Quidditch Chapter ~ 10

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A large amount of students had come to see the Gryffindor Quidditch try outs. Students from all four of the houses were sitting excitedly on the benches to find out who would be the next Gryffindor team. After all, the Gryffindor Quidditch team has been consistent at being one of the best teams at Hogwarts. Right beside the Slytherin team.

The first year students were either sitting and sulking on the benches, disappointed that they had to wait another year to be able to be on a team, while others were begging professor McGonagall, asking her if they could try out. But they soon went to join the others on the benches, sad because she sternly said no.

James and his friends Peter, Remus and Sirius were sitting on the benches the closest to the action. Peter had brought a few snacks that he had stolen from the great hall after they had breakfast.

"This is my first time watching anything related to Quidditch." said an excited Peter.

"You're kidding?" asked Sirius "You're going to love it mate. I used to sneak off to games on my own since no one in my family would take me." Said Sirius.

"My dad and I always go see the tournaments and the world cup." said James. "It was super fun- hey do you think I could ask McGonagall if I could try out?" he asked.

Sirius laughed "Good luck with that" He said, pointing to the other first years who had returned from begging the Professor.

"Hey blokes, the try outs are starting!" shouted Remus.

There were people lined up on the Quidditch pitch, talking to the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, stating which position they would like to be, then flying on their broomstick, up into the air to try out.

At one point, there was a boy, maybe a fourth year, who was trying out for Keeper, but only stopped one out of four tosses. He eventually fell off his broom and landed on a third year. They both ended up going to see Madam Pomfrey.

James Potter was laughing so hard, he spit out one of his Bertie Botts Every Flavored beans. His and his friends loud laughter attracted the attention of Lily.

"My god you four are so rude!" She yelled "That poor boy was severely injured and now he has to go to the hospital wing! You honestly have the emotional range of a teaspoon Potter!"

James ignored her insult "Right, thanks Evans. Now everyone knows I have an emotional range of a tea spoon!" He said exaggerating "That was a secret that was supposed to be between you and me!" He shouted dramatically. Then he started laughing again. Thrilled at his own joke.

"People say you fancy me. You have a funny way of showing it." she said. Then she stomped away, back to Severus Snape, who was giving James the death glare. Mouthing "Watch out Potter". Snape still hadn't gotten his revenge.And though James would never say this out loud, he was getting worried.

"Oooooooo" mocked the other three boys as Lily walked away.

"You're never going to get her to like you." said Peter.

"It takes time mate, just wait and you'll see." said James.

The rest of the Quidditch try outs didn't go so swimmingly. The contestants were a lot worse than James had thought they would be. There was always the occasional star player, who James was sure would be making it onto the team, but that was only once in a while. One of the Seekers were actually catching the snitch in a short amount of time. The captain seemed to be impressed. The try outs for the Chaser positions were the worst. People could barely even catch the Quaffle.

After about another hour of the four boys dying of frustration, James had had enough.

"I'm going to try out. Teach these people how to play this darned game." he decided.

"You can't!" said Peter "No first years can try out."

"Then I guess I'll have to pretend that I'm a second year."

As he marched off the benches and started walking towards the uniform fitting rooms James formed strategies in his head on how he was going to wow the captain. Maybe they'll even let him on the actual team...


"Name?" asked the captain

"James Potter, second year, chaser position." Luckily James was rather tall for his age, so he wasn't questioned as he grabbed his "borrowed" broom and zoomed up to the hoops.

From the benches above, his friends were watching

"He's doing it!" shouted Sirius "He's actually doing it!"

"What'll happen when the captain and McGonagall finds out that he's not a second year?" asked Remus.

"He'll probably be serving detentions for months!" laughed Sirius.

James was zooming through the hoops, catching Quaffles left and right. He noticed how good he was doing so he started doing some turns and flips. Showing off how marvelous he was on his broom. That is, until they let out the bludgers.

One of them hit him square on the chest, throwing him off balance, hanging feet from the ground.

"Is that...Potter?" Asked Lily "Whats he doing trying out!"

"who cares Lily He's going to learn his lesson- Hey where're you going!" shouted Severus.

Lily was running towards the professor with Severus at her heels

"Professor! Professor! That's James Potter up there! He's a first year, he shouldn't even be trying out!" That certainly got Professor McGonagall's attention.


The captain whipped out his Nimbus 1995, and flew up to where James was hanging.

"Don't worry mate, we'll get you down. You fly pretty well actually, for a first year." The captain, Charlie Baker, said with admiration.

"As much as I love compliments, especially if they're directed towards me, lets er...speed up the process of getting me out of this tight situation." James suggested.

With a nod, Charlie hoisted James off his broom and onto the back of his own, then started carrying him down to the ground.

"Lily smirked at the terrified James Potter. "Shows you not to laugh"

James glared at her but was quickly mesmerized by her beautiful eyes and didn't stay annoyed at her for much longer after that.


"Please ma'am, I'll serve all the detentions you want just please don't throw me out of Hogwarts! I've been dying to go to this darned school for years and I don't want to be kicked out now!" He cried.

McGonagall sighed "Potter, you could have been killed! There's a reason why we don't allow first years to-"

"Professor, in Potter's defence he was a truly great flyer. That is until he was wiped out by a bludger, but I think he has inspired a lot of these here other contestants to do a whole lot better, because lets face it, most of them were terrible. We could use a Chaser like him in a few years when he stops his trouble making." Suggested Charlie Baker.

McGonagall couldn't find any other reason to disagree, these players were awful and Potter was an actual inpiration for them. If you're worse than a first year, then you should really try a heck of a lot harder.

"Very well" She finally said "But don't think there won't be consequences Potter. 25 points from Gryffindor, and you'll be serving detention every Tuesday during your break for a month starting in a few weeks. Now off with you!" She decided.

James walked off that pitch feeling great. He had inspired others. That was really something great. And it might have attracted the attention of Ms.Evans. Who knows?

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