the plan pt2

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She's speech less

"Y/n?" She looks away "come on hermione we all know that they use you there not good friends" she looks at me knowing I'm right "yes we might from the rong side of the tracks and we are slytherin but we are a family and we respect each other" were all looking at theo eyes wide in amazement that he just said something so inspirational

I put my hand over my mouth holding in my laugh I let out a little laugh I put my head in mattheo chest he puts his head into my shoulders and he laughs and I laugh into his chest

I feel Every one looking at us I leave mattheos chest "are you tow laughing right now" draco rases his eye brows I shake my head "nah I wouldn't" trying not to laugh again


Half a hour late
  (hermione calmed down and said she is going to be hanging out with us and that her 'friends' were just using her)

"Crazy idea" every one looks at me
"let's leave" they raise there eye brows "leave?" "Let's leave tonight" "and go were" "mine my dad will be hear so we will have the hole house to our selvs we just have to escape" mattheo has his smirk plastered onto his face and Pansy is getting all jumpy meaning they wants to so just draco ,blasil and hermione

(obviously theo wants to)

"How will we get out" blasil ask's draco nuging him in the stomach making him grab his side "don't encourage them" I ignored his comment and start speaking

"So I was thinking since Harry is gon and hermione knows what room his is in she could get his invisibility robe"

"OR we could just sneek out the old fashion way it's just finch we would have to worry about"

"She has really has put a lot of thought into this" theo says smirking at me
"I do like this girl"

"I mean I'm down"

We all look to draco he is the only one who hasn't said anything "your gonna let us go into the muggle world with out you" I raise my eye brows at him "fine im down"
"I'm not stealing from Harry tho" " alright old fashion way it is"

"Go get your back packs or something like that" they all go to there rooms and grab a bag of sort I put a extension spell on them

"Now go pack"
We all go to our rooms to pack

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now