When the two got back out onto the street Kyubey had to pull up her body suit slightly. "So you wanna get some candy...then go cuddle and watch a scary movie? And maybe you can get some more kisses." she said and Dabi hummed. "Yeah that sounds nice. That house seems like a good start." he said, his arm wrapped tightly around her and she blushed.
They were dating now..so he could hold her and she could hold him whenever she wanted without worrying about if he thought it was weird or not.
She looked up at the house he was referring to and saw that a lot of kids and even some adults had come down with large bars of chocolate and some kid had a small pint of ice cream. They were all smiling and giggling to themselves. Kyubey thought the little ghosts and witches were all very cute.
"Okay. Think they'll like Michael Myers and his girlfriend Cat woman?" she snickered and Dabi chuckled. "It's an odd pair but it works." he replied and she shook her head. "Touya..you gotta let go so I can open my bag." she said and he pouted. "But you fit so well in my arms." he grumbled and she smiled at that, kissing his cheek lightly. "I know. But candy." said Kyubey and Dabi rolled his eyes when she pulled away gently.
"But I have enough candy right here." he remarked and she blushed at that, giving a fake glare. "You know what I mean." he smirked in response and she ignored that. Going up the small flight of stairs being greeted by an older woman holding the bowl of candy. It was filled to the brim with all different kinds of candy bars. Most of them were king sized along with some other types of treats. "trick or treat." Kyubey spoke happily as she held out her bag. "Well aren't you pretty." The older woman said with a smile.
"Thank you ma'am." she said and the old woman gave her a handful of different candy including three large chocolate bars. "Happy Halloween." she said and Kyubey smiled. "Happy Halloween."
Dabi came up after her, and the old woman raised a brow. "Michael Myers and Cat Woman? Interesting couple." she said and Dabi felt his face warm. "It could happen." he mumbled as he held his bag out and the woman chuckled. "Treat her well. But I don't think I have to worry much. You being Aizawa's kid and all." she said and Dabi blushed, rushing down the steps.
"Awe. You're so cute." she cooed and he scowled, looking away from her. "I am not. Why was she so nosy?" he muttered as he pulled Kyubey back into his arms, and she immediately snuggled up against him, enjoying his natural body heat. He smiled at that and she closed her eyes, listening to his quick heartbeat.
"She wasn't being nosy. You were just embarrassed. You try too hard to be tough when you're so soft at times. But it's okay. I still love how protective you are..and that temper of yours." she said and Dabi squeezed her gently. "I'm only soft for you...well except for when I'm har-"
He snickered and she rolled her eyes.
"Pervert." she mumbled.
"Oh! We gotta go to my friend's house real quick. She said she got some presents for me." She said pulling him closer as she began to lead the way towards her friends house. "Friend? Do I know them?" he asked. "Mina from school. You know her. She's the one you think is too loud." Kyubey giggled softly as she walked with him.
"Ah. How are you two friends again?" he mumbled, glancing up when he noticed they had gotten closer to a pretty big house that at the moment was bumping with music and laughter. Dabi immediately tensed up and Kyubey held his hand, squeezing gently. "I don't even know sometimes. But she's nice Touya." she remarked and Dabi rolled his eyes. "Sure. She's always pointing out weird stuff and for the longest time she wanted to fuck me." he replied and Kyubey sighed.
"Of course. But I swear she's fine. Besides we'll only be here for a minute. I don't want to be here all night. I'd rather be home with you. Cuddling." She smiles. Dabi couldn't help but smile at that and Kyubey poked his cheek, making his smile widen. "Stop." he sighed and she chuckled. "Oh fine." she said and the two finally got up to the front porch.