Gauna 488!

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Chapter 14 — Gauna 488!

Jason Star's Daily Log | Day 75.

Jason and Mr. Alien were spending most of their time at the Toha Heavy Industry, teaching Sasaki, and her trustworthy workers about Mr. Alien's own technological knowledge.

The two of them also helped on creating the prototype version of the Type 19 Guardian which was gonna be created by Toha Heavy Industry.

The Guardian Knight Project.

An improved and superior type of Guardian that contained various kinds of advance technologies.

Mr. Alien even improved and optimized the Guardian's computer program system to increase the performance of the Guardian, making it less prone to malfunction and delays.

It also finally allowed the pilot to freely switch between the two options of Automated System or Manual Control. The purpose was to allow the pilots to get more familiar and proficient with using two types of piloting system.

However, the Project Guardian Knight will take some time to reach completion and then mass-production. The project has to get approval first from the commander and also win against Kunato Development at the production competition.

As a result of spending most of their spare time at the Toha Heavy Industry, Jason was now well known amongst the workers and employees. He even met a wise old man who was close with Sasaki, and is also an engineer of Toha Heavy Industry.

He was Tanba Shinsuke, and the old man helped them greatly with Project Guardian Knight.

The news that Jason joined the Toha Heavy Industry spread quickly like a wildfire.

The residents didn't exactly know how Jason managed to join, but it was surprising and inspiring at the same time.

They've thought Jason must have made a big contribution, further increasing his popularity  amongst the Sidonians.

Jason's current fame and popularity weren't limited to SDF Academy now.

Almost every Sidonians know about the man called Jason Star now.

It was due to Jason's amazing achievement of slaying a Gauna by himself which managed to save the Akai Squad along the process.

As a result, many people dug out Jason's past achievements, and learned that he also performed amazingly at the SDF Academy.

The people were now full of positive feedback toward Jason, now treating him as one of Sidonia without discrimination.

Some of the Sidonians even started to think of Jason like Hiroki Saitou, the Hero of Hope during the 4th Gauna Defensive War.

The Immortal Council went turbid because of Jason, but Kobayashi quickly tried her best to calm them down.

Inwardly in her heart, Kobayashi held Jason far more important than these cowardly immortal bastards.


Tree House | 5:00 PM.

Jason returned home after spending some time at the Toha Heavy Industry. His brain was very weary as he forced himself to also learn from Mr. Alien. Jason wanted to get a more deeper understanding about the Guardian Knight he will pilot in the future and not remain completely clueless.

Jason plopped down the sofa and was about to rest, but a loud alarm woke him up from his drowsy state.

He stared over the black smart watch on his wrist and saw it was an emergency sortie.

A Gauna was approaching Sidonia.

Jason quickly went toward the Military Hangar, but then met a beautiful girl on his way there.

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