A few months had past since Dabi and Kyubey finally got together. They spent most of their time together now, Dabi always wanted to be around Kyubey. That was until winter began to roll around. Aizawa was the first to notice when Kyubey began to get more and more sick the closer and closer winter got.
Dabi began to really notice that things haven't been right when Kyubey left school early. She never does that, she was always the last one to leave. Meeting Dabi outside at the main gate after school to walk home. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his school pants, he noticed that he didn't have a single message from her. He debated while he walked with Shiggy if he should text her, or just wait until he got back home.
D: Baby? Are you okay? You looked bad earlier and you never leave school early.
He waited for her to respond but it was a while before she did and he was getting worried now.
Princess: I thought I was..but my head has been spinning all day. It's even worse if I sit up or move. My body is really sore too, so dad brought me home to rest. I've been laying in bed all day and haven't gotten better.
D: Do you need me to come home? I can if you'd like.
Princess: I don't want you to get sick too. Who knows what I have...but yes. I would like to see you. Also when you come in my room, don't leave the door open please. The lights are making my head hurt worse.
D: Okay baby. Be right there.
He then put his phone back in his pocket and began walking much faster than before, Shiggy shooting him a confused stare. "What are you doing?" he asked and Dabi frowned. "Kyubey isn't feeling well. I'm just worried so I wanna get home faster." he replied and Shiggy resisted the urge roll his eyes. "I'm sure she just has a cold Dabi." he said and Dabi shook his head slowly.
"She's a fox. She doesn't usually get sick in the first place." said the taller boy and Shiggy sighed. "Just go ahead of me. I don't feel like running." he said and Dabi nodded. "Thanks. See you when you get home." he called as he took off and Shiggy grunted in response, not that Dabi could hear that.
When Dabi got home, pulling open the front door Aizawa was putting on his shoes getting ready to go get the younger kids from school. "You got home quick. Kyubey is in your bed. Her head was hurting so bad from the light she went in there." He responded tiredly.
"Thanks. When you get back you should get some sleep." he said and Aizawa waved him off as he kicked off his shoes and left the living room.
He could hear Froppy and the others playing games in their room and smiled slightly before entering his room, noticing that it was darker than usual. His eyes immediately went to his bed and he could see a medium sized bundle under the blankets.
"Princess?" he called quietly, dropping his bag onto the floor and approaching her. Kyubey let out a little noise in response. Dabi came to her side and he frowned when she looked up, her eyes watering and her skin paler than usual. "Hey love." he whispered, running his fingers through her hair and she relaxed against him, sniffling slightly.
"Hi. Everything hurts." she whispered back and he hummed. "I know. Is there anything I can do?" he asked. "I don't know....I want to cuddle but I feel like. I'd still be in pain." She whined softly scooting closer to him. "I wish there was someone who..knew what was wrong with me." she said and Dabi frowned. "I could try looking it up. Are you hungry at all?" he said and she shook her head.
"No..just tired and sore. My stomach hurts." she mumbled and he stood slightly, taking off his jacket and shirt. Kyubey could barely keep her eyes open as he stepped out of his shoes and tossed off his jeans. He climbed into bed beside her and he turned her over gently, wrapping an arm around her and using his other hand to rub her stomach gently.