"Dabi?" asked Shiggy one day.
It was late in the Fall and the two had almost gotten used to their new home. Almost. Dabi refused to tell Aizawa anything about his old life while Shiggy..sometimes couldn't help it. He hated holding everything in. He felt sick to his stomach when he did.
"What?" yawned the older boy, kicking his feet in the water that lapped at the beach shore. Aizawa was at work so they were alone. Dabi decided to sit on the beach and Shiggy just wanted air.
"I think you'd feel better if you tell Aizawa what happened. And I think..he won't hate you." he rasped, scratching his neck slightly and Dabi reached over, stopping him gently.
"Maybe. But I'm fine." said his brother and Shiggy looked at him. "You're not. Your nightmares don't come like they used to but they're still there. And you don't look in the mirror often." said the smaller boy and Dabi rolled his eyes. "You don't look in the mirror at all."
Shiggy shoved him and Dabi shoved him back, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. "Shut up. This is about you, not me." he muttered and Dabi sighed, looking away slightly.
"You say he won't hate me but you know what happened." said Dabi, frowning and Shiggy nodded. "I know. I didn't tell him much but he knows what dad did to me." he replied and Dabi was silent.
"Did it help?" he asked and Shiggy shrugged. "Yeah a little." Dabi looked away then, thinking to himself.
Maybe..he could trust Aizawa with what happened. He didn't want to go to prison though. Even if it was an accident and he didn't want people looking at him as if he were a monster. But what else was there?
Dabi scowled and stood up. "I'm gonna make a sandwich or something." he muttered and Shiggy sighed. "Okay.."
By the time Aizawa returned he was only mildly surprised to see Shiggy playing video games in the living room and he didn't see Dabi. "Where's your brother?" he asked and Shiggy frowned. "I'm not sure. He was in a weird mood..he could be in his room now." replied Shiggy and Aizawa hummed in response, sighing as he tossed his work bag to the side and entered the hall, preparing to deal with a tantrum or something.
But when he looked into Dabi and Shiggy's room he saw that Dabi wasn't there.
Aizawa stood in the door for a moment, his brows scrunched as he thought about where Dabi might be and it was rare but he thought he might know.
So he left their room and slowly opened the door to his own room, finding that Dabi was sitting on the floor, playing with a flame. He seemed lost in thought so Aizawa just closed the door and slowly walked past, taking a seat on the bed. Dabi didn't acknowledge his presence though Aizawa knew he heard him come in.
"I killed my family." he whispered and Aizawa paled. "..how?"
"It was an accident. I was scared. And I didn't mean to get my brothers and sister or my mom. I was defending myself against my dad. He was hurting me. But my quirk, it was so hot.. it's so much stronger than my dad's. I ended up..losing control of my flames. It..burned everything." Dabi trailed off, his voice cracking and Aizawa remained silent.
"I could hear their screams. Natsuo called my name. But it was too hot to get close. I tried, but Shiggy he saw, he pulled me away just as my arm began to burn. It was before what happened with his family. Then after we decided to just run away." he said and Aizawa thought about this for a moment.
"It's not your fault." he finally said and Dabi tensed up. "But I killed them." he rasped, tears in his eyes and Aizawa pulled the boy up into his arms. Dabi didn't like how he actually felt safe there but he didn't move as he let himself cry, holding back small whimpers. Aizawa squeezed him gently and Dabi sniffled.
"You're not a monster Dabi. You were a scared kid. And, that's okay. You're not going to jail or anywhere like that. I wouldn't let them take you either way." he said, smiling slightly when Dabi clutched his shirt. "I miss them so much." he whispered and Aizawa squeezed him gently. "I know."
"He did what?" Aizawa gasped, eyes wide as he stood from his seat and his students looked up at him wearily, noticing his quirk had unknowingly activated.
"Your son is involved with a fight and he's injured a few students. H-Hey! Don't-" The line cut and Aizawa cursed under his breath. "Someone get a sub. I have to go." he muttered and rushed out the door, car keys in hand.
He didn't even notice when the principal called out to him as he passed, getting onto the elevator.
It didn't take him long at all for him to get to his car and drive off toward the elementary school. His phone rang again and he put it on speaker. "Sir please hurry, his quirk is getting out of hand and he's very angry."
"Alright." he replied quickly and made a sharp turn into the parking lot. Someone cursed at him but he ignored it as he rushed into the building immediately feeling the heat of a certain someone's flames. "Mr. Aizawa!" called a voice and the older male looked over, seeing Dabi and Shiggy's teacher. The woman looked terrified and was sweating profusely.
"What the hell happened?" he growled as he followed her to the classroom where students were now outside, crying and holding onto each other. Two boys were badly burned and whimpering while everyone else seemed uninjured. "Apparently someone was messing with Shiggy and Dabi got upset. I was trying to stop them-"
"Were you? Because if you had, he wouldn't be so angry." he retorted and the teacher seemed embarrassed as he approached the door. He could hear someone screaming for help and he sighed.
"Dabi? I'm coming in." he stated loudly. He didn't expect a response as he opened the door carefully, looking in to see Shiggy in the corner, crying while Dabi stood over a little boy, his eyes dark with rage and his fists clenched tightly. "Dabi..what happened?" he asked and Dabi scowled. "They were bullying Shiggy. Making fun of him. They kept touching him when he told them to stop. And this little fuck had the nerve to punch him so I punched back. His friends tried to jump me with their quirks so they got hurt."
Aizawa frowned at that. "Language. Is Shiggy okay?" he said and Dabi nodded. "He just wants to leave." he replied and Aizawa approached him. "We can all leave but you have to let the boy go. If not, this will get much worse that you want it to be. You want to stay with us right?" Dabi seemed annoyed by that. "And let him get away with what he did?" he remarked and Aizawa shook his head. "I'll take care of it." he replied and Dabi hesitated for a moment, glaring at the boy but finally relented.
"Fine." he mumbled and Aizawa was relieved when Dabi's flames dispersed on their own. He picked up Shiggy and took Dabi's hand, leading the two out of the room. "Thank you. I'm sorry that-"
"That you were letting those idiots mess with my son? Yeah you should be. This won't happen again." said Aizawa firmly and the teacher opened her mouth to protest. "Sir your son injured three students-"
"My son, was protecting his brother. If you'll excuse me." said Aizawa and the teacher seemed agitated as the handsome man led the two boys away, Dabi sticking his tongue out at the woman as he did. "You went overboard Dabi." remarked Aizawa as he led them to the car and Dabi huffed. "Well I'm not sorry. Besides if they had kept touching Shiggy he would've done worse." he said and Shiggy hid his face.
"Sorry. I tried to-"
"It's not your fault. Let's get you two home."