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We are sat out side of Dumbledoors office separated by a brown cabinet

*like in the pic above*

"I never did ask how you know bellatrix and dracos mum" "my father has always been close with them dracos mum would baby sit me when I was younger and Bella would be round out house all the time she became like a mother figure after my mother died" "oh I'm sorry I didn't known" "it's fine. What about your mum you don't really talk about her" "bellatrix is my mum" "oh ok" "but she wasn't around when I was younger"
"oh I'm so sorry I- um" I realised what I have said I look down "hey" he is on his knees infront of me he lifts my head
"I'm so sorry what I said is so insensitive"
"No no you didn't know" Dumbledoors footsteps can be heard getting closer "don't say any names that will just make everything a lot worse" I nod he gose to kiss me "back in your seet riddle" Dumbledoor says walking toward us he kisses my forhead quickly then gose back to his seet

"miss snape and Mr riddle will you please
Join me in my office" we both stand up and follow him into his office

He sits down behind his desk pointing towards tow chairs infront of his desk we sit "explain yourselfs when where and why" he looks at me "The night befor the last task my father told he that shall not be named about mattheo and I so then the dark lord wanted to meet me and said I didn't have a choice and then when I was there he used the crucio curs on mattheo and he said if I don't take on the mark well he would kill"

I point at mattheo tears streaming down my face no longer able to speek I crumble down into my chair mattheo puts his arm around me pulling me in I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck still sobing


I pull y/n into me she distort I stroke her hair trying to calm I look up to Dumbledoors who is looking quite confused "and you Mr riddle" "my father made me take the mark just befor the assembly about the wizarding tournament" y/n removes her he'd from my neck wiping her eyes then looking back to Dumbledoors "I need you tow to be complete honest with me" We both nod "are you hear to spy or act in a unwanted way" we both shake our heads
"Would you mind if we used a veritaserum potion just to make sure"
y/n nods and I just shrug

He hands us to drinks I take a sip first then y/n dose "are you doing the dark Lords evil bidding" "no" we say at the same time Dumbledoors looks slightly surprised "and if something were to happen who's side would you be on" "yours" y/n says Dumbledoors looks over to me "The side that y/n is on" I look at her and smile slightly he gives a suspicious look "I don't want to hurt anyone"

"This might be a step to far and I know you are only young but I have to ask" we both just look ahead "ok well will you report what his plans are since snape is compromised" I look to y/n to get a answer but she doesn't react
"miss snape" Dumbledoor clicks his fingers infrot on her face she doesn't react "do you think we could talk about this later it's late" I take her hand and walk out of Dumbledoors office

"Shhhhit" I slide down the wall sitting down on the floor "I'm sorry mattheo I didn't know what to say" "hey no it's fine"
He sits down infrot of me and cups my face "you did grate" he kisses me

It's dark out "what time is it" I say as I stand up from the ground mattheo stands up he takes out his phone
"its 4:30am" "jeezz we were in there for way to long" " y/n do you want to go back to the doorm or go to the astronomy tower" I smile and take his hand and run through the rain to the astronomy tower

We reach the top the wind blowing rain through the tower our hair drenched and clothes drenched I smile and take mattheo by his shirt pulling him closer and kiss him "i love you y/n" I smile and kiss him again "I love you to"

We sit on the side off the astronomy tower with our legs dangling of the side my hand in his as we watch the sun rise

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now