slytherin party

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I'm getting ready for the party as the door bursts open "y/n" someone yells I step out of the bathroom to meet eyes with Pansy "hey babes"
"y/n what was that about in potions"
"Oh yeah sorry about that I needed to piss my dad off" she sighs and then laughs "ok that's fine you can do it any time you want" she winks and walks out I laugh and continue getting ready
(The fit)

I walk out of my room and down the stairs to the common room the lights green and music playing loud I go over to a table were people are playing beer pong Pansy is one one side she grabs my hand pulling me to her side "I hope you know how to play...

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I walk out of my room and down the stairs to the common room the lights green and music playing loud I go over to a table were people are playing beer pong Pansy is one one side she grabs my hand pulling me to her side "I hope you know how to play y/n because I suck" "don't worry pans I got this" I pick up one of the balls and throw it and it lands in one of the cups the crowed around us cheer the boys on the other side of the table look shocked "drink up boys" I say with a smirk.

After a few more rounds us winning of course "who is up next" I say a little loud mattheo and draco walk to the other side of the table "get ready to lose y/n" draco says smugly "don't get to exited y/n is a pro" Pansy says 

I hear some boys around us saying that we're gonna lose because mattheo and draco never lose I smile and face them "you wanna go first" I say winking at mattheo I bounce a the ball to them "your choices love" I smirks he bounces the ball perfectly into the middle cup the crowd that had grew large cheers I pick up the cup keeping eye contact with mattheo I down it and thow the cup.

There is one cup left on my side of the table and two on mattheos I go to
throw the ball when this one gye who has been hansy all night grabs my ass I tern around and slap him "who the fuck do you think you ar-" i feel a brush on my back I tearn to see who it was no one was there I tern back to him but he is on the floor and he's bleeding I tern to my right and see mattheo go to hit him again I put my hand on his arm "it's fine leave him he is not worth it" i say kicking him still on the floor the hole crowd has gone quiet "come on now lets finish this game" I yell and the crowd cheers again I throw the ball landing in one of there cups draco drinks it

"one cup left" Pansy says with a wide smile she's slightly drunk draco is looking stressed the room goes quite in anticipations I throw the ball missing there cup and mattheo catching the ball 'I swear having fast reflection is so hot no stop out of it I slap my cheek' he throws the ball missing the dread returns to there faces I smirk and throw the ball landing it into there  cup the crowd cheers Pansy wraps her arms around my neck jumping up and down mattheo smirks he walks over to me "lucky shot" he wispers in my ear

he puts his hand on my lower back  we walk to the couches and sit theo already there of course "give me one theo" I say theo hands me a joint "you got a light" I say tho matthoe with the joint in my mouth he takes out out his little silver lighter and lights it "thanks" I say wilst breathing it in "you look amazing to night y/n" he wispers in my ear I smirk "what are you gonna do about it" he takes the joint from my hand handing it to Pansy who walks past "hey I wasn't don't with th-" he smashes his lips into mine I wrap my arms around his neck he lifts me onto his lap pulling me in to him he stands um I wrap my legs around him he pushes me up against a wall he pulls away to breath "wow" he smirks I go to kiss him again but Pansy comes over

"y/n give me your spray paint" "what" mattheo puts me down "what for Pansy" "I want to tag something" "oh ok" "I was just-" "it's fine we will finish this later trust me I'm in tho ill come with you gyes" I look at mattheo "I trust you" I run to my room and open the door and grab my white spray paint I run back to Pansy and mattheo "I got it" "I don't get how you got all this stuff in tho" I take there hands and walk out "so we're are we going" "ok so the grifindors have this stone and they love it for some reason sooooo" "yes"

We get to the grifindors rock "don't you think it's weird they have a rock" Pansy says wilst spraying the paint "I'm not surprised to be fair" mattheo wraps his arms around me are you could "if I say yes will you stay there" I smile he lifts me up and twirls me around "you to are cute and
I'm done " pans says I look over

We get to the grifindors rock "don't you think it's weird they have a rock" Pansy says wilst spraying the paint "I'm not surprised to be fair" mattheo wraps his arms around me are you could "if I say yes will you stay there" I smile he lifts me up...

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"Nice pans" it's almost 5 we should really be getting back" I say looking at the time "no sleep for us then" I laugh as we run back. We get back to our room thoes passed out in the bathroom and dracos no we're to be seen "gess we got the room to our selvs" mattheo says "what If theo wakes up" "he won't" he says pulling me towards the bed I push him don't on the bed a s I take my shoes and my necklace off"

 We get back to our room thoes passed out in the bathroom and dracos no we're to be seen "gess we got the room to our selvs" mattheo says "what If theo wakes up" "he won't" he says pulling me towards the bed I push him don't on the bed a s I take ...

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I stradle him I kiss him he runs his hands down my body and wispers in my ear "I need this.I need you" "you can have it" I say kissing him again he slowly un zippes my dress as I and do his shirt I take of his shirt I slide my hands up his body he slides my dress off  he traces his hands down my body stopping at my hips flipping him self on top of me I smile he makes his way down onto my neck leaving little love bites on my neck I breath sharply 

(⚠️Smut ⚠️) not very good but

I un do his belt he pulls of his trousers
He takes of my panties he slowly puts it in "oh my wow" slowly bushing it in and out  he starts going faster "oh my god" "y/n" he wispers in my ear "I'm gonna"  "go"  we cum at the same time he lays down next to me "told you you wouldn't wake theo" I laugh I get up and put one one of his shirts
"that looks good on you" "we should get some sleep we have to be up in four hours" I hop back into bed I snuggle into him "thank you" he smirks "no thank you" he puts his arms around me and we fall asleep

edited :the next bit off smut is a lot better sorry that is shit

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