Chapter 3

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Heaving out a sigh for the millionth time, Saiki had to endure the painful walk to the next destination led by Gon. It's not like he doesn't mind walking, but sometimes he likes to laze around without anyone looking. Ah, didn't he say that he would take the bus? questioned Saiki as he saw Leorio walking with them. Oh well, shrugged Saiki as he minded his own business. That was soon changed when he sensed the unpleasant follower far from them. Frowning to himself, Saiki decided to put on his guard.

"When is this gonna end?" asked Leorio as he looked around the area they were in.

From streets with cars and people in towns, they were in an area with none except for abandon like houses. No one was around, or so the tall man with the briefcase in front of him thought. They had come to a sudden stop when a weird structure blocked their path. As soon as they had stopped, weird people covered in a white cloth appeared along with an old lady. 

"You cannot go any further beyond this point" said the elder woman, as Saiki guessed, the leader.

"What do you mean?" asked Gon as he shook of his slight shock.

"You one of those hired examiner's right?" questioned Kurapika as he took a step forward.

That was easy answer to Saiki as he stared at the weird people. Soon the lady began to explain what she was about to do, which was, as he quote, "The mind-blogging two choice quiz". Deciding that it will be useless to answer what the question will be, Saiki zoned out a bit. Not to long, a voice was heard behind him. Groaning in his mind, Saiki just walked to a near by wall and leaned on it. Crossing his arms together, Saiki watched the follower answer the lady's question. Such a dumbass, smirked Saiki as he read the lady's mind.

Relaxing a bit at the same given question, Saiki went close to the zoned out child he was supposed to be watching. A small smile made it's way to the stoic face of his when he read the child mind. Shaking his head, Saiki turned his focused to the raging man and the calm one. Such a weird group he was in, then again, he was noun to attract those kind of people in his world. Speaking of his world, he wondered what was happening at the moment. 

"Enough Leorio, can't you see, we passed!" came a shout. Rubbing the back of his head, Leorio apologized to the elder woman. 

"The path you seek is just beyond that door over there" pointed out the lady as the weird clothed people opened the said door.

"I give up!" yelped Gon in confusion as he put his hands to his head.

"Still thinking of the question? What for, we already passed!" cheered Leorio as he placed his hands on his hip with a proud smile.

Gon's eyes lifted from the ground and towards Leorio and voiced out his opinion. "But what if one day you do come across a situation like that, who would you choose? I would rather save them both if I can".

With a short good bye to the towns people, the group followed along the trail before them. Hours had passed by and the taller one out of the bunch began to complain which they all ignored in return. Another set of hours had passed and by then, they had reached a a small house in under a large tree. Gon had knocked on the door before opening it and to the three's surprise, a man laid on the ground surrounded by broken glass.

Hearing a groan from the unknown man, the three gathered around him and began to ask him some questions. Not a moment too soon, Gon and Kurapika were out from the small house and into the deep woods while Leorio stayed to aid the man. Seeing that Saiki had not left, Leorio asked for his assistance which he gave quietly. Helping Leorio out was fast so Saiki took it upon himself to find the other two. Clairvoyance...found you. Without wasting a second, Saiki used teleportation. In a blink of an eye, Saiki had landed on top of a weird being who in return was groaning out of pain.

"Ah, nii-san, you caught the one I was supposed to catch!" came the shout of Gon as he ran up to his side with the same weird being.

Sensing the confusion, Gon began to explain what the beings were and the difference between them. Nodding to the short explanation, Saiki noted that he was still on top of the groaning Kiriko and got off without a word.

"My, my, another interesting person" said one of the Kiriko beings as they led Gon and Saiki back towards the house.

Standing out of the house was Leorio, Kurapika , the man and a woman. Once they had gathered, one of the Kiriko explained that they were a family and the situation that they had put out was something they do every time it comes to the hunter exam. Not long after, each member of the family began to give out their thought about one of them and claiming that they had passed.

"We'll give you a ride to the next destination but our son here will guide you to the exact place" said the Kiriko as it pointed to the man.

Agreeing to the terms, the group were each picked up by a Kiriko before lifting to the sky.

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