Chapter 18 ~ Shannon Taylor

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I tell my parents that Ethan and I are going to go for a drive and be back soon. They tell me to have a good time, be safe and not to be too late. Once we get to the car, Ethan opens my door for me. I thank him, climb in and put my seat belt on as he shuts the door. Then as he's walking around the front end of the car, I notice that he is looking all around before he gets in... weird, what's he looking for? I'll have to ask him. He then gets into the car, buckles up, and starts the car.

"I think the safest and best option of where to take you, is back to my penthouse. Are you OK with that?

Safest? Are we that concerned that we can't go get coffee at Starbucks? Then I remembered that we're not going to chit chat about the weather, and a private place is probably better for what he's going to tell me.

"Sure. If you think that's best."

Off we go. He then reaches over to hold my hand. I let him because I want to. But instead of holding his hand, I decide to tuck his hand in between my thighs, then I hug his bicep and rest my head on his shoulder. I hope he's OK with this, he just makes me feel safe. His touch on my body, and the smell of him next to my face as I rest my head on his tight bicep is intoxicating. There is something about his touch and the way how he smells that makes me want to be close to him. As if he could read my mind, he gives my thigh a tight but gentle squeeze and kisses my forehead.

As we head into the undergrounds parking lot, he slows and looks around again.

"What are you looking for, I saw you doing the same thing outside my house?"

"I am being extra cautious of your safety Shannon. Don't be alarmed or upset, but I have some of my best warriors watching over you to keep you safe. I don't want anything to happen to you. Please be patient, I will explain more once we get upstairs to my penthouse where I know that you're safe."

Warriors!? I quickly look up at him, then I find myself now looking around to see if I can see the people watching over us... but I don't see anyone. Wait, maybe that's one of them sitting on the bench across the street, or another one walking down the street on her cell phone. But what do I know, it could be anyone and I would have no idea.

After he parks the car, we head up to his place in his private elevator. After we get inside, he asks me to stay in the front foyer while he checks the rooms. After a few moments he is back. Like his bedroom, the apartment isn't huge but it's tastefully decorated. He takes me to his living room; the room long and narrow, but just like the bedroom, it has a great view. The outer wall is completely glass, from floor to ceiling with a large glass door leading out to a medium sized balcony. The ceiling is tall just like his bedroom. The colors are white, black and shades of grey. Another grand looking fireplace as the main feature wall and across from it, a roomy couch. The gas fireplace blends into the wall which is a smoky grey color, and the opposite wall with the couch is white. The couch an L-shaped sectional in a medium grey color, in a suede material with solid black and darker grey accent pillows. The ceiling is white, and the entire window is made of up squares with black trim. He has a few gold accents here and there, but it's elegant and masculine all at the same time.

"Did you decorate this on your own? If you did, you should forget whatever you do now for a living and go into modern design."

Then he laughs, a full-on belly laugh.

"Oh Shannon, I haven't laughed like that in a while. No, I didn't decorate this place. We have pack members in all sorts of professions. I just told them what concept I wanted, and poof, here it is. I think Frank and his team did a great job. I only told him that I wanted something modern and masculine. But enough about that, we have much more important things to discuss, before I have to get you back home to your parents, who will be leaving in the morning."

"OK. Wait? What? How do you know that my parents are leaving in the morning?"

"I promise I'll explain, but let's start with some of the basics. Make yourself comfortable. I'll grab us some coffee."

This is so messed up. How does he have this elaborate apartment, penthouse, whatever you want to call it. Why are people watching me, and how does he know my parents are leaving tomorrow?

Ethan walks into the room and sets two mugs of coffee down on the small round glass table next to me at the end of the couch. Then he starts pacing and rubs his hand through his thick, silky dark hair. He suddenly stops pacing and sits beside me on the couch, our knees are angled towards each other, he then takes my hands in his and looks into my eyes.

"Shannon, I wish there was an easy way to start this conversation, but there really isn't. If you'd been raised by the supernatural then you would know all about this world. I will try to explain but if at any time you need a break or don't understand, please stop me, OK?"


"OK. As a you grew up, I'm sure that you heard or read stories about fictional creatures. The truth is, most of them are real, but probably not in the way that they've been told to you. Hold tight, because what I am about to tell you is going to turn everything that you thought you knew upside down." 

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