umbridges takeover

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SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR A LONG WILE I DIDN'T KNOW WERE TO GO JUST A BIT OF WRITERS BLOCK 😅 BUT IM BACK NOW 🥰 also there is a mention of blood so if that might trigger you ill put this emoji above the part ⚠️


at this point umbridge has bacicly taken over the hole school it  Ridiculous considering the fact I saw a first year crying in the corridors yesterday and blood dripping from his hand and I couldn't even comfort him because of umbridges new fucking rule no boy or girls allowed closer then 8 inches

the amount of scars on students hads let alone mine and mattheos it seems like she is all ways there or she just especially hated us she even put a spell on the stairs so girls can't go into the boys rooms luckily for me I have to go in because it's my room tow umbridge wasn't happy about that and so told my dick of a dad and so now he knows wich is grate and also he is loving the new no girls near boys rule dick

Anyway im sat in charms now next to luna and hermione i dont mined because there both quite sweet

luna she's telling me about her and ginny and how they are Seacretly going out and how much she really actually likes her and how nice ginny is to her
"y/n are you ok" Iv spaced out she nuges me I jump slightly "no yeah I'm fine" I smile slightly "sooo how are you and mattheo" she questions "well except from umbridge making it difficult to be with him good I really do like him" "and I think he really dose like you" she gesture with her head to mattheo who's now on the other side of the class he's looking at me I smile "he dose that all lessons you know" her saying that makes me smile even more

"how did you do it" hermione say
"do what?" "He hasn't had any intrest in a girl all the years of being hear and then you appear out of nowhere and he loves straight away" "oh um I don't really know it just happend I gess" "out off eveyone here why him" I look at her "out of eveyone why draco" I k ow that was a bitchy thing to say but it had to be said "I did it to get to someone" my mouth falls open "who"

"It didn't work" she looks away
"that doesn't answer my question" she comes closer to me and wispers into my ear "Pansy" I shreek "miss snape quite" "sorry sir" I forgot we were in class
"oh my god i knew it" see the thing I knew and she didn't is that Pansy was avoiding draco because it was weard them being together like that after so long also she hated having sex with him soooo yeah

I nuge her "wanna do something fun" "depends" "ok do you want to make her jealous" I gesture to Pansy her face lights up and she nods "ok" I tell her my plan and she agrees I get luna I on it to
"Are you sure mattheo won't mind"
"no it will be fine"

Next minutes she is stood on the table dancing to the music luna has put on she pulls me up onto the table

"miss granger miss snape get down" sir commands every one is lookingat us mattheo mouths "what are you doing" I just smirk "now" I nod she takes my face in her hands pulling me closer and kissing me the kiss gets broken by me getting pulled of the...

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"miss granger miss snape get down" sir commands every one is lookingat us mattheo mouths "what are you doing" I just smirk "now" I nod she takes my face in her hands pulling me closer and kissing me the kiss gets broken by me getting pulled of the table by mattheo he flings me over his shoulder and walks out the class room he puts me down just out side the class door

"Now what do you think your doing" he says with a smirk pining me against the wall "other girls get kisses but I don't" I smirk and kiss him I wrap my arms around his neck "of course you do" I say after pulling away I kiss him again "so what were you actually doing" "making Pansy jealous" he rases his eye brows "hermione likes her" "oh ok" he leans down to kiss me again but gets flung across the hall I look over to him he's bleeding "what the fuc-" "language snape" grate umbridge caught us "he's bleeding you bitch" I go to mattheo checking his head she flings me away from mattheo "this bitch" I mutter under my breath I stand up I pull my wand out from my waist band "expelliarmas" her wand flys towards me and I catch it
"you won't be causing and more harm on this school"

Hermione sneeks out the class room her back to us as she steps out of the classroom"I was coming to check it you to were ok" she tern around to me holding umbridge wand and mattheo bleeding still but he's stood next to me "what on earth have you been doing"

"ah just the person I needed miss granger please tell your head teacher about this immediately and get her Expelled" hermione looks at her with a discussed look "what are we doing with her" a  Mysterious grin creeps onto my face

(A few days earlier Hagrid showed me and hermione his brother because he's afraid he'll get fired and his brother would be all alone)

We are stood with grawp he doesn't seem to like umbridge but who dose
"y/n what are we going to do" hermione questions I put my finger up the noise of hooves can be heard the floor slightly shaking sounding like thunder umbridge hides behind me "um no" I say as I Shove her towards them "what is that y/n" mattheo wispers in my ear "sentars" I smirk

The sentars drag her away "y/n we just" hermione says she seems off "she'll be fine" mattheo says trying to make the best of the situation I try not to smile but I do I definitely do that bitch deserves it

We get back to the castle and go to the common rooms not really taking to each other hermione gose back common room

I sit down on the couchs in the common room with a flop and mattheo sits next to me I look over at him noticing his head I move closer "oh mattheo your head"
"it's nothing" he says slightly pushing my hand away "please let me help"


"There is blood in your hair you need to wash it out at least" I nuge him "in the shower?" "Well we're else" "ill only go if you come with me" I roll my eyes laughing i take his had and leading him up stairs back to our room We walk in and theo is fucking a ravenclaw in my bed I tearn around pushing mattheo out as quietly as possible I close the door and gag "ewww that my bed" I say pretending to cry mattheo smirks "don't laugh at me" I push him

"Were do we go now" "well we're do they go" he looks at me with a smirk I push past him going down stairs to the common room he follows not to long after me

He takes my hand leading me out off the common room "mattheo were are we going it's pass curfew" "shhhush you'll get us caught" I follow him quietly he opens a door pulling me in to
"the prefects bathroom" I look at him smirking

Once again I'm sorry for not posting for a long time I just had no motivation to write but I do now and I'm really looking forward to write more pages and I think you know what's coming next 😉
I hope you are enjoying it so far and thank you for 100+ views/reads
(I don't do it for the views or reads I do it because I love to write) just though I should say that 😘😘😘

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