A very Marauder Christmas part 1 ~ Chapter 14

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The chapters in this three parter take place in third year for the sake of the plot and 'cause James x Lily relationship development, after this we'll be going back to first year unless I change my mind >:3

Sirius P.O.V.

Sirius Black woke up that morning to soft snowflakes falling from the cloudy sky. He got out of bed and rushed to the window, where he saw Hagrid, the school's Game keeper, shoveling the snow around his hut. His dog, Fang rolling around in the winter wonderland.

"Hey guys look outside!" he shouted. James grumbled and rolled over in his bed.

"shut up Sirius" Said James.

Sirius walked back to his bed and took out his Ear Burster, a magical device that makes the most loud and obnoxious noise you could think of that he got from the joke shop in Diagon Alley. He's used a few times before and he knew how much it annoyed his friends. Sirius took out his wand, tapped the Ear Burster three times, mumbled "Silence is not golden", and he let it rip. The glass shattering shriek of a banshee sounded from the device. James, Remus and Peter sprang up from their slumber and immediately tried covering their ears with their hands to block the sound.


Sirius turned off the Ear Burster, laughing all the while.

"It's snowing!" He said.

"No shit sherlock" Said James.

"Kinda obvious." Peter explained.

"Is that all you wanted to tell us?" asked Remus.

"Uh no, it's Christmas you gits." Said an annoyed Sirius.

Remus, James and Peter all looked at each other and grinned.

"Where are the presents?"James said almost immediately.

"Probably downstairs, lets go check". Said Remus excitingly.

The four boys ran down the stairs, into the Gryffindor common room. There was a Christmas tree in the center with twenty or so presents waiting to be opened. There was a red haired girl already kneeling beside the tree, opening the presents addressed to her.

"Lilyflower!" James shouted to her.

"Don't call me that Potter, I much rather prefer Evans." Lily explained.

"Alright then Lilyflower, you know how we're going to Hogsmeade later today, would you like to come er, hang out with me, I mean...us." James said, pointing to him and his friends.

Lily laughed "Not for all the Butter Beer in the world." She said.

"Come on James, lets go open our presents and get down to the Great Hall, I'm hungry." Sirius said as his stomach rumbled.

James ignored him and pressed on. "Come on Evans, who else would you go with? Oh don't tell me you're going to be spending the day with Snivellus."

Lily got up and stared at James dead in the eye. "Well no, I'm not. Severus is staying his mum's house for the day, but he'll be back tomorrow so-"

"Perfect! So you're free!" James said excitingly.

"Well er, I-I" She sighed "Yes, I'm free...I guess." She grumbled.

"So I'll see you at Hogsmeade, with me, I mean us?" James asked.

"Come on Lily, you might as well get it over with or else he'll keep asking." Remus said.

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