Rescuing Lily Evans Chapter ~ 6

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Author's note:


As the boys munched on their sandwiches, jelly beans, chips and orange juice, James noticed a certain red haired girl sitting beside the lake, talking with a couple of other Gryffindor second year boys. Apparently he wasn't the only one who thought she was beautiful. Snivellus Snape was no where to be seen at the moment, which of course made James' mood about ten times better.

Lily seemed to be annoyed because of the boys who were crowding her and trying to talk to her.
" Lily, would you like to grab some Butter Beer with me?"
" Lily, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
" Lily, why are you spending so much time with that Slytherin bloke? Come and spend some time with a real man, if you know what I'm saying!"

James thought he better go rescue Ms.Evans from the jerk second years, so he excused himself from Sirius and Remus and started to make his way over to her. Apparently, Lily noticed Potter walking over and heaved an annoyed sigh.
" Not you again! These arses are making life harder as it is!" she shouted.
" well actually I was going to come rescue you from these blokes, but seeing as you are being so incredibly rude, I guess I'll just make my way back to Sirius and Moony." James said smirking, as he started to turn back.
"No! Wait! I-I'm sorry, just get me away from these people!" she cried
James sighed, "If you insist. Oi! You second years better stop annoying Ms.Evans!"

One of the second years scoffed, "Oh really Potter? And what exactly are you going to do about it?"
Well, since James wasn't very skilled at magic yet he didn't really know what he was about to do. Until Sirius and Remus came walking towards the scene.
"This" Said Sirius.
Sirius darted around the boys and made eye contact with the two others as if telling them to copy him. Remus ran around the other side and elbowed one of the second years in the back. Sirius hit one at the back of his head with his wrist, and finally James delivered the final blow by suckerkicking the tallest one in the you-know-where. The three second year boys were on the ground whimpering because of the pain.
"Thanks for the idea Sirius." said James.
"No problem, where'd you learn to fight like that mate?" he asked.
"My dad insisted on teaching me a few moves for exactly this reason." he replied. " Now I believe Evans, you owe me a thanks"
"I-I will do nothing of the sort!" she exclaimed.
"Oh really? you don't want them to start tormenting you like that again do you?" asked James.
"Well, I-I...oh Fine! er...thank you for..."
"-for rescuing you." added James.
"er, yes. That." And she left without saying another word.
"POTTER!" cried the voice of a woman coming down the path towards them. James turned to see who it was. Professor McGonagall.
"COME WITH ME! YOU TOO BLACK AND LUPIN!" She asserted, pointing at Remus and Sirius. The three boys followed the co-headmistress into the castle, knowing that she saw everything and that they would probably be sent home on the Hogwarts Express.



James and Sirius were trying their hardest to form lies and excuses in their heads, when Remus spoke up and told the truth.
"Lily Evans was being tormented by three second year boys professor! We were only trying to rescue her and since we aren't very skilled at magic-"
"There weren't any around! It just seemed like the only other option!" exclaimed James.
"THOSE BOYS NEED TO BE SENT TO THE HOSPITAL WING, JUDGING BY WHAT YOU DID TO THEM! POTTER YOU KICKED ONE IN THE GENITALIA, LUPIN YOU ELBOWED ONE IN THE SPINE, AND BLACK YOU NEARLY BROKE ANOTHER'S NECK!" She shouted. "I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW HOW THREE FIRST YEAR BOYS COULD HAVE HAD THE POWER TO NEARLY-" She was interrupted when non-other than Headmaster Dumbledore walked into her office. The three boys stared in awe at the wizard who was looking back at them with his half-moon spectacles.

" Minerva, maybe you should take a seat. Calm down a bit. I can take it from here." Dumbledore said calmly. McGonagall sighed and sat down in her chair, still baffled at the three boys sitting in front of her.

"Now, you three dealt a lot of damage to those second yea-"

"Ms.Evans was being tormented by those blokes!" shouted James. Dumbledore raised a hand to silence him, and continued.
"I understand Mr.Potter, but you needed to control your actions. One of them almost ended up with a broken neck, and another has a bleak chance of having any children." Remus was about to interrupt when Dumbledore continued again, " Your actions, were loyal and were performed for Ms.Evans' comfort, and the fact that you had the nerve to stand up to those second years, very Gryffindor indeed. Which is why you boys won't be sent home on the Hogwarts Express." The three of them heaved a great sigh of relief. He won't be going home after all. "But, 20 points will taken away from each of you, which means 60 points will be taken away in total from Gryffindor." James thought this was fair, it beats being sent home. "I also have a task for you three." said Dumbledore.

Sirius looked at Dumbledore curiously, "A task?" he asked.
"Yes, a task. You see, since you have shown such bravery today, I don't think you'll have much trouble with this. There is a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts named Peter Petigrew, and sadly he isn't having the easiest time at Hogwarts. I have been watching him I have seen that he is being bullied by Lucius Malfoy. Your task is to befriend Mr.Petigrew by the end of this month, which won't be easy because Peter is a very...shy person. Why do you have to do this you may be wondering? Well, since you three seem to think you really belong in Gryffindor, here's your chance to prove it...unless you want more points taken away from Gryffindor house instead?" The three of them shook their heads. They didn't want to be seen as the 3 stupid first years who lost the house cup for Gryffindor. "Wonderful, and I'm sure befriending a bullied boy would attract the attention of a certain girl" Dumbledore said, winking at James.

Of course James was now sold. He hopped out of his seat, ready to start the new task. "Alright Sir! We'll get started right away!" James said, as he pulled Remus and Sirius out the door of the office.

"I still think you let them off too easy." Said McGonagall. "I think they should have been kicked out of Howarts for such rash behaviour.

"Oh Minerva, you're always so harsh, sometimes you need to have a little fun with the students. I'm old, and my days may be up in a few years. Let an old man have a little fun." He said smiling at McGonagall

The Professor looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Oh Albus, don't say that...y-you will always live in our hearts. Our loyalty to you will live on even after your d-death. You are the greatest wizard to ever live."

Dumbledore smiled "I thank you for your loyalty Minerva." He said, then walked out of the office, closing the door behind him, but you could still hear McGonagall sobbing quietly in her office.

Author's note:That last part was so hard to write! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter :D I guess I'm actually publishing this at 10:30 at night so...yay? Anyways, sorry again about the late upload D:

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