Chapter 17

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The fifth day had arrived for all of the participants that were still alive and about in the on the island. Underneath a wide tree, resting for a bit, were Saiki and Gon. The green headed teen and Saiki were resting since the nightfall on the fourth day. Now, the sun is out, glaring down unto the island. 

"Do you sense them yet?" asked Gon as he stood on top of a boulder, looking down to Saiki who was leaning against the coolness of the rock before them.


To be honest, Saiki had known the location of the three acquaintance's. He can make their life easier by telling Gon that he knew, but he felt like it was too late to tell the younger teen that since Gon felt determined to find them. The pink headed teen had an urge to sigh again, but he had been doing that forever and it was somehow bugging him. Rolling his eyes at the small thought, Saiki glance back up to the small teen who was over looking the area they were in.

 "I don't smell them here, let's try another area" said Gon as he jumped from the boulder towards the dirt and sanded trail. Huffing out an agreement, Saiki then followed the younger. 

_3 Hours Later_

The sun seemed to hate them when the two began to sweat under their clothes. It was tempting them to find some shade and rest for a bit, but the two had rested enough. Gon wanted to find their friends soon since the week was almost up. Before the younger felt like he was going to drop, a familiar scent hit his nose. With wide eyes, Gon gathered up his energy and began to sprint into the tree's.

Gon knew he didn't need to see if the other was following him. He knew that Saiki would find him even if he was on the other side of the world. As the scent got stronger, the more excitement and happiness filled the younger teen. The trail that the green headed child was following, soon lead him to a cave in a clearing. Turns out, it was on a mountain top on the island. When Gon got closer, he smelt another familiar scent that was in the same cave, as well as two unfamiliar one, although, one of it smelt bad.

Clearing his head a bit, Gon took small steps inside, making sure to be as silent as he can be. The further he entered, the more anxious Gon felt. Something was wrong to him. That thought soon left him when the younger teen saw a light. 

"Kurapika-san! Leorio-san! I thought I knew those scents were yours!" shouted Gon with glee when he saw two of his friends.

However, that smile left his face when he saw a woman sitting next to a man. An unmoving man to be exact. A grim look was on the green headed teens face when he saw the shock yet terrified face of the two friends he found. Before he could ask what was wrong, Leorio grabbed both of his shoulder's.

"What are you doing here!"

"I um.. I followed your guy's scent. Me and nii-san were looking for you two" answered Gon as he looked into the older ones eyes.

"This is bad, really bad" mumbled Leorio as he let go of Gon's shoulders and instead, grabbed his hair in frustration. Gon was confused. He looked back at Leorio then at Kurapika, then to the unknown woman who seemed a bit upset.

"What is going on?"

"We cannot escape the cave" was the simple answer that was given to him by Kurapika.


"See this guy here? He was my target, I followed him here, in this cave. Turns out, he had this place guarded by his little snakes. Poisonous ones to be exact" informed the unknown lady as she gestured to the said unmoving man then placing her arm back to her side.

"How did this happened though?"

"I had injected him with poison, waited a bit before it kicked in. I was not aware of the snakes hiding however"

"She's my target, I saw entered this cave, Kurapika was with me"

"She was also bitten by one of them" informed Kurapika, glancing at the silent woman.

If having a grim look could deepen, then that was how Gon was looking like. His brows squint together, lips pursed into a thing line, eyes filled with worry and distraught. Gon knew that he didn't have to warn Saiki about the snakes, but he can't but feel worry. The thought of the older pink headed teen getting bitten sent a shiver down Gon's spine. Before any other thoughts can filter through him, a thud was heard in the cave. With worry, Gon tuned his attention towards the collapsed woman.

"The venom from the snake is kicking in" said Leorio as he kneeled down next to the said woman.

"What was her and his name?" asked Gon in wonder.

"Ponzu and Bourdon the snake charmer" said Kurapika as he leaned against the caves wall.

"If there is any chance of getting out of here, it's with nii-san's help, if I inform him, he will be able to save us" said Gon, his voice filled with hope and determination.

"That is true, Saiki-san is a strong individual"

"But how in the world is he going to save us?" questioned Leorio as he stood up, dusting his pants a bit before stopping.

'Don't doubt me so much, let's go though, this cave is getting debris on me' came the familiar monotone voice.


Long story short, they were able to pass the snakes that were somehow sleeping, taking Ponzu with them. Bourdon was long gone, so with a sorry feeling, they had to leave him in the cave. The sun was setting by the time they left the mountain with Leorio's targets badge. It felt only like minutes in the cave, but it was hours since Gon had entered. Saiki patted the younger ones head when he saw the sad expression on his face.

With his beaming smile returning, Gon let out a small laugh and hugged the pink teen then letting go so that the four of them can go back to the same dock that they had walked on to enter the island.


A/N: I was able to finish most of my school work just to update! I feel proud but my brain hurts from all the thinking I was doing just for school. Any who, I hoped I was able to satisfy you reader's with this latest chapter. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and stay safe out there!!!

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