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I wake up and sit up straight away "ugh" I hold my head I gess I had a lot to drink I look over to the other beds there all empty i check the time "oh shit I missed breakfast" it's 10 I get in the shower still in my dress I sit down in it not really looking around me
I put my head against the wall an open my eyes "you alright there love" I jump I look over mattheo is standing over me with just a towel around his waist I can see his v-line I stand up my eyes slowly working there way up his god like body "my eye are up hear princess" I soot my eyes to his
he smirking he moves a stand of hair out of my face "you know when you go in the shower you not sopost to have you clothes on" he smirks again "I just trying to sober up how are you not still drunk I swear you drank move than Me" he hands me a vile of clear liquid "what is it" "that will sober you up" he says walking away I take it like a shot I tern around and tern off the shower I look in the mirror my mackup har run 'omg he saw me like this' I get back in the shower this time with out clothes and wash my face I step out and wrap a towel around my self I walk back into the room mattheo is laid on my bed I smile and go to my case and take out some gray joggrs and a
Whit crop top I go back to the bathroom and change "shit I forgot my bra oh well" I put my hair up in a bun

I wake up and sit up straight away "ugh" I hold my head I gess I had a lot to drink I look over to the other beds there all empty i check the time "oh shit I missed breakfast" it's 10 I get in the shower still in my dress I sit down in it not real...

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And walk out of the bathroom mattheo sits up "wow" he wispers I giggle and walk over to my bed I sit down next to him the smell of Cigarettes and colone fill my nose I smile and lay down i just look at the selling he lays don beside me I feel him looking at me "so y/n about last night" I look at him confused he looks kinda sad "wait what about last night. Wait did we" "no no y/n we didn't" I sigh in relief he looks surprised and kind of offened "no not that I don't want to wait not that I do ugh" I slap my hand over my mouth as I realised what I said he smirks "ok so if we didn't you know what are you talking about" I pick up my phone 7 missed calls from dad and my phones about to die"shit I have to go ill be back I swear" I run out the door to my dad's office "y/n where were you" "sorry I over slept" "what by 3 hours" "yeah" I say sraching the back of my neck "anyway y/n who are you in a dorm with" "oh yeah um I'm with Pansy parkinson" I lie to him if he knew who I was really with he would be pissed "Oh good she is a nice one" "yeah uh she's so nice but dad I really need to go I haven't unpacked" I say going out the door"y/n wait you need your robes" "yeah thanks dad bye" I grab the bag and run back to my room

"your still here" "you said you'd be back" "ok so what did we do if not you know" "we made out a lot in front of everyone" "everyone shiiit if my dad finds out he will kill you let alone me"

 "he won't do anything to hurt you" "why would your death hurt me iv know you for like 5 minutes" "oh wow I see how it is" I laugh

"hey y/n" "yeah" "can I do something" "that depends on what" "trust me ok" he puts his fingers on my temples memories flicker back

"How did you do that" "magic" he smiles then he leens in kissing me "y/n are you in there" "shit its Pansy" I wisper  as i pull away"ignore her" he says leaning in again she knocks again "give me a second" I say slowly leaving his lips he huffs an...

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"How did you do that" "magic" he smiles then he leens in kissing me "y/n are you in there" "shit its Pansy" I wisper  as i pull away"ignore her" he says leaning in again she knocks again "give me a second" I say slowly leaving his lips he huffs and flops onto the bed I open the door and Pansy bursts in "oh my god y/n" she stops looks at mattheo and back at me"Am I intrupting something thing" "actually-" "no no nothing" I say cutting him off "y/n you haven't even unpacked what did you do yesterday" She says piking up my case "I um I was-" "she was at the party" mattheo says I smile at him "well y/n you need to unpack today we have lessons tomorrow" "ok I will I promise" "I can help if you need" "um no I think I'm all good" "it must suck having to share with the boys" she says giving mattheo a dirty look "yeah um yeah it sucks" I say as she walks out the room I tern around to she mattheo holding his heart and fall back I laugh at him

I start taking out my clothes and putting them away mattheos arms wrap around my waist he picks me up and carries me to my bed he plops me down and starts kissing my neck leving little love bites I breathe in sharply "wait I have only kown you for like a day and i need to get unpacked" "nooo" he wispers into my ear I get up and look through the bag with my uniform in it I pull out my skirt "when do we have to were theas" he looks over to me "I don't were skirt" he laugh at his own joke "no I mean the uniform" "yeah I know what you meant" "and" "we were it when we have to go to the hall that it bacicly but they do prefer you to were your colours but we mostly were black" "thanks"I continue unpacking
Time skips to 1

We are in the common room drinking and smoking just chilling mattheo to my left and Pansy to my right Draco
and theo opposite

"So y/n how dose your dad feel that your in a room with riddle and theo" I smile nervously "so about that. I didn't tell him" there eyes open wide except theos bc he is already baked "I told him I was with Pansy" "I like this girl" theo says "oh y/n your in shit" mattheo chuckles 

"oh I know" I say putting my head on mattheos lap and my legs over Pansy lap I take the joint out of mattheos hand and put it in my mouth breathing it in and blowing it out slowly and hand it back to him "sorry pans I kinda through you in it" "no it's fine I'll lie for you" "thanks babes"

my eyes start to get heavy I close my eyes mattheo bounce his leg "don't fall asleep on me" I open my eyes "I won't" "good" "she is gonna fall asleep" "shut up theo no I won't" I flip him off he chuckles "hey give me that"
"NO it's mine" "theo stop being a dick and give me the drink" Pansy snatches it from him takes a swig and then hands it to me "see how hard was that" I drink some theo takes it back I laugh at him
Half an hour later

My eyes are getting heavy I close them and slitley snuggle into mattheo


"Oh for fuck sake y/n"
everyone's looking at me to see what I'm gonna do about y/n falling asleep on me "aww look at that mattheo has a soft spot for y/n" he laugh "shut up theo" I pick her up and carrie her to her room I place her in her bed and cover her with her blankets "goodnight y/n" I kiss her for head and go back down stairs
3AM still mattheos pov

Theo is totally smashed he stumbles into our room and nock over one of
y/n perfume bottles she sits up with a scear "hey sorry y/n theo is smashed" "no it's fine you gyes what did he brake" "um one of your perfumes I think" "that's my favourite one dam it theo" she stands up and picks up the broken glass "y/n don't you'll-"
"ouch fuck shit ouch" I drop theo and grab her hand "that's deep one sec let me" I pull out my wand and hold it above her cut "episkey" the cut dispers "thank you" she smiles and gose to pick up more of the glass I grab her rist "ill do it is fine go back to bed" "no it's fine I can do it" "it's fine iv got it good night y/n" "night" she gose over to her draws and grabs some pajamas and changes right in front of me I look away as she changes

Theo is totally smashed he stumbles into our room and nock over one of y/n perfume bottles she sits up with a scear "hey sorry y/n theo is smashed" "no it's fine you gyes what did he brake" "um one of your perfumes I think" "that's my favourite on...

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and gets into bed

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now