The Beginning

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It is my senior year in high school. I should be excited, but I am not. It is also my first day at my new high school. My parents are in the military, so we move around a lot. We have lived all over the country. As a kid, I used to think it was fun, like we were going on vacation but as I get older, I wish that we did not have to. I wish I could be like most of the other girls I've met and have life-long friendships, but it's kind of hard when you don't even live in one place long enough to even catch a cold.

I love my parents, they're great, really. However, it would be nice to live in one place long enough to not to be that girl, always the new girl. Sometimes I can blend in, so well in fact that hardly anyone realizes that I am new, at least it seems that way when we are in a big city. As for the small towns, like the one we are in right now, I am tortured with being the new kid... always stared at, and a million questions.

You think that I would be used to this. However, as I stand in the mirror, I take a deep breath in, and as I slowly exhale, I make sure I am mentally ready for the day. At least one positive thing is that my hair is cooperating. That of course is because I am becoming a pro at packing boxes from moving so often. This is why I was able to locate my toiletries and favorite clothes. My hair would be a disaster without my flat iron. I have red hair that is thick and curly, and when it is straight, it rests at the middle of my back. My mom says that I should learn to style it naturally, but I only go natural when I do not have to go out anywhere. I think one of my favorite things about me is that I have emerald green eyes. Girls always ask me if I wear contacts, but the thought of sticking my finger in my eye sounds like torture and I am way too lazy to do that every day. I'm taller than the average girl my age but thankfully most of the other kids have caught up to my height, especially the boys...slow dancing in middle school was so awkward when their head was the same height as my chest. I have never been one of the most popular girls in school and I am OK with that. Sure, I have made some friends in the different cities that I have lived in, but nothing really that has lasted long-term. I am a quiet person and more of an intellectual being. I like to play various sports, but I am definitely not going to be making a living from it. I prefer to play sports than to watch them. Don't laugh, but the only sport that I really enjoy to watch is darts. I tend to get along with older people better than those of my own age, some of them have said that I have an old soul. Personally, I just do not think that I have found my place where I fit in; something always feels like its missing.

Today, I decided to go with my faded skinny ripped blue jeans, white tee shirt and converse runners. Nothing fancy, but at least I will feel comfortable while people are staring at me and of course having comfortable footwear is always a must when you feel the need to bolt. As for makeup... I am not one of those girls who go crazy with it, just a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, and maybe some lip-gloss, and then I am as ready as I will ever be. Just as I am finishing my lip-gloss, my mom opens the door,

"Shannon, hurry up! You're going to be late!"

"Yes mom, I know. I'm just leaving".

Oh, crap! I have only 10 minutes to run my ass to school and figure out where's my first period class. It is bad enough to be the new kid, but to be late on top of that sucks even more. As I grab by bag, and run down the stairs, my mom yells,

"Have a great day! I put some money in your bag for lunch!"

"Thanks mom! Love you, see you later".

Thank goodness, the school is only about a 5 min walk... I will have about five minutes to get to my first class. According to the timetable and map given to me through my email, my first class is social studies with Mr. Roberts in room 214. When I look at the map, it looks like it is on the second floor. I made it to the school with just enough time to get to class. Looks like I will have to figure out my locker situation later on my break. As soon as I walk into the main hall, the staring and whispering begins. Even though, I have done this so many times now, a small part of me wants to hide, but mostly I do not care. If there is one thing to be excited about, it's my last year of high school, just one more year and one more move off to College and then I can finally make some roots of my own. I have no idea where or what I want to study yet but it does not matter right now... I gotta get to class.

Room 210, 212, 214...Found it! Just in time as the bell rings above my head. I stop in front of the classroom door and take a deep breath. Here we go... I turn the handle to the class and walk in. On cue, Mr. Roberts says,

"Welcome, Shannon. Please take your seat next to Ashley".

"Ashely, please move your things. You might think that you need more than one desk, but you only need one desk like everyone else."

Ashley is easy enough to spot; she is the only person sitting next to a vacant desk.Ashley plasters a fake smile at Mr. Roberts and says,

"Sure thing Mr. Roberts."

She then begrudgingly picks up her things off the desk while eying me up and down and then gives a look to several of the girls in the room. She is blonde like the most of them, with way too much make-up and a chip her shoulders. Great, just what I need, another diva thinking I am trying to interfere with her popularity status when really I could care less. I do not think I will ever understand girls like Ashley, they think that the world revolves around them and that they are somehow more special that the rest of us. The only explanation I can come up with is that they are insecure and the only way they feel better about themselves is making someone else feel like crap. This class is going to be so much fun... Not.

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