Chapter 20

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A/N: AS you can tell from the previous chapter, Gon does not faint and was able to be healed by Saiki. So that means, Gon would be watching the whole battling scene from the part where Satotz was telling Gon of what happened when he was unconscious.

"The next match is Kurapika versus Hisoka. Begin!"

As Masta called the fight to begin, the two contestant looked at each other, waiting for one of the other to make a move. Even the most smallest twitch of a finger can trigger a fight. The fight had begun. Neither of the two had landed managed to land a hit as they kept dodging. It went on for a while until Hisoka had landed a hit on Kurapika's face, or to be specific, his cheek. Being blown back a bit by the hit, Kurapika widened his eyes a bit when Hisoka appeared right next to him. 

It may have seem that the clown had said something to the once shocked Kurapika. His words must've struck a chord in the blonde since he wouldn't move for a bit. Now, Saiki could have used his enhance hearing like he did last time, but it may have seen that it was personal and he didn't want to pry. So with a heavy sigh inside, Saiki just watched from afar. Hisoka took pride with him when he left the fighting side and called in defeat.

Next was Hanzo versus Pokkle, but the archer was met with defeat, making the ninja win. Hisoka versus Bodoro, easy, Hisoka won that round. I knew that he was flexible, but it may be too much.  Next match was between Killua and Pokkle, but as soo as the fight begun, Killua walked out of the ring, making the confused archer the winner of that round. 

"Sorry, I'm just not interested in fighting you" declared Killua.

Before the sixth match could begin, Leorio had suggested that it should be postponed until the unconscious Bodoro recovered. Then the next match began between the clicking giant with pins and the silver headed child. To say the least, Saiki was a bit intrigued about the match. AS the two contestant faced each other, Killua slowly walked towards the still Gittarackur. But as soon as he was near the green giant, he spoke.  

"It's been too long, Kil"

When those words were spoken, the clicking man went to pull of of the pins on its face. As the so-called face wiggles and disappears, the true appearance of Gittarackur was revealed. I knew it. Standing in the same place was a tall and pale individual with long black hair and onyx pair of eyes. Killua was in shock of who the man in front of him was and it may have seemed that everyone else in the building were confused. 



"Killua's brother?"

"He used those needles and pins to change his face!?"

"I heard you cut up Mom and Milluki"

"I guess"

"Mom was crying-"

"Anyone would cry if their son did that to them"

"-Tears of joy"

'eh? I knew that this world is different from mine, but that is just...weirder than weird'

"-she asked me to check up on you. What a coincidence, I didn't know you wanted to be a hunter. I'm trying to to get a license for my next job''

"I don't really want to become a hunter, I just felt like taking the exam" said Killua as he too a glace down to the floor then back up, completely ignoring the concerned look from a certain green headed child.

"I see. That's a relief. Then I have some advice for you, you're not cut out to be hunter. You were born to be a killer"

Intense. That is the only word that could be explained for the current atmosphere. There were no secrets being whispered between the two brother, they simply don't care if the other's have heard it, well, maybe one was concerned. By the looks of how the situation is, it looks like Killua's brother is going to just win this round. No fight what so ever, it was just all threats. Saiki took a look at the younger one beside him, Gon had a worried look, his hands were closed into a fist, his small figure shaking a bit. The pink teen could understand his feelings, he may be stoic and may look uncaring, but he does care's for the people in his life. 

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