the yule ball

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I'm getting ready when pansy walks in she's wearing a black and green flowey dress
*pansys dress*

I'm getting ready when pansy walks in she's wearing a black and green flowey dress *pansys dress*

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"Y/n you look amazing" she says looking me up and down "oh pans you look amazing"

*y/n outfit*

"Same Jewelry grate choice" she winks "now come on your boyfriend is waiting and you'll never guess who asked me" she grabs my are pulling me out of my room mattheos at the bottom of the staircase in a black suit

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"Same Jewelry grate choice" she winks "now come on your boyfriend is waiting and you'll never guess who asked me" she grabs my are pulling me out of my room mattheos at the bottom of the staircase in a black suit

he smiles as he see's me I blush a little and walk down he takes my hand "you look amazing y/n" "not to bad yourself riddle" he smiles I know he secretly loves it when I call him riddle we walk to the hall my arm linked with the other champion

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he smiles as he see's me I blush a little and walk down he takes my hand "you look amazing y/n" "not to bad yourself riddle" he smiles I know he secretly loves it when I call him riddle we walk to the hall my arm linked with the other champion

mattheo takes my hand "just like we practice" I nod and put my hand on his shoulder every thing in the room has fades only thing I'm thinking about is mattheo we keep eye contact the hole time his had going further down my back "hands Mr diddle" Magonagal says dancing past us he chuckles and brings his had back up I catch my dad looking at us from the corner of my eye I smirk and kiss him snape starts to walk towards us

Rock music starts to play making it impossible to get to us I smile and start dancing to the music

"Look what I have" I pull out the bottle of fire Wiskie "how did you fit that in your tiny purse" "it's a basic extension charm" "your so hot you know that?" He pulls me into a kiss I open the bottle and take a swig I hand it to his as dose he I c...

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"Look what I have" I pull out the bottle of fire Wiskie "how did you fit that in your tiny purse" "it's a basic extension charm" "your so hot you know that?" He pulls me into a kiss I open the bottle and take a swig I hand it to his as dose he I close it and put it back in my bag

He takes my had pulling me into him and wispers "do you want to get out of here" I nod as he guides me through the crowd "were are we going" I say laughing we grt to the top of the astronomy tower and sit down I take out the bottle of Wiskie and drink some I place it down between me and mattheo I take a deep breath of the  fresh air "so why did you want to leave" I say taking of my shoes

"just wanted some one on one with you" "yeah" I say sliding my finger along his jaw line making him face me I stradle him he takes my waist pulling me closer and kissing me "I love you y/n Snape I do love you more than any one" he says kissing down ne neck "I love you to I do so much" I say Bringing his lips back up to mine

I stand up pulling his up with me I kiss him again he pushes me up against a wall lifting one of my legs "y/n y/m/n Snape" mattheo let's go of me leg

still in front of me he pulls away but only by a few center meters his breath against mine I get ripped away by my wrist it's my dad "have you been following me" I say slightly swaying out of balance "y/n are you drunk" "nooooo I'm not drunk"

Snape looks at mattheo who is looking so confused my eyes widen telling him to play along he gets what I'm trying to say he stumbles and laughs I stumble and grab the Railing 'accidentally' kicking the bottle of fire Wiskie towards my father "your both drunk" I scoff then giggle

"to bed both of you now" he stamps his foot and points down the stairs he grabs mattheo collar "ill be speaking to the both of you in the morning when you're sober"  I nock my fathers hand of mattheos "Come on I'm tired" I grab my shoes and purse pushing past Snape i take mattheo hand and start walking down the stairs

tow floors down I pull mattheo through a door "whow y/n  what are you doin-" I kiss him   cutting him off he pulls away "You know y/n you should me a actress that was very believable" "not to bad yourself he totally fell for it" "he's such a dick" I say rolling my eyes he kisses me again "do you want to go tow the three broomsticks everyone is going" "yeah sure were going to have to seek past my dad" I open the door it slightly creeks "shhhh" "ok ok" my father walks past

we swing around the corner mattheo pushed up against me he smirks i pit my finger to his mouth
And mouth come on I take his hand opening the door a little more we slide out of the door I run down the stairs "y/n get back here right now" "run" I say letting go of mattheos hand
We run down the stairs along the corridors I reach into my bag still running I grab a pair of flats I stop sliding then on "come on y/n" we run out side to the three broomsticks

everyone is already there "y/n I thought you and mattheo had ran off somewhere" Pansy comes over handing me a drink

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now