what happened?

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I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes "ugh what time is it I sit up" I grab my phone "oh my god it's Friday" I go to get out of bed "y/n" mattheo comes though the bathroom door "oh my y/n what the fuck happened" "your fucking asking me one minute it's wensday and now it's fuking Friday" "what did you take"
he lifts up my chin "I didn't take anything" he kisses me "I'm so glad your ok" I kiss him again pushing him down onto the bed and straddling him "y/nnnnn" Pansy says jumping up and down "oh my god I knew it"

I get off mattheos lap I grab Pansy arm and drag her into the room slaming the the door behind me "I can't believe you didn't tell me" "it's not that I didn't want to it's just if my dad finds out" "yeah I know your both dead.anyways how are you feeling" "I'm fine I don't know what happened though I just passed out" "its fucking weard" mattheo says still lade on the bed "gess what" Pansy wispers into my ear "what" I wisper back
"he didn't leave your side the hole time you were out" I smile and look up at mattheo "he is sweet really" 
"yeah to you"  "it's rude to wispers ladies" I jump onto the bed "shut up you" he smirks

"Are you gonna go to class today" "what time is it" "22:45" "are you" I say I say sliding my finger along his jaw line "nah I think I'm good" I smirk"ok that my que" "bye Pansy" I say kissing mattheo she closes the door I laugh a little "y/n what ...

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"Are you gonna go to class today" "what time is it" "22:45" "are you" I say I say sliding my finger along his jaw line "nah I think I'm good" I smirk
"ok that my que" "bye Pansy" I say kissing mattheo she closes the door I laugh a little "y/n what did happen"
"I really don't know" I look down
"if  your ok with it I could take a look" "oh uh yeah go ahead" I lie down on the bed he puts his finger on my temple "ou oh matt..eo it hurts"
"one more second princess" he let's go
He stands up "wait what did you see" he's walking up and down the room I grab his arm "hey what did you see" "Diggory" "who" "Cedric Diggory that fucking hufflepuff I'm gonna kill him"
"I don't understand why did you see him I haven't talked to him"
"he spiked you y/n" "what when
wait how I'm so confused sit down explain to me please" he sits down he slides a pece of my hair behind my ear "what did you see" I say holding his hand against my face
"he did something to you in herbology some sort of spell" "why didn't it affect me then do you think he was trying to" I rase my eye brows"don't even think about that y/n I got you"

I snuggle up to him and smile "I have never felt like this for anyone y/n" I look up at him "I love you too" He  Breathe in sharpley "what?was I not supposed to say that" i say sitting up I give a nervous smile"no one has ever said that to me y/n""well I gust did" he kisses me with passion he pulls away smiling"I'm still gonna fucking kill him dose he know who my father is" "alright draco" i laugh 

"know one knows about this except draco,Pansy and luna" "how the did lovegood find out" "She knew from my post" "oh and draco" "he was suspicious since the first party and I had to tell his so he would tell me Were he was" "and were was he" "fucking granger" "seriously granger? Didn't expect that" "Sameee" I lay back down on his chest one of his arms around me waist "tomorrow y/n we'll let everyone know then Diggory will see how bad he fucked up now grt some rest" he kisses the top of my head and wispers in my ear "I do love you y/n" I snuggle more into him

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now