Chapter 19 ~ Ethan Woods

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I take a deep breath and decide to start with what she already knows.

"We refer to the supernatural world as the Underworld. There is as many creatures and beings in this world as there is in the mundane world, otherwise known to you as the human world. You know about Wolves and that you have one, but it's obvious that you're not really aware of what that means just yet, and for the life of me, I haven't been able to figure out how you have not shifted yet. But if I had to guess, it has something to do with the fact that you're also a Witch. As a Wolf in human form, you hear things, smell things, and taste things ten times stronger and more clearly than any mundane. In both forms, we have blue eyes, are very strong and have self-healing powers, but that depends on the extent of the injury; the more severe the injury, the longer it will take for us to heal. So, the fact that you're still sore, and that your scrapes and bruises haven't healed yet, it's bizarre. Again, I think this must be related to the fact that your part Witch. We Wolves are short tempered but it can be controlled with proper teaching. Not all Wolf packs think we need to be taught self-restraint, and in general, those who think this way have less successful packs. We also have a soulmate, one mate for life. This is someone whom we feel most connected with; it's nothing like seeing someone and thinking it's love at first site, it's much deeper than that; it feelings more like a sense of completeness, like suddenly everything in the world makes sense. Once you've made the bond with your mate, it changes the way you think. Instead of simply being in love with someone that you could see yourself with, it's about loving someone that you can't see yourself living without. Have you ever felt something like that?"

"I am not sure. I feel a strong connection to you but as I told you before, I am guarded because of the way some people have treated me in my past. It's true, I've never felt this way before about anyone... I can't believe I'm telling you this. I've just met you and I don't really know you."

"It's OK. Don't feel embarrassed if that's what you're feeling. The truth is, you ARE my mate Shannon..." I kiss her hand and look her in the eyes, "... I will wait Shannon, I'll be here for you, whenever you're ready. Most Wolves find their mate around the time that they turn eighteen. I don't know if the change will be the same for you but it's possible."

"As for when we turn, we don't look like walking wolves or Lycians that you see in the movies; we're magnificent, similar looking to mundane Wolves, but unnaturally strong, fast and larger. Our hearing, sense of smell and taste is even stronger than in our human forms. We're also able to hear other pack members thoughts and emotions. And unlike some books and movies, we can turn at any time of the day or night, but sometimes strong emotions can force the change. There is more to us, but I think I'll stop there for now. Are you with me so far?"

"Yes. I think so."

"Since your part Witch, we might as well talk about them next. There are two kinds of Witches. Those who practice white magic or pure magic are called, White Witches, and they have yellow- or gold-colored eyes. The other Witches practice dark magic, also known as black magic, or unnatural magic, and they have dark purple eyes. Generally speaking, White Witches practice magic that benefits everyone and uses a natural holistic approach, while those who practice dark magic are usually using hexes, or curses to benefit themselves. All Witches have an anchor, ONE anchor, but you, you have several of them and I don't know what that means. Anchors are used by Witches to draw power. All Witches have one affinity which they are most connected to, but to be honest, I only know the basics of witchcraft. I will ask Gavin to do more research for us, Gavin is our pack historian. Before we move onto other supernatural beings, I feel like it's important to mention that unless you're of the same Underworld species you cannot procreate. Of course, different species have relations, but none have a child together. At least, that's until you came along. My guess is that one of your parents is a Wolf, and the other a White Witch."

"What makes you think it's a White Witch and not a Dark Witch, I mean, I could be evil and not know it."

I smile at her. "I doubt that. It's because you have green eyes. If you think about mixing colors, blue mixed with yellow makes green. Of course, that's just my theory, but we will need to confirm that. The most important thing to note, is you're likely the first known supernatural hybrid to have existed; this makes you special and valuable. All species will want to know what your potentially capable of or what you could mean to them as a threat. OK so far?"

"A threat? You must be joking."

"I am not. This is why your parents are leaving for training tomorrow morning. The Pack is everywhere. For their safety and for yours, we are sending them to a training facility upstate. They will be safe, I promise. But they need to be out of the way so we can protect you. I know this is not easy for you, but you need to come with me to the Pack house as soon as possible, it's the safest place where I can protect you. Because of our bond, we have the upper hand that none of the other species know about you yet, but Pack Headquarters now know, and it's only a matter of time before other Packs know who and what you are. Your vulnerable out here, away from the protection of the Pack. I am the Beta of our Pack, that means I'm just below the Alpha, and that you will be safe with me. Until your safely at my side, I have assigned some of my best warriors to keep watch over you."

I can't tell what Shannon is thinking, if would could only complete the bond, then I would know. But she looks overwhelmed.

"I think I need to go home. I need to process everything you just told me and I want to spend some time with my parents before they leave tomorrow. Also, I'll be going to school tomorrow. Before I forget..." she unlocks her phone and hands it over to me, "... can you please add your phone number so I can text or call you?"

Definitely not the response I wanted to hear, but growing up without Wolf parents or a Wolf Pack, she doesn't understand what it means to be a Wolf or that I am her mate who will always protect her. At least she didn't flat out say no. After I put my contact info into her phone, I texted myself... There, at least I now have her number.

"OK Shannon, let's get you home." 

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