Chapter 8 ~ Shannon Taylor

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Fifth period never felt so far away. All I kept thinking about was going to art class so I can speak with Mrs. Lea and ask her about those symbols on my back. I even ignored Ashley's feeble attempt at pissing me off. As I walked into art class, I'm greatly disappointed... we have a sub. Our substitute teacher is apparently not an art teacher and his main focus is math. So instead of fumbling through a disasters art lesson he said to the class that if we promise not to tell, he will let us out early. Everyone was super excited about having a spare and being let out early.

I on the other hand was disappointed, and was no further along finding out what these symbols mean. I asked the sub when he thought that Mrs. Lea will be back, he said that he wasn't sure. He said that he was called in last minute otherwise they would have found a proper substitute teacher.

Bree was waiting for me outside in the parking lot.

"What took you so long? Are you looking for extra credit already?"

"Ha, Ha, very funny. No, I was just wondering if the sub knew when Mrs. Lea would be back. I wanted to ask her something?"

"Just kidding anyways. Now that we're out early, what do you want to do? We could try bowling again since we didn't get to do that the other day, someone had to almost die instead. But first, I have to swing by my brother's shop. My parents are away for a couple of days, at some kind of couples' retreat. My dad says they go during the week cause it's quieter but I know it's because it's cheaper. Koen, that's my brother's name, he is supposed to be watching me. How embarrassing. I mean I'm old enough, and responsible enough not to be an ass, to look after myself and the house while my parents are gone. It's only two days for crying out loud! You know what I mean?"

"Well, actually, my parents are probably a little different than yours. I mean, they're in the military. It's not unheard of if one of them are gone on tour while the other one stays at home with me. They are probably more lenient than your parents though. Apparently, they're both supposed to be going on tour next month. They're expecting the tour to last three to six months. I think they're planning on letting me stay home alone."

"Awesome! I'm so coming over when they're gone. My brother's shop is just a few blocks from here, are you coming?"

"Yeah, that sounds better than unpacking boxes at the house", ha ha, "I'll just text my mom, let's go".

As we walk over to her brother's shop, she starts talking about some guy named Travis that she's been crushing on. Apparently, he works part time at her brother's shop. She said that she's been crushing on him for about a year. Hopefully he is working there today so I can check him out and to find out who is making Bree blush. I asked her why she hasn't asked him out yet, and she said that she is too nervous to talk to him. She changes subjects and starts talking about her plans for this weekend. I was honestly trying to listen, but I found myself wondering about the strange symbols on my back and the creepy ghost guy with red eyes in my bathroom mirror. I wonder what Bree thinks about these symbols.

"Earth to Shannon.... hello? Did you hear me?"

Oh my God, I am so distracted. "I am so sorry. What did you say?"

"What... are... you... going to do for your fake date with Camden on Friday? Have you figured that out yet?"

"Shoot I forgot about that. I think I'll let him take me out, play hard to get and then stand him up on the second date when he thinks he is going to get some. What do you think? Do you have some better ideas?"

"Ooo leading-on the player, like a player, I like it. Play his dirty game, see how he likes it. By the way, we're here."

The shop is bigger than I expected. There is some fancy and expensive looking trucks, cars and bikes here. I follow Bree around the back of the building. I can hear some voices coming from what I assume is the body shop. One sounds like it might be Ethan. But as were about to enter the building the voices stop. As we enter the shop, I see an older guy who looks a lot like Bree, that must be her brother, Koen. Ethan is here too along with a couple of other guys. One of them must be Travis because all of a sudden Bree forgets how to talk. I guess that means I better save the day.

"Hi there, you must be Koen. I'm Bree's friend, Shannon".

"Hi, welcome. These fine gentlemen are a couple of my clients, we should be done soon. Bree, it's stupidly hot out, why don't you take Shannon down to the docks and go for a swim. I'll check in with you two later when we're done here."

Apparently, Bree is too shy to talk. One minute the girl can't shut-up, the next she is speechless. I better rescue this poor girl so that she can salvage any changes she has with Travis.

"Yeah Bree, that sounds great, how about you take me there".

Bree smiles and realizes what I'm doing.

"OK. Follow me".

I eye up Ethan before we leave. He of course is watching me with those intense eyes. I look at the other two standing with him. Weird... they all have the same blue eyes.

The docks are just down the street. Bree assures me that nothing will come out of water to eat me. I'm so hot from this heat, I think I'll actually go for a swim. I only have my bra and panties but who cares. I mean they're both black and if no one looks too closely, they will just think that it's a bikini anyways. As Bree and I strip down to go swimming, I forgot about my back. Bree notices though...

"Hey is that the scar you were talking about? You're right, it's barely even visible now".

Did the symbols disappear?? I look over my shoulder, straining to get a good better look. Well shit... I can still see them but apparently, she can't. 

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