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We get to the class and walk in
"oh look miss snape and Mr riddle have decided to pleas us with there company you tow are sat over there right corner at the back" "sorry sir it won't happen again" I say and walk over to our table mattheo not far behind me "look at us bacicly the best seet in the class and then sat with you" "you to sweet mattheo"
"only for you" I smile and blush slightly

We are all sat at our table "hey who's got herbology last" I look around the table "I do" "yeah i know you do we have the same classes" he puts his hand on my waist "no one else no" "alright great" "jeezz sorry I'm such a burden" "no it's just I know you won't be sat next to me again my dad will make sure of it" "ill find a way"
"see you to are so cute" "shut up pans"
Draco laughs "you still haven't told Me about were you were" "shut up y/n"
"Come on were going to herbology" I grab mattheos hand he grabs some gum and follows me

Were walking to class "want some" he gestures the gum "sure" I take some "you know my mum always told me to stay away from boys like you"
"oh yeah well looks like you didn't listen" I laugh I go on my tip tose and kiss him "come on now were gonna be late" we walk into the class "Mr riddle and miss snape just in time. Mer riddle your in there front and miss snape your next to miss lovegood
Just behind Mr riddle"
"Told you it wouldn't be that bad" he leans back and smirks

 Mer riddle your in there front and miss snape your next to miss lovegoodJust behind Mr riddle" "Told you it wouldn't be that bad" he leans back and smirks

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"Shut up you"

"Hi y/n I'm luna" "hi" I say putting some grape chapstick on"I saw your insta post was it him" she points to mattheo I push her hand down "shhhush some one will see you" "so it was him" "please don't tell anyone"
"don't worry I wont" "thanks babes"
I tern around "what the fuck draco you said you weren't in this class" I wisper shout I can see his is trying to hide behind diggory "stop being a pussy and just tell me who it was" "fine it was um hermi-" "ok I know I know shit your scoring high how did you pull her" " shut up y/n" he laughs "how did you pull that" he jester's to mattheo
"shut up" he laugh "I was joking"
I laugh "well now you know"
"y/n y/m/n Snape you bugging me but you didn't tell me nothing" I laugh again "I can't believe it" "get over it malfoy" "hey diggory right" he nods "hi im y/n" "nice to meet you y/n" i give him a small smile befor terning back around 

abot five minutes befor class ended diggory asket to speek to me after class i agree 

Class finishes I go to walk out of class when mattheo grabs me and throws me over his shoulder "hey oi what are you doing put me down" he carries me to the common room and up the stairs "come on what are you doing" he plops me onto the bed and locks the door he slides inbetween my legs kissing my "mmm you tast like grape" kissing me again a loud bang at the door "Mr riddle it's professor snape" "shit it's my dad" "why the fuck is he hear" "Mr riddle I know your there" "quickly go to the bathroom" I get off the bed and go into the bathroom he opens the door "Mr riddle I was told you were carrying my daughter through the halls all the way back to the common room" "yes sir" "what do you think your doing with my daughter" "nothing sir we are just friends" "I don't want you talking to her" "I'm sorry but if she talk-" "enough stay away from her" he gose to close the door "wait is that her perfume" "no I think its thoes girls" he closes the door fast "shit that was close" I come out the bathroom "he is such a dick" he kisses me "just a nother rule to brake" I smile into his kiss "your a bad influence on me Mr riddle" he laugh and pulls me into him
We are in the common room

"Hey what time is it" "10:30 why" I stand up "oh whow" my head is spinning "cause I don't feel so good I I think I'm gonna"

"Cause I don't feel so good i I think I'm gonna" "y/n what wrong" she falls
"y/n" I catch her before she hits the ground "y/n y/n oh my god y/n" Pansy comes over pulling her in to her "Pansy let me take her to her room ill stay with her I promise" I pick her up and carrie her to my room I place her on her bed and put the blanket over her "please be ok y/n"

y/n Snape & mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now