the blacks

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I  Stayed with serious black over the summer I didn't see much of my friends or mattheo he said it wouldn't be safe if I stade with him and for obvious reasons I didn't want to stay with my father so I stade with serious but most of the time I was on my own sometimes bellatrix would pop in and tell me what happening with mattheo bot it been weeks now without any news

Recently serious hes been in lots of meetings with other people from the Order the weasleys were here And so was hermione  They wouldn't last listens to what they were saying in the meetings apparently we were too young to know or understand Which is ridiculous considering what we have been through

one day not to long after the weasleys and hermione got hear harry walked through the door with the bustling of other people I'm guessing also from the Order he gose to go into the room with the people from the Order but  Mrs weasley comes out and close the door behind her "oh harry heavens your all right" she hugs him

im stood on the stairs "go on harry straight upstairs first door on the left I chuckle as he walks past me
"your girlfriend hasn't stopped talking about you" "my what" he terns around looking at me quite confused "ginny"
He rolls his eyes

"Come on then potter I'll show you your room" I say walking infrot of him I open his door and walk into his room and sitting on his bed "so I have heard your getting  Expelled" " I bet malfoys happy" he snarls "I haven't umm actually talked to him" he looks at me cinda 

"what are you doing here anyway I thought you'd be with your boyfriend or Pansy or something" "yeah well since I got this" I gesture "no ones perance wants anything to do with me" "but mattheo has one his self" "yeah well he doesn't want me any were near his dad so yeah" "oh I'm sorry y/-" hermione and Ron berst through the door hermione gives me a dirty look then wraps her arms around harry "are you alright we overhear them talking about a dementor
Attack you must tell us everything"
"you have to let him breathe hermione" Ron says chucking "they can't expell you"

"Jesus hermione give him a brake" I say flopping back onto the bed
"oh shut it y/n" "whow I get it your all stuck up because draco dumbed you but seriously you don't want to mess with me" "oh what are you you gonna do y/n get your psycho boyfriend on Me like you did Diggory befor he died"
"Diggory tried to rape he hermione" I say tears start to fill my eyes I storm out "that was a bit harsh hermione" I hear harry say befor I close my door

About half an hour later George and Fred appear in my room "Hey y/n do you want to hear something interesting" I smile and not we go out into the hall and dangle this sort of ward ear walke talke
Ginny Ron harry and hermione are there to

"How touchingly paternal black sopost you think of my daughter as your own to"
"Your dad is part of the order" harry wispers looking at me "hes a wanker"
I roll my eyes "perhaps y/n and potter will grow up to be felons like you" "now you stay out of this snivellus" someone says

Hermione stupid cat start biting the other end of the ear and then rips it off
"I hate your bloody cat hermione" Ron says he i giggle "bad crookshanks" the door open and molly comes out "come on you lot we are eating down in the kitchen

We are all just talking when harry sees his picture in the paper "rhere smearing anyone who claims the dark lord has returned" "we know from lovely y/n that voldemort is planning to bild up his army again" serious says as eveyone look at me "We believe voldemort may be after something he didn't have last time"
"like a weapon" "no that's enough hes just a boy" molly says taking away the news paper "you say much more and you might as well induct him into the Order" "good I want to join. If voldemort raising a army then I want to fight"

It's about 4 in the morning when I wake up to some noises I open my eyes to see mattheo "oh my god" I jump out of bed and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss "I missed you so much" "I missed you to princess" I kiss him again he sits down beside me
"what are you doing hear" "I'm going to stay with you now" "what? but I thought you would be able to I thought we were meeting on the train" "that was the plan but I can't stand to be away from you any longer" I smirk and kiss him again
"oh I missed you so much"

Were on the train in at the table we said we would meet each other Pansy comes over I hug her "it's so nice to see you again y/n it's been to long" draco not long after I hug him tight "happy birthday for you know like 5 day ago" he smiles slightly "thanks y/n" a tall boy is stood behind draco like a shadow I step back from draco "oh y/n meet blasis and blaise meet y/n" he looks me up and down and sort of smirks I sit next to mattheo blaise draco and Pansy opposite us mattheo puts his arm around me "look at that the hole squad back together again" theo says sitting next to me "plus him" he looks to blaise "hi I'm blase zabin nice to meet you" he puts his hand out "yeah nice to met you mate" theo rejects his hand by lightning a joint he takes a hit and offers it to me "thank you cind sir" he laughs as I take the joint putting it into my mouth taking a hit and then breathing it out slowly
"ugh I have missed that" the rest of the way we all talk about our summers and get to know blaise

We arrive at the station we walk past potter and his friends "I'm surprised the ministry sill letting you walk around free potter" draco say with a cocky tone
"I expect there's a cell in azkaban with your name on it" draco spits harrl lunges ant draco but Ron holds him back
"what did I tell you? Complete nutter" he says to blaise "stay away from me" harry yells we all laugh as we walk away from them hermione giving me her usual dirty look and of course I fip her off We get into our carriage and it takes us to castle

We enter the grate hall and eat dinner chatting with the other slytherins when mattheo slids his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him "are you ok" he asks me "yeah I'm fine why do you ask is something wrong" he shakes his head I think he can tell that I'm a bit over welmd it's the first time in a long time were I have spoken to people it a bit over welming "how do you know" "know what"
"You always seem to know when something is up with me" "so there is something up" "yeah but how do you know" he shrugs "I don't know I just do"

"Good evening children now we have tow changes in staffing this year we're pleased to welcome back professor grubby-plank who will be taking care of magical creatures wilst Harris is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome out new defence against the dark arts teacher professor Delores umbridge" a lady in pink stands up basically pushing Dumbledoor of of his pedestal and she starts speaking

"thank you,headmaster,for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me" I look around no one is smiling "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends" "I doubt that" Pansy wispers over to me "The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved perfect what can be perfected and prune practice that ought to be prohibited"

She giggles then walks back to her seet I look around to mattheo "what is her problem" I say mattheo smirks "what a load of bull shit" draco says looking at Pansy "what dose it mean" I say  "it means the ministry's interfering at hogwarts" theo says looking over at the pink lady

We all go back to the common room and sit on the couchs "can't do magic in the corridors it like we're turning into a muggle school" draco scowls as he puts his arm around Pansy "so are you tow a thing now I see how you look at each other" Pansy gose red "I knew it" theo says slightly yelling "chill out theo and yeah I asked her out to the yule ball and since then we have got closer" I laugh "your perfect together"

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