A Very Marauder Christmas Part 2 ~ Chapter 15

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Narrator P.O.V.

The Great Hall was decorated with a large variety of Christmas related items. A very large Christmas tree was standing in the corner of the room, multicoloured bulbs hung from the branches. A bright star was positioned at the top of the tree. James swaggered into the room, followed by his best friends. James plopped down into a seat and began to devour the pancakes in front of him.

"So Evans." he said.

Lily groaned, "What? Come to rub it in my face that I'm going to Hogsmeade with you and your er, best chaps?" She asked.

"What? Nah, well actually yes kind of." James said with a laugh. "I just can't believe you finally decided to go on a date with me!"

Every head at the Gryffindor table turned toward Lily, she hid her face in her hands and muttered "It's not a date".

"Oh really Evans then what is it?" James asked.

"Prongs, drop it." Remus said.

"I'm just going with you so that you'll stop asking!" she shouted "I'm not madly in love with you or anything!"

"yet"James said, putting one foot on the table.

"Prongs" Remus said again, trying to tell his friend that enough was enough.

James glanced at Remus, who gave him a glare. He knew it was time to stop. He was lucky enough to score a date with Lily while Snivellus wasn't around, and he didn't want to lose this opportunity.

After minutes of the students eating their Christmas breakfast, Albus Dumbledore stood up and made his way towards the front of the platform. He stared at the students, and one by one they started to quiet down. The Headmaster had something to say.

"Merry Christmas everyone" Dumbledore said with a smile. "It's nice to see that most of you decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas this year, as you know, all third years and higher will be travelling to Hogsmeade this afternoon, but before that Professor Trelawny has asked for a special lesson after breakfast."

Professor Trelawny, the divination professor stood and waved her hand. Her eyes staring at us through her large glasses.

"Everyone who is a third year or higher must go to this extra lesson." Dumbledore finished. Every third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year and seventh year groaned and grumbled at the thought of extra lessons on Christmas.

The students whispered to each other about the extra lesson. Nobody thought it as a good idea. During all the chattering James looked as Professor Marauder got up from his seat, approached Dumbledore and whispered something in his ear. Dumbledore gave a quick nod and Professor Marauder walked back to his seat at the large table.

"It seems we have another extra lesson." Dumbledore shouted over the talking. The students groaned once again.

"Professor Marauder, our potions teacher, has requested another lesson for every student." Dumbledore said.

James cringed at the thought of two extra lessons on Christmas. Why would Professor Marauder torture them like that?

The students continued to chat and eat. When half an hour passed by, Dumbledore stood again and told everyone to get to their extra lesson. For The third years and up, it was divination.

"I hate divination." Lily mumbled to James.

"Why? We don't do anything!" James said

"That's exactly why I hate it. It's boring and it just sounds like a bunch of hullabaloo to me." Lily said.

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