Chapter 6

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"What did he just say?" my dad asks.

"Umm," I respond, not knowing what to say.

"Ty, go upstairs. We need to talk to your sister. And get ready. You are still going to soccer" my mom says.

Tyler runs upstairs, obviously excited to get out of the situation he created.

"So when did this happen?" my mom asks, obviously not as angry as my dad is.

"Today," I say.

"Only today?" she asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Well, I like him," Mom says. I smile a little at that.

"I do too," Dad said, "but that doesn't mean I trust him."

I sigh.

"I want to talk to him alone," he says.

"Fine," I say and go into the other room. I come back with a notebook.

"Here," I say. "Let's go Mom."

She follows me to the kitchen while Dad and Zach talk. I'm kind of worried about what they are saying, but obviously, I can't eavesdrop since they aren't speaking.

After about 20 minutes of Mom and I just kind of looking at each other, Dad comes into the kitchen.

"He left," he says.

"What did you say to him?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says back.

"Then why did he leave?"

"He said he had somewhere to be."

"Yeah, right," I say. "Whatever. I'm going to my room"

"Sky, wait" he calls after me.

I ignore him and go upstairs. Now is the time when I was really wishing I could stomp up the stairs and slam the door. Instead, I have to move slowly on my crutches and struggle to even open my door.

Once I get into my room, I lay down on my bed and grab my phone. Then I text Zach.

Me: What happened with my dad?

Zach: Nothing.

Me: Then why did you leave?

He doesn't respond for a few minutes. I decided to text again.

Me: Zach, what did he say to you?

Zach: He didn't say anything.

Me: Obviously he did. Zach, tell me.

Zach: He just told me to watch out. To be careful with you. It's fine. He wasn't exactly angry. He was just being protective of you.

Me: He can be protective without threatening you.

Zach: It wasn't a threat.

Me: It sure sounds like one.

Zach: It's fine. Really. I wouldn't have left. I want to have this conversation with you in person. I want to see you. But Ryan texted and said he needed me. I don't know why. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Me: Okay

And then he logs off. I sigh. I just lay back on my bed. Why would my dad threaten Zach? He told me he liked him. Was it because of my leg? Because I needed extra care? If so, Zach already knew that. He understands me. He understands me in ways that my parents didn't. Was it because he was deaf? I didn't think my parents cared about that, but maybe Dad did. And what did Ryan need? Was it bad? I can't stop thinking of worst-case scenarios.

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