Chapter 7 ~ Shannon Taylor

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I wake up and I feel like crap... probably from yesterday's allergic reaction. I feel like crawling back into bed but I'm sure a good cup of coffee will help wake me up for the day. I look at the time, well no wonder I'm tired, I'm awake 2 hours before I need to be. Even if I did try to go back to sleep, my brain won't let me, so there is no point of trying. I might as well get up, get dressed and get some coffee. My parents should be leaving for work soon.

As I'm heading into the bathroom, my parents pass me in the hall and comment about how early I am to be awake. My mom also feels the need to mention how tired I look and that I should go back to bed. I guess that means I'll be putting on more make-up than usual this morning to hide the bags under my eyes. I hear them leave out the front door as I turn on the shower. I always feel better after a hot shower.

The hot water feels amazing on my sore body. Oopsie... I forgot to turn on the fan or open a window in the bathroom and now its super steamy in here. I'll turn the fan on, that should help with the steam. Even the mirror is all fogged up. I pick up the hand towel to wipe off some of the condensation off the mirror. I put on my bra and as I stood up to put on my panties the lights start to flicker and go out. Just as fast as they went out, the light comes back on. I look in the mirror and someone with crazy red eyes is looking back at me. Holy shit! I turn around, slip on the wet tile floor and feel myself falling. I wake up laying on the bathroom floor cold and wet. The steam is gone from the bath room, but most importantly, I'm alone. WTF was that? As I'm sitting up, I rub the back of my head and find some blood. Well shit, I'm still seeing stuff and this time I fricken scare myself, slip on the fricken floor and probably gave myself a concussion.

I get up off the floor and now my back hurts... I think my body is worse now than when I woke up. I look in the mirror to check out the bruising on my back and OMG what the hell is that on my back. My burn is no longer a burn but a series of symbols all the way from the base of my skull to my lower spine. They don't hurt and they don't rub off. What the hell is going on with me... I begin to feel light headed and decide to sit down so I don't hit my head again. I focus on my breathing... Breath in 1-2-3, and out 1-2-3. I focused on my breathing for several minutes before my head finally felt clear enough to stand up. I decided to take another look at my back. As I'm looking at these markings on my back, they kind of remind me of the symbols that flashed in my vision during my tealeaf reading in art class. What does all of this mean? I will need to speak with my art teacher to see if she can explain what the symbols mean. I don't want to end up in an asylum so I think I'll just draw these symbols in my sketch book and then hopefully she can shed some light onto my problem.

I quickly finish drying myself off and put on some clothes. I decided to forgo flat-ironing my hair today and try to fix my hair into a messy bun without touching my goose egg, man that is smart... I definitely don't need coffee to wake me up but the caffeine might help with my headache that is starting to form. I don't want to be alone right now so I think I'll go to the coffee shop down the street. I remember smelling their bakery when we drove by it the other day. My mouth is already begging to water thinking about pastries.

I grab my bag and some money for something delicious. It doesn't take long to get to the coffee shop. I'm not the only customer in the shop but it's still quiet. I sit at a small bistro table in the corner of the shop. I got a regular coffee and some delicious looking pastry with icing and cherries. As I'm enjoying my breakfast, I get a sudden feeling like I'm being watched. I try to be inconspicuous while I'm looking for some perv watching me. I casually look around the shop, then outside to my left, and now my right... nothing. I turn back to face the shop and Jesus, there is Bree right next to my face and whispers,

"What are we looking for?"

"Don't ever do that to me again" I have to hold my chest because I think I just had a small heart attack.

"Oopsie. Sorry, I thought you heard me. Are you feeling ok this morning? Why are you so jumpy?"

I just shake my head.

"I just didn't hear you. I just thought I felt someone watching me that's all. Guess I was wrong."

"Are you ready to get to school? I don't usually have time to stop for tea but today I saw you and thought we could walk to school together." Bree had her tea and what looks like a croissant in a to-go bag.

"Yeah, I guess I'm ready. Let's get out of here"

I really think I'm going crazy. I'm so jumpy, I'm fricken seeing shit and my head still hurts.

As were walking to school, Ashley drives by us in her little sports car. She slows down a little just to make eye contact and then she and her copy cats in the car all burst out laughing as they drive away. Lord that girl has some issues.


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