Chapter 17 ~ Shannon Taylor

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I wake up with the sun beaming on my face. Oh my god, what time is it? I must be late for school. I swore I set an alarm last night before going to bed. Why am I in so much pain? I can barely roll over. I reach for my phone, and holy crap, it's 11:30. I am definitely late for school. I finally make it out of bed and drag my feet to my bedroom door. Wait... What's that noise? Is that my dad's voice I hear? Why are my parents' home? I open my bedroom door and head for the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. Wow... I look like crap. My skin is paler than usual, and I have dark circles under my eyes. I could definitely use a hot bath for my sore muscles, scrapes and bruises. As I was about to start my bath, I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

"Honey, are you awake now? We heard your alarm going off earlier this morning, but when you didn't turn it off, your daddy and I decided turn your alarm off for you and let you sleep. After yesterday, you need rest. Besides, we both know you're not learning much on the first week of classes."

I opened up the door and give her a big hug. "Thanks mom, you're right, I need this. Question... Why are you and dad here, shouldn't you be at work?"

"Well, now that you're up, your father and I need to speak with you. Join us downstairs in the kitchen, I'll make you some pancakes."

"OK, I'll be down in a sec. Just give me a minute in the bathroom."

"Sure, thing honey, that will give me time to make your pancakes."

I shut the door to the bathroom and go about doing my business. Pancakes... she only makes me pancakes when they have to tell me that one of them is going on leave for a tour. I guess that means that they got called up early for their tour that's scheduled in the next two to three weeks from now. As finish in the bathroom, I grab my housecoat, then head for the kitchen.

My mom waits until I'm sitting down before she starts her speech.

"Your father and I got notification early this AM from command that we need to go update ourselves in some training courses, before we're deployed in the next few weeks. The course that they're sending us to is upstate, so we'll have to go there. We feel terrible for you because we just moved here, and I know we talked about your father and I being on tour at the same time, but not for a few weeks. We can try to ask for an extension, or an emergency leave, or..."

"Mom, dad, it's fine. I get it. And we talked about this. We all agreed that I'm capable of looking after myself while you guys are on tour. The only difference now is that we're just doing it ahead of schedule. It's fine, really."

Now, it's my dad's turn to assure that I'm OK.

"Are you sure? We don't want to pressure you if you're not ready."

"Yes, dad. I am sure. Just don't be surprised when you guys come back if some of the stuff from the boxes are not where you planned on putting them."

"That's my girl".

Then my dad bear hugs me from behind while I'm trying to eat my pancakes, and kisses the top of my head. My mom just looks back at me and smiles. She then tells me that they leave tomorrow morning and will only have today to prepare for their departure. She said that most of the stuff that she will need is packed already so she will work on unpacking some of the other boxes in the house. Plus, she said that she will make sure that I know where the emergency credit card is along with the emergency cash. She assures me that she will set up automatic e-transfer deposits weekly for whatever I might need.

Just as I finish up breakfast, there's a knock at the front door. Dad looks at mom and I and says,

"I wonder who that could be."

Mom's closest to the front door so she goes to see who it is. Then I hear his voice. Shit! That's Ethan. I told him I was going to skip school today and that I wanted to ask him some questions. Why didn't he call or text first? You idiot... you forgot to give him your number. I dash for the stairs and take the stairs two at a time. I need to at least look presentable, or better than I do right now. I run into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Ok... Now the hair... I don't have time to use my flat iron, but thankfully the curls are cooperating today, I think I'll just leave them.

Just as I'm working on my make-up. Mom knocks on the door and then opens it.

"Shannon, sweetie, Ethan is here. He is waiting for you in the family room with your father, so you better hurry up and rescue him before your father interrogates him beyond the basics. Your hair looks pretty today, I hope you leave it alone. I will never understand why you feel the need to flatten it when people pay big bucks to look like yours does when you crawl out of bed."

"Yeah, OK mom. Besides, I think I look better with flat hair and that's all that matters. But it's your lucky day, I don't have time to flatten it before seeing Ethan. I'm just about done in here; I'll be down in a couple of minutes. "

I applied concealer to my dark circles under my eyes, gave myself a little bit of blush and then finished with some mascara and lip gloss... there, that will have to do. Now, clothes. All I could find that was quick was some comfy pants, and a sweater.

After I finished getting dressed, I head downstairs. I can hear my dad giving him the drills, like how old are you? Where did you go to school? What do you do now?

"Oh my god dad, you're going to chase him away. Can you please not."

Before my dad can defend himself, Ethan jumps in,

"It's ok Shannon, your dad's just doing his job to make sure I'm a good guy. I might be a little rough around the edges but I'm a big softy. I'm a landscape for a company out of town, it's long hours and hard work, but I like it."

Dad seems impressed and satisfied with Ethan's answer and responds with a nod,

"Alright then. Well, I still have to go finish up with some packing, and then help your mother. Shannon, don't be too long, we would like to spend some time with you before we leave tomorrow."

"Of course, dad."

My dad leaves the room. I look at Ethan, God he is hot; I could look at him all day and still need more time. He notices me staring.

"Hey, do you want to go for a walk or a drive?"

"Yes, but I think going for a drive is better, I'm too sore today to go for a walk; probably from almost dying yesterday."

"OK. Good thing I brought Daren's SVU then. Let's go." 

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