Chapter 23 ~ Ethan Woods

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I keep looking out the cabin windows and listening for movement outside.

"Something isn't right Lucas. Langston is late for his own meeting. He picked this neutral location and set the time, so it's not like he got lost."

What I also don't mention, is that I have a horrible feeling of pending doom. I feel like something is happening to Shannon and I'm stuck here. If Shannon and I were bonded, I could just tap into her psyche and ask her what's wrong. I continue to pace the room. Just then, I hear a car pull up the gravel road towards the cabin. Soon after, someone walks through the cabin door. It's not Langston, but instead, one of his few remaining loyal constituents. It is apparent that Lucas is now irritated too, because he barks at the new guy in the room.

"What the hell is going on here? Your Alpha was the one who asked for this meeting and he picked this location. Where the fuck is he? Where is Langston?"

"Alpha Freddrick Langston, sends his apologies, as he's detained on another matter. He sent me as reassurance that he will be along shortly."

I don't like it. I force myself into Lucas' head and tell him how I feel.

"Something is off Lucas, why send only one guy to a meeting as important as this? Just for comparison, you bring me and some of your strongest to this meeting, and he sends one pathetic looking of an excuse for a Wolf. Somethings not right."

I know Shannon is being protected by the team that I handpicked. But I can't help myself, I need to check-in with her. I decide to text Shannon. I don't want to alarm her for no reason so I make the text casual.

Are you packed and ready for me to pick you up tonight?

The wait for her response is killing me. So, I text her again, this time I get to the point.

Are you OK, is something wrong?

But I still don't get a response. I then text the team leader on watch tonight.

Jaxon, Report in.

But still no response. That's strange, but then I notice that I have no service on my phone. So, I go back to pacing the room. Ten minutes later, I hear another car pull up the gravel driveway and head towards the cabin. A moment later, another one of Langston Wolves walks into the cabin.

That's when I smell blood, lots of it. Some I can recognize, others I do not. But then her smell hits me like a ton of bricks. Why can I smell Shannon? Why can I smell her blood? My inner wolf goes MAD. I force my thoughts into Lucas' head.

"They have her. They took Shannon. I knew something was wrong. I'm beginning to lose it Lucas!"

"I can smell her too Ethan. But you must calm yourself, at least until we get off neutral grounds. You know that you can't shed blood on neutral territory. If you do, you'll break one of our Wolf laws, and the penalty is severe. Besides, this is what Langston wants; if your awaiting punishment somewhere, you won't be in way, and you won't be able to get her back, your efforts will all be for nothing, and he will have won. Be smart Ethan, if he has Shannon, it's a declaration of war and we have every right to slaughter them."

I can't just sit and wait. My inner Wolf is starting to take over me, I am starting to lose control. Lucas looks over at me, trying to look stern but I can see that he is starting to fear me.

"Alpha Langton sends his apologies for not being present himself. He sent me instead with a message, well actually two messages. The first is for Pack Master, Alpha Lucas McGregor, the Langston Pack formally rejects the merging of our Packs because you're not willing to share or submit your Alpha title to Pack Master, Alpha Freddrick Langston. The Langston Pack openly declares war with you, and your Pack. The second message is for Pack Beta, Ethan Woods..."

But instead of speaking the message, he pulls out a cell phone and presses play. There is no video, only audio, and it's her voice...

"Ethan! Ethan! Save me!"

His messenger continues on with Langston's message,

"She no longer belongs to you Ethan, shame on you for trying to keep her a secret. You're just a Beta and don't deserve someone of so much power and potential, I will force the bond, and she will be mine."

All I see is RED. I am going blind with rage. I can feel the turn starting to take over me. I can no longer hear except for my rage and pulse in my head. But I can read Lucas' lips. Lucas is trying to tell me to get a hold of myself. He then turns to the messenger,

"Langston has NO idea what shit storm he's awoken! Ethan is my deadliest weapon! Once he is blind with rage, he will be untamable, even for me as his Alpha. He is ruthless, unyielding, and savage... he is... he is, pure chaos, may the Lord have mercy on your souls!"

I start to feel the shift as I run towards the door, and while I am still part man, I hear him yell at me,


While go between my fits of rage and my brief moments of consciousness, I focus on her sent, and run away from everyone at the cabin. As pure chaos I no longer recognize friend from foe. My guilt is also feeding my rage. I let this happen, this is my fault. I should have been with her to protect her, but instead I chose the wrong warriors to watch over her... I will find her, and when I find the ones who took her, I will slaughter them all! 

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