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Chapter 9 — Worries.

Jason Star's Daily Log.

SDF Academy | Day 41.

A graduation ceremony was formally held for Jason in the Sidonia Defence Force Academy.

Kobayashi handed Jason his official Guardian Pilot Certificate. He also received a unique kind of medal along with it. The medal was given to him as a sign of Jason being the most outstanding student to graduate from the SDF Academy.

There are only a few of this medal to exist in the entire history of the SDF Academy.

Jason pinned the gold medal on his black military uniform. He then smiled, thinking inwardly that this medal was only the first and he would earn more in the future.

He would work very hard on filling his portfolio with various amazing achievements until he was completely accepted by the general public. He would receive their support to fight back against those with powerful influence in the future.

Jason would become their saviour—their bringer of light and hope.

And at the same time, he would become their punisher—the bringer of darkness and despair to those who seek to harm humanity.

This not only included the Gauna, but also his fellow evil and corrupted humans.

The students from the whole SDF Academy attended the graduation ceremony.

This include Jason's classmates and friends from Class 1.

Majority of the students expressed their awe and respect toward Jason who stood proudly on the stage along with the commander.

Some also felt envious at Jason's amazing achievement, having some thoughts of also wanting to stand at the stage quickly.

Those thoughts ignited their passion to study and train even more harder.

On the one hand, Jason's classmates were joyful, tearful, and proud over him since he was their classmates and can be considered as friends.

On the other hand, not all of them expressed good feelings.

They held an ugly and angry expression.

Such an example of such a person was Kunato Norio. He didn't liked the sight of Jason standing at the bright stage while receiving lots of attention and compliments.

It was an eyesore.

He should have been the one standing there proudly and recieving such an important medal. He was also supposed to be the one to recieve those praises and compliments from those inferior humans.

If only he didn't exist...!

If only Jason didn't exist, Kunato wouldn't have to feel inferior and lesser for the first time.

The graduation ceremony was soon completed and over. Jason received some essential information from Kobayashi after the ceremony.

Since Jason was now an official Guardian Pilot, he would now earn a salary every month and also receive a free house since he would now be kicked out the SDF Dormitory.

Jason could also eat food at the cafeteria for free without having to pay. It seems he could still eat Mother Bear's cooking and it was even free!

Jason was relieved.

Also, he was very excited inwardly. He would after all now get to own a house that would only belong to him. Who wouldn't get excited over this fact? It was essentially the average adult dream's to have their own house.

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