the prefects bathroom

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Just before you read the next part this it the class scedual I might go off it a little but it should stick to it just about

*MATTHEO has the same lessons again of course😊🥰*Warning mentions of blood and knifes ill put this emoji when it's mentioned then when it's done (⚠️)

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*MATTHEO has the same lessons again of course😊🥰*
Warning mentions of blood and knifes ill put this emoji when it's mentioned then when it's done (⚠️)

We are in the bathroom its more like a pool but whatever he terns on the water the bubbles come out in all different colours he comes back over to me pulling me closer by the waist smirking down on me soon smashing his lips into my running his hands up my shirt his cold rings sliding up my back

Ripping of our clothes we walk down the steps into the bath pulling me into him more kissing down my neck our legs intertwined we move move over towards a wall he gently pushes me against the wall running his wands up my body and cupping my face he pulls away slightly "I love you y/n" I smile as I kiss him again "I love you to" I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer

*Blood* ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Mattheo slips between my legs he's a close as fiscally possible i wrap my legs around him I bite his lip pulling away shit he's bleeding I didn't mean to- he wipes the blood with his thumb smirking he wispers the blood on my lips kissing me again he's tongue slides into my mouth the tast of iron fills my mouth


He lifts me up onto on of the steps kissing down my body then down my thigh he look up at me for reassurance I nod and he smirks

He makes little circles with his tongue around my clit ever so slightly I gasp leaning my head back holding onto the step I was sat on about 2 minutes he stops I lift my head up in wonder of what he is going to do

next thing I know he puts his in without a warning I breathe in sharply he locks his lips with mine both fighting for dominance he gives in surprisingly he starts going faster making me moan slightly I grab onto his shoulders his hands on my hips keeping me as still as possible considering he is rayaling me harder than ever before I feel my legs shaking

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I moan and he growns he puts his head on my shoulder as he pulls out then pulling me in my my hips "I..think that...was the best..I have ever...had" I say between breaths he smirks looking me straight in the eyes he puts his tongue into his cheek looking me up and down "think?" He says with lustfull eyes

I smirk running my hands up his body to his cheeks pulling him in and kissing him "definitely" I wisper into his ear "your mine" he says kissing just below my ear he gets out the bath going over to our pile of clothes grabbing something and coming back over
"your mine" "yeah?" I question teasing him he shows what's in his hand its a small ish silver pocket knife he places the plade over my lip I just look straight in the eyes I know he won't hurt me to bad "do you trust me" he says bringing the blade lower I nod and he stop just below my collar bone he starts carving into my skin it stings a little but I have been through worst bloo dripping down my body into the water ⚠️

I seen in the reflection of the water after splashing it with water "You marked me?" I say as I his Initial's carved into my skin "why?you can only mark one person" all my insecurities and anxietys fill my head

I seen in the reflection of the water after splashing it with water "You marked me?" I say as I his Initial's carved into my skin "why?you can only mark one person" all my insecurities and anxietys fill my head

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'it's a joke'
'he hates me'
'I hate me'
'How could he like you if you don't like you'
'He hates me'
'It's a joke'
'Your ugly'

i get out of the bath put on my underwear and his shirt wiping away tears that started to form in my eyes walk over to the mirror he looks at me quite confused "why waist it on me" I say looking at in the mirror he comes up behind me he's got his joggers on I look at him through the mirror
"You shouldn't think like that" he puts his arms around my waist "think like what?"

I tern around to face him his arms still around me he rase his eye brows

"I don't hate you your the most smart intelligent strongest girl I have ever met your not Fat or ugly your the most beautiful sexy hot young woman I have ever met and I love you more than you could ever know i'll all way be with unless you want me to leave I won't ever" a tear falls down my cheek butterfly's fill my stomach and my cheeks go all warm

'He loves me he actually loves me one of the only people in the world that I love and he actually dose love me like he actually loves me'

He pulls me I to his chest snapping me out of my thoughts "so you can like see and hear all my thoughts" I say muffled into his chest "When I want to" "I can feel your smirk from hear"

"I love you" "I love you to" I move back from him "you do know what this means right riddle" I pull the shirt down to show the mark he shrugs and walk to the left over clothes and shoes on the ground
"You don't know do you" I say looking at him "can I have my shirt"

"you don't know what it means" I laugh "it's bacicly like the unbreakable vow but with love it will get infected and I could die like if your or my intentions are wrong or if one of us cheats but if it heals it will just be a scar bacicly proof of our love you'll get one to in the same place but my my initials" "you can die" "well I mean yeah but I won't"
I smile he gives me a kiss on the cheek

"Can I have my shirt now" I shake my head looking in the mirror at mattheos initial "what you want me to were this" he holds up my shirt

"Can I have my shirt now" I shake my head looking in the mirror at mattheos initial "what you want me to were this" he holds up my shirt

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"I bet you'd look quite pritty" he laughs I walk over to him taking of his shirt and putting on mine then the rest of my clothes on

Thank you gyes for all the reads 131 🥳🤯
It means so much to me thank you hope you have enjoyed so far 😏🤭 love ya

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