Chapter 19

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It has now been a month and a half in our new apartment. Zach moved everything in because he refused to let me help, though I offered multiple times. The apartment is a 2 bedroom and a pretty decent size for the price we got it for. Everything is officially moved in, though I left some stuff in storage.

Life has honestly been pretty great lately. Today is actually a big day. My mom is flying in this afternoon. Then I have 2 doctors' appointments, first with Dr. Montgomery, and then with Dr. Waters.

I'm really excited about my appointment with Dr. Montgomery because we get to hear the heartbeat today. Or at least I do. That's actually something I've been thinking about lately that makes me kind of sad. Zach will never be able to hear our baby's heartbeat. My mom has told me that that is the most magical moment of pregnancy, and Zach doesn't get to experience it. He hasn't mentioned anything about it, but I feel like he's thought about that as well.

I'm still excited though. I'm about 12 weeks now. We will also find out the due date today. It's weird how giddy I've gotten about baby stuff. It's still weird for me, but I've gotten good at it lately. It's kind of all my mom talks about when she calls, which is very often, whenever she isn't working. It's also getting more normal for me to think about pregnancy when I've started experiencing so many of the side effects.

Anyway, right now Zach and I are on our way to pick my mom up from the airport. I've kind of just been lost in my thoughts the whole time.

"YOU OKAY?" he signs to me once we get there.

"YEAH" I respond back absentmindedly.

He leaves it alone because just then we pull up to the baggage claim where my mom is running toward us. I get out of the car and she pulls me into a super tight hug.

"Hi," I say once she lets go.

"Hi," she says. Then she waves at Zach who is still in the car.

"I think he's waiting for us. Getting out of the airport is hard to do" I say to her.

"Right. Of course. Sorry. I'm just so happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too. We can talk in the car."

So she gets in the backseat and I get in the front. I tell her I'll take the back but she insists.

"So, how have you been?" she asks.


"Fine? I've been gone a month. Give me more."

"I talked to you yesterday. What am I supposed to tell you?"

"Whatever. How's your apartment? I'm excited to finally see it."

"It's fine. Functional."

"Well, good. Are you excited for today? You know, you're starting to show a little."

I frown. I noticed that too. I read that you start to show between 12 and 20 weeks. Apparently, my body chose the early side.

"Don't frown. It's a good thing."

"Whatever," I say and turn toward the window.

"Skylar, stop being a child. You're about to have a child."

"Yes, I do know that. Do you think I don't know that? As you pointed out, that fact is becoming pretty obvious" I say, my voice slightly raised as I look at her.

I turn back toward the window. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zach giving my mom an apologetic look. He can't even hear what just happened, but he obviously knows.

We sit in silence for the rest of the car ride. It's not too far to get from the airport to Dr. Montgomery's office.

Once we get there, I have cooled down a little and pull my mom aside once we are out of the car.

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