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we appreciate to some double doors almost as fast as we left the doors open with a slight creek bellatrix walks in and we follow we walk through this massive castle like house to a nother set of double doors bellatrix bushes them open and stand to the side for us to go in mattheo walks in first

And I follow

"Mattheo. Y/n.  I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come we have saved you some seats" voldemort says in his gray dirty voice

We walk towards the table with others I sit next to a lady who looks awfully familiar but I can't quite remember where I know her from and mattheo by his father

"What an amazing surprise a girl of the snape blood line and my son brought together" I look at bellatrix who is sat opposite me she gives me a  Reassuring look

"ive heard differently, my lord. I have head that young y/n Snape here is indeednot with your son but with there's"
He says pointing towards the woman beside me "The malfoys"

Mattheo scoffs

"Silence yaxley" vildermort demands that how I know her dracos mum "this is a false accusation" my blood boiling to the sound of voice of my father I feel mattheo leg touching mine I smile how dose he know its like he is in my head

some gyes laugh "why on earth would that little plum like her be with any of these boys she to innocent" I look over at him giving him a death stair he laughter stops and he looks down I look at mattheo he has a smirk on his face I smile slightly "what about if we ask the girl" voldemort says looking at me mattheo pits his hand on my thigh I look at him he nods "draco is just a friend."
"And I'm not a sweet little plum i can be quite bitter and how dear juge me on how i look" I say looking at the gye called me a plum
A little time gose by and everyone leaves except bellatrix me mattheo the malfoys and voldemort little rat Peter pettigrew

"Miss snape you say your not so sweet let's prove that then" voldemort says pulling out his wand chair moves towards him the chair stops as Mattheo stands up "enough games father what do you want" voldemort stands up and walks towards me I stand up

voldemort grabs my face "how Disappointing a girl who has fallen for the rong boy" I try and wiggle out of his clasps he just titans his grip digging his nails into my face drawing blood

He let's go throwing my face to the side blood drippi g from my face mattheo tern to me and wipes the blood from my face he cinda just smudges it though "y/n the only way you can ever see my son again is if you agree to take on the dark mark as a  Sign of loyalty to my family" "she is not going to do that" mattheo say looking back at voldemort "maby a bit of incentive is needed. wormtail" mattheo stands infrot of me "crucio" mattheo falls to his knees he barely makes any noise
I think he is  Used to the pain "please stops please" tears start streaming down my face

"Please stop please I'll do ill do it please stop" he stops mattheo falls to the ground I fall to my knees I take his head in my lap "no y/n" "it's OK shhh" "it will be ok. I'll be ok" I say I leen down and kiss him "I love you"

I stand up wipe the tears from my face and walk towards voldemort he yanks my left arm pressing his finger down onto my arm it burns it burns like fire on my skin I close my eyes  but I don't make a sound I scrunch my face a little as he presses harder "dose that not hurt my dear" Bellatrix say "burns but I know how to hide it" the mark is complet I step back from him

Mattheo is still on the ground I run to him I fall to my knees he's passed out "mattheo hey mattheo" I shake him slightly he's not waking up "what did you do to him" tears streaming down my face 

"Please please mattheo please" I put my head on his chest I can't hear his Heart beet "no no no no please mattheo please" I kiss him "please" I wince into his chest sobing into his chest I feel a hand on my arm I look to see who it is
its dracos mum she Signals for bellatrix

Bellatrix takes me away I scream and  Squirm trying to brake her grasp and go back to mattheo but she doesn't let go "please please" dracos mum puts some sort of vile to mattheos nose as he gasps for air I brake away from bellatrix

And kneel beside him "are you ok" my eyes still stinging from crying he wipes my face he sits up pulling my face closer to his he kisses me I pull away
"I thought I had lost you" my voice slightly wessy from crying "i'd never leave you" I smile and kiss him again "never do that again" he chuckle
"I love you" he cups my face ripping one of my cuts open "ouch" it starts to bleed again "shit sorry" "it's fine don't worry" the blood trickles down my face

He looks down at my mark he takes my wrist and looks at it "did it hurt" I shake my head he runs his finger down my mark  "I'm sorry y/n" "no no don't be any way it's cinda pritty" I laugh

I stand up and walked towards voldemort "We are going now OK ok" I help mattheo up and bellatrix comes over and takes my hand We appreciate back to our doorm

my face is still kinda bleeding I bring mattheo to his bed "I'm so sorry y/n I had know idea that he wantedto do that" he pointsat my arm I smile slightly

"jet some rest I'm Donna go get theas sorted" I say pointing at my face I walk out of my room to the common room "Hey gyes how's it going" "oh my god y/n" "do you think you can fix me up"

I sit down on the couch "what in all fucks happened to you were is mattheo" "so it tears out that little old voldy needs a  Manicure" they laugh "oh and mattheo got crucioed and almost died hence the mascara situation" they all  laughs a little

Then go silent I see all of them looking at my arm "y/n" "what happened" draco takes my arm I pull it away "You have to tell us what happen"

*y/n tells them the hole story* I brake down "now I have this" I point at the mark
"Oh y/n" Pansy wraps her arms around me "We are here for you and mattheo" draco says putting your hand on my shoulder I stand up and hug him "if not for you mum I probably wouldn't be here right now please tell her thank you"

"Come on y/n let's get you fixed up"
She episkey all my cuts "now get some rest" I go up to bed change into some pj and get into bed an snuggle into mattheo "you alright princess" "yeah I'm all healed up" I smile and kiss his cheek "night" he's already asleep I laugh quietly

Y/n has been pritty fidgety all night I have been a ble to sleep at all the pain just a loop in my head when ever I close my eyes I leen my head against the head bord staring at the selling y/n screaming and yelling "please stop please I'll do it please" I shake her trying to wake her "y/n wake up" "wake up y/n please" she sits up fast  breathing rapidly "it's ok I'm hear" "I'm ok I'm fine im right hear" I say as she Berry's her head into my chest and start crying we lay back down my arms wrapped around her pulling her close after about half an hour she falls asleep again "I love y/n I'll never let anyone hurt you every again"

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now