Chapter 27

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A/N: This chapter is mostly like a letter that had to be rewritten to fit the story. A short chapter today because of the many flashback in this one, so I had to cut it short. Enjoy!

Mito: "abc"// Gon: "abc"// Flashbacks: "abc"


Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures... Vast riches... Hidden treasures... Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands...  The word "unknown" hold magic. And some incredible people are drawn to that magic. They are known... as Hunters!

On a small island just located out in sea, infamous for it's fishermen and small residence, for it's sandy shores and creatures, a letter had been delivered to an aunt's house. Mito had just taken down her laundry when a the said letter had arrived to her, and with a kind smile to the delivery man who was leaving, Mito can't wait to open the white envelope that was held gently in her hands.

 Dear Mito-san and Grandma, how are you doing? I'm doing great, as always, so is Saiki-nii. So, I actually passed the Hunter Exam with nii-san by myside. While I managed to pass the exam, I'm not to happy about it.  That's because of what happened during the Final Phase...

"You really don't get it. If you die, you'll never get another chance. If I kill you here, I need only try again next year. We are not an equal footing!"

"You value your pride more than your own life?! You're really willing to die for your pride?!"

"I'm going to find my dad. My dad is a Hunter. So I'm going to become a Hunter and find him! I believe that I'll find him one day... But I have a feeling that if I give up now, I'll never find him! So I won't surrender"

"If you don't yield, you'll die..." He defies reason.

"I give up. You win"

"That's not fair! We both have to think a way to settle this fight!"

"You fool!"

He had surrendered to me and I got all healed up by Saiki-nii. Though, I had wished that I had been knocked up so that I wouldn't have to witness a sad scene...

"It's been too long, Kil"


"You're not cut out to be a Hunter. You were born to be... a killer. What would you accomplish by becoming a Hunter?"

"True. I don't desire to become a Hunter. But... I do have something I want... "

"You don't"

"I do!"

"There's something I really want!"

"Tell me what it is that you want"

"I want to become friends with Gon... I'm sick of killing people. I want to become friends with Gon, and live a normal life..."

"That's impossible. You'll never be able to make friends. Because you have the soul of a killer"

"If you move an inch, I'll assume that the fight has begun. And if our bodies make contact, that will also mean the fight has begun. If you don't fight me, your dear Gon will die"

"I surrender. I lose..." Killua gave in to his despair after that. 

"Apologize to Killua!"

"Apologize? For what?"

"You don't know what you did wrong?... Don't bother apologizing. Just take me to see Killua"

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