Chapter 2

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The mixture of the raging sea and the ship rocking against it was not doing well in Saiki's favor. He was currently holding in his sea sickness as he watch the child that had climbed the watch tower. A storm, thought Saiki as he moved his gaze to the graying clouds ahead. In cue of his thoughts, the green child came down from the high pole and landed besides him.

"Nii-san, did you sense the storm?" he questioned the teen. Saiki nodded.

With a determined look on his face, the child turned around to face an elder man who watching them. Saiki had once again, watched from the distance as the child explained the upcoming situation. Seeing the elder captain agreeing to the statement, Saiki made his way below the deck. Once he had open the door, various thoughts entered his mind, a headache was what he got in the process. Rolling his eyes at the many nonsense he heard, the pink headed teen tried to find an empty spot away from human contact.

After deciding to seat on top of the pillars on the 'rooftop' or the lonely corner in the area, Saiki went with the latter and sat there. Situating himself in the corner, the teen began to run through all the memories that were given to him. Weird, I became a cousin to a child in another universe where people are either hunted or they hunt, thought Saiki as he closed his eyes.

It had seem that the pink head had fallen asleep when he was suddenly gently called out. Opening his eyes slowly, Saiki had to blink away the blurriness that filled his vision first. Ah, the child. Getting up from his home made comfort, Saiki followed the child to another room, in his guess, the captains office. Two other's, sensed Saiki as he stood before the door, well, behind the child that was in front of it. Opening it up for the both of them, Saiki made the child go in first before going in himself and closing the door. Without making any eye contact with the other extra people in the room, Saiki kept his focused on the elder man before them.

"I'm going to ask you all just one question, why do you want to become a hunter?" asked the captain as he eyed the group before him. A test, Saiki kept that to himself. 

A voice was cleared beside him, but the pink haired teen didn't look. Rolling his eyes in his thoughts, Saiki forced his ears to not listen to the excuse's. It didn't take long for Saiki to focused back in the on going conversation when he heard saw the child on the other side of him about to speak. In cue, his arm was raised in the air with glee.

"I'm Gon and I want to become a hunter because I wanted to see why my dad left to become one!" Gon explained.

Humming softly at the statement, Saiki then felt eyes on him. Oh boy, thought Saiki as he caught the eyes of the elder captain. Sensing his discomfort, Gon had took it upon himself to speak for him, which Saiki was grateful for.

"This is Saiki, he doesn't really talk much, but he is here because my Aunt wanted him to keep me out of trouble!" said Gon as he patted the teens arm with a smile.

Not a moment too soon, a small competition was going on between the blonde that was beside him and a tall man that was besides Gon. Seeing that they were about to be squish, Saiki pulled the green headed child with him to safety, which was besides the watching captain. How bothersome, Saiki had thought when he saw that the two other's that were fighting took it upstairs.

Curiosity filled Gon as he pulled his cousin to see the what would happen, and the captain just followed along silently behind them. Wishing that he was below deck, Saiki took note that the storm was getting much more worse. He wondered why the two other's were about to fight in the heavy rain. Before the pink headed teen could go further into his thoughts, a scream was heard then a splash. Without thinking, Saiki used a part of his powers to saved whoever had fell over board. Gon's eyes were twinkling with excitement when he finally get to see his very own cousin use his power again.

Couldn't contain his bubbling happiness, Gon exploded in cheers as he ran around the pink headed teen who held no expression at all. While he was dong that, those who had seen the situation were awe struck. The two who were previously arguing with each other, shook off their shock and went to the bubbling child and the stoic teen.

"That was amazing, I must admit it" said the tall one as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I would agree, you must have think fast" said the blonde.

Not at all, sighed Saiki as he placed a hand to stop Gon from running any further before he gets dizzy. After, they had all introduced each other properly, by that Gon had to do most of it. Seeing the captain approach them, they all faced him as he explained that they were already at their next destination. The feeling of happiness filled Saiki's heart of the thought of getting off the rocking ship. It had not taken long for the ship to finally dock and Saiki was about to get off but a shout stopped him.

"Please wait!"

Turning around, Saiki was met with the person who fell over board. Blinking at the gasping man, Saiki was a bit confused but got the idea real quick when he saw the man bow to him. Taking it as a sign of thanks, Saiki did a curt nod when the man stood up straight. Walking down the ships board, the teen was suddenly pulled by the arm. 

"Come on nii-san!! We have to hurry!" shouted Gon with excitement.

Does this child every get tired!? 

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