By the time all the kids were dressed up and ready to go the sun had began to set. Obviously the older ones were the first to be done. Keigo being the basic one he is was an angel, Tsyu was unironically Kermit the frog while Shiggy was Chucky. Toga went the basic route and had decided on being a vampire. The four waited outside for Dabi and Kyubey since Aizawa gave them the okay to trick or treat on their own while he walked with the kids.
"Dabi sure is taking a long time for being just Michael Myers." Toga spoke already eating some candy she had stole from their candy bowl. "He's probably in there terrorizing the kids." Tsyu responded as she sat down next to Shiggy. "Why are you Kermit the frog again?" Keigo asked. "Same reason you're an angel.." Tsyu responded looking up at him. Keigo opened his mouth to respond only to shut it and huff. "Good point." He said softly.
Soon Dabi walked out holding his mask and his fake knife in hand chuckling softly. "You're a dick." Shiggy chuckled already knowing why he was laughing. "What? It's Halloween. They're supposed to get scared." he replied and Shiggy rolled his eyes, only to nudge him when he noticed Kyubey coming down the steps.
His eyes widened at her costume.
She was cat woman. Although she still looked very cute, she wore a tight black body suit with a black corset, black boots and a leather jacket. She wore black gloves that had fake claws protruding from the finger tips and a hat with cat ears.
Her eyes were lined in black, gold and a light brown.
"Wow." he muttered and Keigo grinned, taking her hand and spinning her around. Dabi tensed up and Tsyu coughed to hold back a laugh. "Look at you short stuff. It's not fair that you and Dabi will get to show off tonight alone. Why not come with me instead? Everyone loves angels and cats. We'd be perfect." he said, wiggling his brows and Dabi scoffed.
"Not with those jagged eyebrows." he muttered, causing the others to laugh as Keigo choked. "What? My eyebrows are fine!" he retorted, obviously offended and Dabi raised a brow. "Yeah you pull em off but on anyone else." he trailed off and Shiggy snickered. "That was the most back handed compliment I've ever heard." he said.
"Stop it you two. Maybe next time Keigo." said Kyubey as she came to stand beside Dabi. He noticed she was wearing his necklace and he smirked. "You look good too Dabi." she said and he grinned. "Thanks doll."
"Alright let's get going before there's anymore sexual tension here." Toga said turning to walk off with her candy bag in hand. Tsyu stood up and somewhat pushed Keigo along. Before Dabi and Kyubey could walk off the kids came rushing out already excited for the nights events. "I don't expect you older ones to come back so early but don't stay out all night. I don't want to drive to a police station to pick anyone up." Aizawa grumbled stepping outside.
He wasn't dressed up in anything in particular but he was wearing a pair of fake cat ears with the makeup for it. Kyubey giggles and smiles. "We won't be out too long dad." She says taking Dabi's hand and walking off with him noticing Shiggy had already left.
Dabi laced their fingers together and Kyubey tried to ignore her quickly warming cheeks as she led him out of the door and onto the sidewalk.
All around they could see the streets decorated with lights and cobwebs. Skeletons and bats. There were fake intestines and blood and everything else. It was all very nice to look at.
"Where should we go first princess?" asked Dabi, letting her lead the way. And now that they were alone, he could say whatever he wanted. Except for, of course, his feelings for her. Kyubey looked around, giddy with excitement. "It's so hard to choose. I don't know where to start." She said as she looked around. Trying to figure out which house to start at to get the most candy.