First day of class

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I wake up there is a small little pink box on my bed side table I open it,it's my perfume the one theo broke I smile at the note MR x i grab my phone the time is 9:30 "shit I have half a hour befor class I jump up and get ready

I wake up there is a small little pink box on my bed side table I open it,it's my perfume the one theo broke I smile at the note MR x i grab my phone the time is 9:30 "shit I have half a hour befor class I jump up and get ready

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(Y/n wears this)

I run out of the common room my first class is potions I get to the class door I spray some of the perfume and walk in all the student are along the room waiting to be seated "y/n your late" "sorry da- professor it won't happen again" "good now this year you have been given a set setting from Dumbledoor I have had no say in this ok first tow" I look around the room for mattheo I lock eyes with him across the classroom I smile and mouth "thank you" he winks at me
"y/n your next to mattheo riddle" he looks so mad I walk over to the seet and sit next to mattheo "hey there" "hey" Snape slaps his cane on the desk
"NO talking" "i like that perfume" he wispers quietly I smile and blush
Later in the class

"Y/n do do think that is a appropriate outfit for school" my dad wispers in my ear "she is wearing the same thing" I rase my voice pointing at a nother slytherin "not its a bad thing I love it you look great" I smile at her

"Y/n do do think that is a appropriate outfit for school" my dad wispers in my ear "she is wearing the same thing" I rase my voice pointing at a nother slytherin "not its a bad thing I love it you look great" I smile at her

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I look over at mattheo "how did you not see it yesterday" he wispers "my phone was dead" "seems ginny don't like me" I giggle "miss Snape" Snape yells "yes dad" the hole class go silent "I said no talking" "oh sorry dad" I say sarcastically matthe...

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I look over at mattheo "how did you not see it yesterday" he wispers "my phone was dead" "seems ginny don't like me" I giggle "miss Snape" Snape yells "yes dad" the hole class go silent "I said no talking" "oh sorry dad" I say sarcastically mattheo chuckles "something funny riddle" "no sir" "detention Mr riddle" "for wha-" I stand up on the table and start "y/n what are you doing" then I jump to another table then of the table walk over to Pansy and kiss her "what you gonna do about it dad" i say wilst my dads head looks like its going to explode the class cheers as I bow and walk out I tern round "ill see you at lunch" I wink at matheo and walk out
Time skips to lunch

I walk into my dad's office he looks soo angry I slide into the seet next to mattheo "evening father" "what do you think you are doing" "what do you mean" "dancing provicodevly kissing girls and talking back to me infrot of everyone in my class" "I wasn't just going to let you give him a detention because your pissed because he has been sat next to me and I'm speaking to him it's unfair and crool you know me dad you know that I can't just sit and watch things like that happen and I'm sorry that I imbarist you but I couldn't just sit there" he looks cinda speechless "miss snape and Mr riddle your may leave" I stand up and walk out mattheo not far behind me I push open the doors and walk out the doors shut behind him "wow y/n that was badass" "thanks" "you know you didn't have to do that" "what"
"Embarrass yourself infront of everyone" "oh no that wasn't embarrassing that's just shows everyone who I am" he laughs

"hey odd question do you want to bunk the next tow periods" "on my first day of school how irisponsible of me course" I grab his hand and take him to the roof "hear want one" he gesture a box of Cigarettes "sure" I take on and put it in my mouth "you have a light" he takes out a little silver lighter "thanks" "what lesson are you skipping now" "charms" "wait same give me your time table" "we literally have the same lessons" he laughs

the door slams I jump my dad walks over and takes the cigg out of my mouth and throws it on the floor "skipping class now and with him" "it's just charms" "oh charms that's makes it better and your smoking" "ok dad listen I'm am me what do you expect and I'm 17 I'm braking rules why because I can and yeah maby I shouldn't but I did/am so sorry but why are you following me around it's weird" "I'm looking out for you y/n"
"I don't need you to dad I'm a woman now I can take care of myself" he steps closer mattheo steps in front of me "I think you should go now sir" he leaves mattheo turns around "you ok" I wrap my arms around him he seems to freeze a little but then puts his arms around me I imbrace him
"I'm hear for you y/n" "thank you" "hey what about a party help me get my mind of things" "what ever you want." "I like partying with you"

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now