It's been two years since Dabi and Shiggy arrived at the orphanage. It's been a struggle but for the two young boys but things have began to get better. More kids began to show up at Aizawa's door, a young blonde boy with red wings named Keigo and a little blond girl that had a blood quirk her name was Toga. Then a few months later in wondered a little girl with long dark green hair and frog like features, her name was Tsyu. Dabi and Shiggy stayed away from the new comers but in due time they would get comfortable with them as well.
The two boys had gotten so comfortable Shiggy had actually started playing with toys, although he did so in a very disturbing and dysfunctional way. Dabi was the type to "teach" Shiggy some things that would just be a nuisance to Aizawa. Like destroying only one of his slippers, or destroying just the handle of his coffee cup. He sigh and scolded the two each time but Shiggy would always deny it while Dabi laughed in the back.
But one night after dinner while Toga helped Aizawa clean up the dishes, the sound of the front door barely being pushed open caught his attention. Aizawa dried his hands and walked out to the main hallway followed by an audience of children. As he got closer to the door a tiny girl quickly stepped inside, shutting the door behind her as she did. She was breathing heavily as if she had been running for hours. Bruises covered her pale skin, her white hair cut short like a pixie cut but someone whoever done it did a terrible job.
White fox ears and tails were her only abnormal feature. Her small light blue night gown was torn and tattered.
"Hey sweetheart. Where did you come from?" Aizawa asked causing the little girl to jump. Whipping around to face him. Her big bright blue eyes looked up at him. She was hugging a old looking teddy bear tightly as if it were her life. She didn't respond though. Her eyes just kept looking around frantically at the others in the immediate area. "Hey, you're safe here. No one is going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?" Aizawa asked calmly. He's been through this so many times this became routine.
She looked back at him before shaking her head quickly as tears formed in her eyes again. She just ran off, running down one of the halls and into the girls bedroom. Aizawa watched her run off before slowly standing up and sighing. She's going to be a tough one to get through. Poor girl, who'd do that to a poor kid? He thought. "Alright, no one mess with her. Until she comes out..we don't know what she could do." He said.
Dabi seemed curious about her though and while everyone else wondered to either go back to sleep or play, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a juice box and some chips that were probably Keigo's but he didn't really care as he made his way back through the hall and to the girl's room.
The door was cracked and when he peeked in he could see the little girl in the corner of the room, holding her bear tight against her chest.
He entered the room quietly, his white hair seeming to glow with the light of the moon streaming in through the window. Dabi approached her carefully, getting on his knees before her and she tensed up, her wide eyes meeting his.
"Hi. I'm..Touya. But everyone here calls me Dabi." he said, his voice low, so not to scare her and she bit her lip, not responding. "You look..well bad. And you're probably hungry so.." he trailed off, pushing the juice box and chips toward her carefully and she stared at them for a moment.
Dabi didn't try forcing her to take them. Just sat down and waited.
But eventually he got bored so he opened his hand, a blue flame flickering between his fingers. He was so busy playing with the small flame that he didn't notice when the little girl moved closer, the warmth of his fire drawing her in.
When she was right by his side he looked over, smiling a little. The little girl seemed cautious but slowly grabbed the juice box, since her throat was very dry.