Chapter 10 ~ Ethan Woods

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It really is hot out. Koen must realize that I'm not after his little sister, because of how I was staring at Shannon. He says that it's too hot outside for him, and as long as the girls are ok, he is going back to the shop to do some paperwork in his office, where he has air-conditioning.

I can feel beads of sweat starting to run down my back. I think I'll turn up the heat for Shannon; let's see how she reacts to me taking my shirt off. First, I kick off my shoes; I did after all say that I was going to put my feet in the water. I reach back over my head and grab my shirt between my shoulder blades, then I pull my shirt over my head. Shannon definitely notices because she stops moving around in the water to watch me. I'm still wearing my jeans. I decide to use my shirt to slowly rub off the beads of sweat from my face, chest and abdomen, then I toss my shirt off to the side. As I was planning my next move, I noticed that the water fairies are back and they're agitated. They move so fast. Before I know it, Shannon is pulled under the water.

Of course, Bree can't see the water fairies, but as soon as she realizes that Shannon was pulled under by something, she screams, gets up and yells that she is going to get help. I don't bother taking my pants off, I just dive in after Shannon.

I can see that Shannon is struggling with at least five water fairies; their black beady eyes are wild with excitement and they are smiling with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. They aren't very big, but what they lack in size, they make up for in strength. As I am doing my best to pull them off her, she is slowly running out of air. After all, she was taken by surprise, so I am sure that she sucked in water instead of air as she went under. She is starting to put up less of a fight, she needs air now. I quickly take her face between my hands and I press my lips to hers. When I do this her eyes open wide, I think she realizes what I am about to do, and I force the air I have left in my lungs into her. I quickly surface for more air, then I dive back down. I am able to pull the rest of the fairies off her. I wrap my right arm around her waist, then with as much strength as I can muster, I push us up from the bottom surface. As we breech the top of the water, we both gasp for air. She is exhausted. With what strength and energy, she has left, she wraps right her arm around my neck, her left arm around my side, and rests her head on my right shoulder. As fast as I can, I get us to the shoreline and out of the water. I stumble on the sand and I end up crawling us both up the beach. We are now laying on our sides in the sand, I've got her pressed against me to keep her safe. It looks like we either bested the fairies, or we are no longer a threat, because they retreat.

I can feel her breathing heavily against me and I can hear her heartbeat pounding strong and steady. I carefully pull her arm off from around my neck so I can see her. She looks like she is going to be ok but she also looks like she is in shock. I quickly look her over to make sure that she doesn't have any life-threatening injuries. Amazingly enough, but she only has some superficial scrapes and scratches. I don't even bother checking myself for injuries as I am likely almost healed already.

As I finish checking her for wounds, Bree comes running with Koen, Travis and Daren. I yell up to them,

"She's ok. She's just in a little bit of shock, but she is ok".

As they approach us on the beach, Koen wants to know what happened. I tell them that Shannon felt something swim by her leg, then she got herself all tangled up in some underwater plants, and then she couldn't free herself. To Koen and Bree, it sounds believable. The scrapes and scratches on her arms and legs even matches the story I gave. But Travis and Daren know it's a lie.

Shannon is quiet and moving slowly. I ask her if she wants me to take her home. She doesn't look up at me but she nods her head. I help her get dressed and then I dress myself. I assure Bree that she will be safe with me. Koen sounds like he is teasing me about taking her home to make sure she is safe, but I reassure him by saying that I prefer my women awake and conscious. He nods his head in agreement as we both know what each other is actually getting at.

Shannon hugs Bree and says goodbye to Koen, and Travis. I hold out my hand for her and she takes it without hesitation. Daren walks up the path with us towards the shop. I brought my bike but Daren drove his SVU. I tell Daren to trade vehicles with me so that Shannon can be more comfortable. He tosses me the keys to the SUV and I do the same for my bike. I help Shannon into the car, and buckle up her seatbelt for her. I get in the driver's side, buckle myself up, put the car in drive and head into town.

Before I know it, Shannon is asleep beside me. I gently tried to wake her but she was out cold. I don't know where she lives. I guess I'll have to take her back to my apartment. I drive up to the building and use the underground parking access card. I have my own private elevator to the penthouse, so no one notices me bringing her up to my place.  

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