The Train Station Chapter ~ 1

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Author's note- so this is my first I hope you enjoy this remarkable journey about the friendship of the Marauders. Harry Potter is amazing <3 with that, let's get started
---------------Chapter 1--------------------
James Potter arrived at the train station just before the Hogwarts Express was about to leave. He hugged and kissed his mother and father goodbye, a few tears were let out by his mother, but they quickly stopped when he reassured her that he would be alright and he will write letters to them every week.
James boarded the train and sat down in one of the compartments. As the train left the station he waved to his loved ones. When his parents were finally out of view he heaved a sigh and started to think about his new life as a wizard in training.
A few minutes after James became lost in his train of thought, a boy - probably the same age as him - opened the compartment door and asked
"er...may I sit here? Lucius Malfoy and his cronies are taking up the only other available cart and I really don't want to sit with those arses."
"Sure, I'm James Potter"
"Thanks. You can call me Sirius"
The two boys spent the entire train ride talking about Hogwarts, Chocolate frog cards, Lucius name it! They were forming a bond.
"So, what house do you want to be in?" Asked a curious Sirius.
There are four houses at Hogwarts. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. They each represent a character trait. Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are intelligent, Hufflepuffs are loyal and Slytherins are ambitious.
"Is that even a question? My family has been Gryffindor for years and I'm not about to break that chain." Said James.
" I don't know if it really matters to me said Sirius, my family are huge Slytherin supporters...but I don't know what to think".
This was the start of a great friendship.

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