Tyrrant's Heart -A Dream x Reader

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(~A partial first chapter re-write of ~So the Nation Falls~  AND Terror Dream, not that what I wrote before was bad -it was probably the best of ever written- I just wanted something new and interesting~)

The night was dark; and I was all alone in the forest with The Dream Team hot on my trail; I could ever so faintly hear their footsteps padding through the undergrowth, like wolves stalking their prey. I felt like I had been caught in a horror movie, rain drenching me and causing me to shiver. Stars ever so faintly glowing through the mist, the moon illuminating the ground eerily perfect. As I heard them approaching, I realized that I had nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

I snuck behind a tree, closing my eyes, wishing for them to leave. My weight shifted and the twig under me cracked. The three turned to me, Dream first, then Sapnap, then George. Sapnap took out an arrow, lighting it with his flint and steal. It glowed in the darkness. Dream grabbing his axe from the sheath behind him, it glinted in the flame arrows light, he ran it across the ground, it made a scraping noise. I shivered again in terror. George pulled out his half damaged iron sword, typical.

I glanced up the tree. Hoping nobody would see me, I bolted up the gnarled tree, scrambling to get a good grip on the bark. I then crouched down on one of the branches, trying to spread out my weight so the wood wouldn't break. I turned back towards my opponents; Sapnap and George were patrolling the area down below. But where was Dream?

A felt a hard shove on my shoulder, I fell from the tree, catching Dreams emerald green eyes through his mask on the way down. The wind rushed through me, it was a decent height up, I collided with the ground, my entire body aching, my sword had flung somewhere. Groaning slightly, I shakily tried to stand. Dream then leapt down from the tree with ease, grabbing my dropped sword.

"Stone," He mocked, coming closer to me who the sword, he grabbed my neck and shoved me up against a tree roughly. He seemed to stare at me, too scared to do anything; I couldn't help but tremble at the menacing figure standing before me. "How ironic," His blonde hair swished, pressing the sword up to my neck, I felt blood trickle down, I was suffocating, unable to breath, "Killed by your own sword."

I could tell he was eyeing over me, "Actually," He monotoned, throwing the sword off to the side, "You're pretty enticing. Let's play a game then, shall we?" He released me from his grip, and I slumped to the ground, my muscles aching from the lack of exhaustion and the fall from earlier. "Oh c'mon- at least put up a fight!" He yelled, "You hear me?!? You got thirty seconds to run. If you escape -which I highly doubt- you can live."

Terror seeped through every ounce of me, but I forced myself to stand. "Good girl," he said evilly. "Now run." Without a moment's hesitation I sprinted away, noticing my sword, still covered in my blood, I picked it up and clutched it tightly. Dream had started counting now, "1,2,3,4-" The numbers flew out of his mouth much too fast. I needed to flee, but something about him was entrancing. That's when I realized it; no matter what I did, there was no way I could run ten miles to Las Nevadas, not in thirty seconds. I stood there, Dream not even bothering to see which direction I went. When he finally finished counting he turned and saw me. He smiled a tiny bit, "You have some spirit in you, I'll say that Y/n."

"You haven't seen nothin yet!" Why bother dying like a coward when you could die fighting, fighting for something much more important than a life. Freedom. Ever since L'manburg had been destroyed, that's all anybody had ever wanted. An escape from tyranny. An escape from him.

He once again unsheathed his axe; this time however, I felt no fear. This was for my country, my nation. The rain was still pouring, making this dire situation become even more irritable. All of that discomfort would now be forgotten, all my pain would now seep into nothing. He would have to face a girl with nothing to lose. I raised my sword high above my head, not expecting this he tried to block but I swung to his waist, my signature move. Now it was his turn to bleed.

"You're a decent fighter. I'll give you that," his next move surprised me; he copied my own, not expecting this I was slammed into a tree hard. What little armor I had was breaking instantly. He leaned a bit closer to me, "Too trusting Y/n, you should know that the first rule of war is betrayal, your own brother. Bringing you right into the hands of the enemy, and on purpose too! I would feel sorry for you if I wasn't having so much fun," He grabbed my hands and brought them above my head. I squirmed wildly, but it was no use. "Too bad you're going to die before you can learn."

"Shut up and just kill me idiot!" I was delirious at this point, already losing a lot of blood from my leg wound. He pinned me a bit harder against the pine tree, scratching me slightly with the pressure, he put his other hand on my cheek and I leaned into a bit -somehow it was oddly comforting- what a way this was to die. Right into the hands of the enemy, and from who? Tommy. Tommyinit, my brother. The one I relied on the most, just to save his new nation. If not L'manburg it was Las Nevadas and Wilbur's new nation. He seemed to be blind, oblivious that the nation was not just about the name, it was about the people in it. Very stupid when you literally have in it in your name.

"Aww, come on cutie. Don't wanna play anymore? I won't bite," Then he wheezed like it was the funniest thing that he had ever heard. Dream was maniac. Then he paused, "Your-you're not even trying to sweet-talk your way out of this?" He seemed surprised.

"Just promise me one thing," I told Dream firmly.

"And what would that be my precious lord," He once again mocked.

"You get a bit of revenge for me." I satanically laughed sarcastically.

"I like the way you think," He loosened his grip a bit, and said, "I'll play your game, who do you want me to kill?"

"I think you know exactly who I'm talking about," I drawled, "The same person that brought me here."

Dream stood, unsure of what to do but he finally said, and with a bit of curious it's in his voice, "Y'know Y/n, how would you like to join me? Just until you kill your stupid brother -then I will probably kill you anyway- but I would do it fast," He manically laughed back at me, but he was smiling a bit this time.

"Sure pumpkin." I pet-named back, he then took off his mask to expose his scarred, but very handsome, face. Blushing a bit, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Again, might as well go out with a bang. My heart pacing a bit, he moved him hands to my waist, losing grip on me completely. I stepped back a bit, and then punched him. Hard.

Shocked, Dream stepped backwards, angry now. "What the hell was that for?!?"

I giggled, "Just a bit of payback. Now come over here and kiss me idiot." He seemed a bit confused with this, but then he seemed to understand we were very similar, now that I hated Tommy like him at least. We were both satantic people, both with one mission, his was ultimate power; mine was to get my revenge on Tommy. I actually kind of liked him now; I doubted he liked me back though. Might as well be friends with benefits, especially with somebody as hot as him. Why go down in fear when you could prove your worth? His skill being a million times higher than mine was honestly- attractive.

After a minute of making out he pulled away, staring into my eyes. Then Dream wheezed, "I totally forgot about George and Sapnap. Come along now," The man smiled happily, adjusting his mask back onto his face. Then he turned to me again before taking my hand, "Just thought I should mention, you're the only one to ever have see my face." I stared at him, surprised once again, his intimidating figure standing over me; I couldn't help but for the first time ever, feel important. Powerful even.

(1488 words! Not bad, I'm thinking about turning this one into a story too! Maybe retouching up the ending? Let me know what you think by voting and commenting! Please support by follow thx!)

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