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(Y/n is in a black dress now)"so y/n why have you come to hogwarts so late it would have been a hole lot better if you were hear from the start" i look over at mattheo he looks a little jealous that im talking to mattheo more than him I look at theo and take the bottle "your drunk" he looks offended  "i am nOt dRunK" he say standing  up and walking toward  me he stumbles over matheos leg I laugh at him "hey stop laughing at me" theo says "you know what y/n I'm having a party and your not invited" "I think your to drunk to stop me from coming anyway" mattheo takes the bottle slightly touching me I get butterfly's just from his touch 'oh what is wrong with Me iv known him what 3 hours'
Time passes to 11(the party has started)

I'm still sat in the dorm with matheo
Draco and theo left about twenty minutes ago and we have just sat in silence. I think mattheo is drunk the hole bottle is now empty, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him so I'm sat inbetween his legs,
I look up at him "I think your drunk" I say tracing my finger along his jaw line
"No I'm not I just like you next to me" I smile at him he's definitely drunk
I un wrap his arms from me and sand up he looks sad I giggle "come on let's go going the pary who knows what will happen" a smile  he takes my hand I lead him out the room and to the common room I grab a drink and sit on the couch he sits by my side I take a drink from my cup and almost gag "ugh what is that" theo laugh "I won't tell draco you said that yeah its a bit strong but you'll get used to it" I give him a fake smile "humm yeah sure" theo lights a joint

 I think mattheo is drunk the hole bottle is now empty, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him so I'm sat inbetween his legs, I look up at him "I think your drunk" I say tracing my finger along his jaw line"No I'm not I just like ...

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"Hey pass me some mattheo" says with his hand out theo passes it to him and he takes a hit 'how is he so hot'

"Hey pass me some mattheo" says with his hand out theo passes it to him and he takes a hit 'how is he so hot'

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and gesture I want some I take it and take a hit and blow it up

and gesture I want some I take it and take a hit and blow it up

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'how can she be hot just smoking oh what has this girl done to me' she passes the joint back to theo I want to kiss her so know what I probably won't remember this in the morning I lift her so she's sat on my lap she takes one last gulp of her drink and throws the cup to the ground she puts both hads on my face and kisses me


He lifts me onto his lap so I'm straddling him I gulp the last of my drink 'I probably won't remember this in the morning' I throw my cup and kiss him and the rest is a blur

He lifts me onto his lap so I'm straddling him I gulp the last of my drink 'I probably won't remember this in the morning' I throw my cup and kiss him and the rest is a blur

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Then I feel dizzy and fall but strong arms catch me and carrying me up stair

Ik this one is short sorry but I will be posting a nother one today 😊

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now