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so y/n pottah 🤮 sorry no y/n riddle 💞 ???
Good twist tho anyway hope your enjoying so far idk how far I'll take it tho
Are you bored yet?
Any ideas would be appreciated 💋
And y/n is a pure blood 😛

How the fuck is y/n so ok with this she's related to pottah eeewww and how did hermione figure it out smart bich anyway it about half a hour since y/n found out and mattheo hasn't left her side since I mean he doesn't leave her anyway but he's a specially clinging I think he feels bad

Izzy sits down next to me "Can you explain what happened to y/n mum and who she is I'm so confused" "the pottahs probably the 2nd most famous wizarding family 1st the riddles voldemort/voldy and his son mattheo riddle" I point to mattheo "voldemort killed lily and James but failed to kill harry he gose to hogwarts now anyway lily was brave and fought voldemort as best as she could but he was . Is . to powerful and he killed her"

"She was murdered?"

Y/n comes over mattheo close behind her
"Come on the waters lovely" she takes my hand pulling me from the ground


now everyone is in the water
my family the only people I can trust with me how luck am I

Mattheo wraps his arms around my waist putting his head on my shoulder

"I love you"

"I love you more" "I can't lose you y/n"
"you won't" "bu-"
"there's no but's ok me and you for ever"
I tern to face him i take his face in my hands pulling him closer and kissing him my arms around his neck he pulls me close to him he smiles into the kiss

Draco splashes us with water "get a room"
We pull away laughing "idiot" I splash him he screams falling back fully submerging into the water

He comes back up with a splash "how dear you" we all laugh at draco "your such a drama queen

Time skips half a hour

We all sat on the large rock chatting I put my shirt back on because it was getting cold Mattheos inbetween my legs and I'm playing with his hair

"So izzy how did you find out you were a witch and who did you get it from"
she smiles
"so basically I got really angry at school and made the toilet and sinks explode is when my nan realised and I got it from my grandma on my mums side but both of my parents are muggles I got my letter about a week after what happend at school and I also got Expelled from my muggle school"

"Well I'm happy that your coming" draco says "ooohhh" he gives me a death stare I laugh "she's gay babes" draco gose all red and Pansys face lights up (wtf anyway) hermione looks at me with sad eyes 'shit' l grabbing my phone trying not to move to much because mattheo has fallen asleep on me

"Well I'm happy that your coming" draco says "ooohhh" he gives me a death stare I laugh "she's gay babes" draco gose all red and Pansys face lights up (wtf anyway) hermione looks at me with sad eyes 'shit' l grabbing my phone trying not to move to...

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Evey one has left but mattheo is still asleep so I'm stuckI need to talk to him he has to know

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Evey one has left but mattheo is still asleep so I'm stuck
I need to talk to him
he has to know

About 10 minutes later mattheo wakes up "morning sleepy head" he looks around and sees evey one is gone back to the sandy area he smiles and looks up at me still between my legs he give me that look you know the look 'I want you'

(You know this one)

I laugh a little I sit up so hes looking up at me "you know you have I'm going to fuck you eyes" he gets closer "and you have fuck me eyes" our lips connect he gets up onto his knees and starts pushing me slowly back down I hear draco shout someth...

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I laugh a little I sit up so hes looking up at me "you know you have I'm going to fuck you eyes" he gets closer "and you have fuck me eyes" our lips connect he gets up onto his knees and starts pushing me slowly back down I hear draco shout something I flip him off after mattheos hand slids down my thigh up to my face at this point he's on top of me

I laugh a little I sit up so hes looking up at me "you know you have I'm going to fuck you eyes" he gets closer "and you have fuck me eyes" our lips connect he gets up onto his knees and starts pushing me slowly back down I hear draco shout someth...

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(Like this)

I slide my hand down to his waistband just to teas him he slides he hand up my shirt he's about to un do my bra "not hear" he growns and lays down on top of me slightly crushing me I growns and laugh
"io y/n it's getting late we should go home"
Pansy yells mattheo kisses me and then gets up and grabs his phone and his shirt I do the same but I grab my shorts he takes my hand and we apparate to the beach thing

Izzys mouth is hanging open "how did you" she points to the rock then back to us "apparition ill tell you about it later"


We make our way to car

There all arguing about who is sitting were "io you lot shut up izzy will drive i'll sit on mattheos lap then you 4 will sit in the back ok? Ok"

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There all arguing about who is sitting were
"io you lot shut up izzy will drive i'll sit on mattheos lap then you 4 will sit in the back ok? Ok"

We get to the car and sit were I said we would sit izzy drives us back to my place
"Hey were will izzy stay if she's staying" blaise asks shoving of draco "you didn't show them my room" she says in a dramatic voice "her rooms the attic"
"Ohhh" they all say at the same time
"why do you have your own room"
"my parents fight a lot and sometimes I would stay at y/n's for month's at a time" "and we had the room so she got her pick of rooms and how she wanted it"
"I even have a key" she shows the keys

"Weres mine" mattheo wispers in my ear "look under your pillow when we get home you have one" I smile he kisses my neck "as I should" 

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now