you about."


"Yeah, I've noticed you've been getting a bit er...hairier recently."

Sirius looked up from his map plans and turned to face them "Yeah I've noticed that too. You want to use some of my shampoo?" he asked.

"What? I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm not hairy!"

"Yes you are." Peter said.

Remus glared at him "No. I'm not...forget this. Lets just work on the plans for the map.

James eyed him with suspicion, but he decided to go along with it.

"Alright then...so I was thinking that we could get Professor Marauder to help us with the map. He's cool with us and he knows a lot about potions..."

"And we could get Professor McGonagall too! She's great at magic!" Peter suggested

"Are you joking? McGonagall will be furious if we told her about our map!" Sirius said.

The chatter continued for a while, and James continued to observe Remus. Hair was growing out of places that you couldn't even imagine, Remus was sweating and continued to glance at the moon every few minutes. It got to the point that we began to scratch rapidly.

"Moony...are you okay?" James asked.

"I-I'm fine!" Remus shouted.

"You don't look fine." Said Peter.

"I'm fine Peter."

"You sure about that mate? you're scratching...and you seem to be growing hair inside your ears...which have somehow moved to the top of your head!"

"I'M FINE!" Moony shouted.

But he continued to morph. The moon was full and it was directly up in the sky. Hands turned into paws, his eyes turned black, his teeth grew sharp, and the boys just looked at him in utter confusion and terror.

Then it hit him.

James remembered the wolfs bane that Remus kept in his pocket, he remembered how he ran off into the woods that night in first year, he remembered being saved by a smaller Were-wolf the size of Remus. He remembered how Remus would disappear every full moon.

"He's a Were-wolf." James muttered.

At this point, Remus was almost fully transformed. He needed to think fast. He didn't want to put his friends in danger. He glanced at the window, and he jumped through it.

"REMUS!" Sirius shouted.

but Remus landed on one of the roofs of the castle. fully transformed. He snarled, drool slipping from his mouth and splashing onto the roof top. His claws were extremely sharp.

"Remus! Don't move or you'll fall of the edge!" James yelled.

But the boy was long gone. Now a subconscious. The were-wolf was in control now. He jumped off the edge of the castle roof and bounded into the forest, off to hunt prey.

"We have to go after him!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Are you insane? He's going to rip us to shreds!" Peter shrieked.

"But he's our friend!"

"But it's too dangerous!"

All of a sudden, Sirius and Peter started yelling at each other, each arguing a different argument.

"Oh I wish we had the map right now..." James muttered. He crawled into his bed and rolled up into a ball. Sirius and Peter were still arguing, and James decided to drown them out and go to sleep.


When James woke up the next morning, he saw that Remus was in his bed, sleeping. Peter and Sirius had stopped arguing and were getting ready.

"He came back at six in the morning." Sirius said.

"We stopped arguing when you fell asleep and decided to wait until he came back." Peter said.

James nodded and began readying himself for the day ahead of him. They were almost at the door when Remus woke up as well.

There was awkward silence for what seemed like ages, when Sirius decided to speak up.

"Don't worry about it Moony. We won't tell."

Remus nodded and got out of bed to start getting ready too. When he was done, the four boys began to make their way to the Great Hall for breakfast, whispering all the way.

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