Valentine Special

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February  14, also known as 'Heart's Day' or better yet, Valentines Day. What a perfect day to let everyone you know that you love them right..... yeah no, not my cup of coffee. Sure the day is about love and all those mushy stuff, but it will be the most horrendous day if you were a psychic like me. Reading minds is something I cannot control, I wish I could say to keep your thoughts to yourself.

"Saiki-nii, who are you staring at?" came the voice of a well known green headed child that everyone loves, Gon.

'Nothing important....Do you need help?'

Why I ask that question? Well, the child is carrying loads of heart shaped sweets and gifts. With a nod from the small child, I helped him carry the extra load in his hands and settle them down onto the floor.

'Who gave these to you?' I questioned him as I examined one of the gifts, using x-ray vision to see inside. It is my duty to make sure there were no illegal things in them anyway.

"They were sent from our home! Half of them belongs to you!" and with an excited shout, the green headed child dashed to the gifts on the floor and started throwing the ones for me....well at me. Lucky, none of them were crushed in the process.

Once all of them were sorted out, I have realized I was three gifts more than Gon. And before I could question who they were from, the said child had gathered his gifts and ran out of the room and towards where the other's where at. By that, I mean Killua, Leorio and Kurapika who also had their fair share of gifts. Letting out a huff, I took the three extra gifts and analyzed them.

One was wrapped in a light shade of pink and blue with a white ribbon. I didn't need to read the card to know who that was from. Opening up the gift sent by THAT clown, a familiar scent hit my nose. The smell of homemade coffee jelly wrapped up in a delicate cup and some cookies.

'I need to check later on if he did something to them first'

As I put away the first gift, I moved onto the next one. The second gift was wrapped in plain green with no ribbon on it, but it did had a note attached to it. It wasn't hard to recognize this gift either, no offense there Illumi. Opening up the gift and looking inside, I can't help but let out a hum of amusement. There in the small box was a hair pin.... a letter shaped hair pin of the letter Z.

'Maybe' I thought to myself as I put the gift with the first. 

Now onto the last gift. It was wrapped in white with a red ribbon and a card attached. How unusual... you would think I would know who the sender of the gift is, but I truly do not know. Nor did I knew that they know our address. Now, if you were to get an unknown gift, you must throw it away or burn it immediately, unless you were a curious psychic who wants to know what is inside instead of using your x-ray vision.

As I carefully look inside of the open gift, I gently picked up the item inside. A beaded bracelet with, what it looks like, a cross with a small circle in the middle of it. Living in this world, you will be able to see if someone had tampered with an item, and that is what I did. There were no traces that someone had tampered with it, but it seems as though the bracelet was made by the sender. Homemade to be exact.

'Hmmm' letting out a small hum, I put the three gifts aside, just in time when my door was opened.

"Saiki-san, do you want to join us in opening up the gifts?" asked Kurapika, peeking inside.

Shrugging my shoulders, I got up and took my gift's with me to the living area. I can worry about the other three gifts later. It is best to just enjoy this moment while it last.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you will all enjoy your day and I hoped yo have all enjoyed this short special chapter! Treat yourself to what will make you happy, like how I ate chocolates while writing this down!!!!!! 

See you all next time, I promise.


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