I am probably turning this into an actual story

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Girella's Sacrifice
-A Fantasy Themed Science Fiction Story
By smpstories44

~Chapter List~
Authors Note: A Word From May *161 Words*
Prologue: Into Battle *263 Words*
Chapter One: Rising Thunder *613 Words*

Authors Note: A Word From May
Hello everyone! My name is May, or smpstories44. I usually write fanfiction but today I have decided to stray from my usual normality and write science fiction/fantasy. I would just like to first thank all of you for the reads, follows, and comments! Your support means everything to me and my only wish is that you all continue it. :D

Now that that's out of the way, I would also like to mention that my upload time can vary from every other day to every 2 weeks because I am working on multiple stories at once and have a very busy schedule. Also, any updates to the story that are not a chapter or an update are just me fixing grammatical and punctuation errors unless further notice. I am trying to read all of your comments and reply to them all if possible or necessary, if I don't respond and its important please feel free to dm me your suggestion!

Prologue: Into Battle
"Come on, precious, just surrender and all this pain will go away," Prince Malik threatened the girl.
    The princess sighed, "You know our terms, leave now or we will assume war."

    Despite it all, she always refused to leave the front battalions. Sure, Girella was a royal, but she had always been a warrior at heart.

    The opposing side remained in the attacking position, unfearful against just one nineteen year old girl and a few guards. To Kingdom Arsimode, a queen and her daughter had no right to be leading a nation, thus why they wished to take it over. But Queen Anastasia and Princess Girella were not about to abandon and hand over the luscious  city of wealth to the enemy. In fact, they had no business at all to hand over even the smallest town to the Arsimodes, for Shirlana had honor and courage.

    "Once again I find your rebuttal most rude! There is no place in this world for a kingdom without a king. So if you could be so dashing as to please hand over Miraculous City, we will spare the rest of Shirlana," Malik practically ordered Girella.

    "My father might have died, but that doesn't mean we aren't the heir of this nation! Queen Anastasia, my mother, and me, will never let you take us alive! We would rather be dead at the hands of a Serpentine!" The princess shouted.

    "Enough of these wordy talks and speeches!" Prince Malik unsheathed his sword from the battle front, "You have forty eight hours before we start the war!"

Chapter One: Rising Thunder
    "Mother!" Girella ran up the white marble staircase, "How could you do this to me? This isn't some fairy tale where feelings don't count, or some sort of mythical fallacy!" The pleading in her tone begging her mother to stop the madness.

    "You can save everyone honey!" Her mom took her hands, "Just marry Prince Malik!"

    "I REFUSE!" Princess Girella wept, continuing her run up the stairs and locking herself in her room. She leaned up against the door, a mess of emotions.

    After a few minutes of re-collection, she grabbed a backpack and began to fill it with clothing. Zipping it up with haste, she threw it out the window and grabbed a rope tied to the roof. Girella had used it to get down many times before, as she had a habit of sneaking out for moonlit walks.

    She climbed down from the rope and slung the pack over her shoulder, silently walking nervously behind some bushes to the stables. Her proud horse, Thunder, sat there munching on some oats and hay. But there was no time to waste! The royal brushed the brown horse's black mane and clipped on its saddle. Princess Girella then raced towards the weaponry room as the horse finished its food. Without time to even grab armour, she settled for a masterfully crafted Japanese Tachi sword and crossbow.

    Just as she finished loading her quiver full of crossbow bolts an alarm went off. They had discovered that she was missing already?!? Slinging the quiver over her shoulder, Girella ran out of the building without a moment to lose. Mounting Thunder hurriedly, they burst out of the stable at high velocity, Miraculouses gates already being closed at the alert of the princess departure.

    The clip clopping of the stallion and freedom drew closer and closer! Making one final push for her horse to go faster, Thunder and the royal highness had evacuated the city. The only unfortunate part was that she would be presumed captured, or at least be looked for by the entire army. Little place would be safe.

    Arriving at a relatively distant village called Nunerage a few hours later, Girella purchased some supplies and Thunder was able to rest after the long and treacherous journey, but things were only about to get more difficult from there.

    In an effort to not be recognized, she covered her face with a veil and tried not to interact with the other townsfolk during her stay. But alas, the royal guard finally arrived and the two once again had to flee.

    This time they were more well prepared for a trek and took off running towards the forest unseen. It wasn't just Shirlana after her either, Prince Malik and the rest of Arsimode would be waiting for Girellas hand in the marriage. With the news of her being missing they might open fire on Miraculous kingdom. They had already proven their ruthlessness when they set aflame a small, innocent village that belonged to Shirlana, it had been a main trading post and caused many problems, but worse than that was the fact that many people were not seen after that fire.

    Heartbeat in her throat, she escaped, but just barely. At this rate it would be not time before somebody would kidnap her for the reward they were now offering, nowhere was safe! But perhaps she could do something about this...

    After a few days of thought, Princess Girella finally made up her mind, she would infiltrate the Arsimodes main camp, raid it, and set it aflame as they had done to the trading post. Maybe then they would retreat, or at least think twice before threatening Shirlana.


TURNED IT INTO AN ACTUAL STORY! If you scroll alllll the way down my page you can see my science fiction section, and its there. (I think I added to it)

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