Slenderman Chapter ~ 19

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The five friends exited the castle under the protection of the invisibility cloak and made their way through the castle grounds. Hogwarts gave off very calming vibes during the night, which really eased their nerves, but that was about to change as soon as they enter the forest.

"I see something in the distance..." said Remus.

Sure enough, there was a large looking figure trumping around the castle grounds.

"Oh my is that Slenderman?" asked Peter, obviously scared out of his mind.

"I...I don't know..." said James "It might be!"

But upon further inspection, They realized it wasn't Slenderman, it was Hagrid tending to the night lilies.

"It's just Hagrid" Lily said with a sigh of relief.

Eased by the fact that Slenderman wasn't patrolling around their school, our protagonists continued to the edge of the forest.

"Are you guys sure you want to do this?" Asked Remus 

"200% sure!" Declared James.

"Idiot" said Lily "You can't be 200% sure."

"It's called an expression Lilyflower"

"Would you two save your bickering for when we aren't in immediate danger?" Sirius said in a very annoyed tone.

 The two silently looked at each other for what seemed like forever until they both half-heartedly said "fine".

And with that, the five of them entered the forest. All their calm had turned to storm, all their courage turned to fear. There were so many monsters lurking in the forest. About 6 or 7 had tried to attack them within ten minutes of entering. Peter was so scared he even tried to get his friends to turn back and go home, but they were very determined to catch this long-armed freak.

"There's no way I'm turning back!" said Lily "If you pansies want to turn right around and go home, be my guest. I've been wanting to investigate this case for a while now so I'm going to-"

Lily was cut off by a loud screeching noise, one that was so horrid, so ear-piercingly terrible, deafening that it even made her turn white.

"What on EARTH is that noise?!" James was barely audible over the screaming.

" sounds like the cry of a banshee!" Remus yelled.

Suddenly, Sirius collapsed. His friends couldn't even hear the thud of his body hitting the ground, but then they turned to see him lying face down on the dirt they all screamed even louder than the banshee.

"A banshee's scream is an omen of death...I-I need to get Sirius to the infirmary!" Claimed Remus

"But...but what about Slenderman!" James asked.

"Oh forget him!" Peter yelled "It's too dangerous! I'm going back with Remus!"

"But I NEED to-"

Lily was cut off yet again when the banshee emerged in full form. It was the most hideous thing to look at. It had a long, slender torso covered in a teared and tattered white cloak. Grey skin and snow white hair. The most terrifying parts were her long arms, and the way she covered her eyes with her hands, only to reveal black pits when she screamed. Her image was so ghostly it would give even the bravest wizard chills.

"RUN!" shouted Peter.

Remus grabbed Sirius and the two of them ran, expecting Lily and James to be right behind them, but they were not. They brought out their wands, rehearsed every attack spell they could think of, looked at each other, and said...

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