Chapter 18

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It wasn't long when the four had made their small way towards the starting point. By the time they had arrive however, it seems like they had been the last to arrive. Surviving applicants were gathered around the dock, Khara standing in the middle with a mega phone.

"It seems we have four more applicants joining us!" exclaimed the woman when she spotted the colorful group approaching.

"Gon" greeted a silver headed teen as he approached the four.

"Killua" Gon greeted back with a smile.

When it was clear that no other participants were coming in the last second. Khara began to gain the attention back to her so that she can make an announcement. Usually, by this time, Saiki would have doze off, but Gon and the rest have been nudging his side's if he does. Grumbling to himself and rubbing his sore sides, Saiki tuned back in. 

"...And now for the last few member's, #404 Kurapika-san, #403 Leorio-san, #405 Gon-san, and #406 Saiki-san. These 10 applicants have passed the Fourth phase of the exam! " 

Of course, chatter would be an uproar at the surprise of rookies managing to surpass other's who had been taking the exam for years on end. While that was happening, a certain upper head was discussing about a final phase, to test the ones who are standing. As that was happening, from down up above, a familiar blimp can be seen.

_In The Blimp_

Right when everyone got in, they have all departed, be it in groups or not. Killua had not join them when they had entered, saying something about that he had to cool off for a bit. Saiki and the other's had found a quiet spot from other peering eyes of the other applicants on the blimp.

"Sorry that we had to depend on you Saiki-san" apologized Leorio as he leaned against the wall of the blimp near the window side. 

Turns out, Leorio had been bitten by some of the vicious reptiles back in the cave on the island. The only time the pink headed teen knew was when he saw small circular blood stains on the man look adult's button up shirt. Saiki had said no words about the apology given to him, but he did nodded his head in acceptance, making the taller of the group sigh of relief. Before the injured man can speak any further, a speaker went off and an announcement was made.

"I have an announcement for all applicant's. The chairman wishes to interview the remaining candidates. When your number is called, please come to first reception room, on the second floor. Then, we shall start with #44, Hisoka-sama" 

"An interview? For what?" questioned Leorio as he glanced at the speaker that was once on.

"Beat's me" answered Gon as he stared intensively at the said speaker, Kurapika not missing the look at all.

_The Interview_

"Well, have a seat" gestured Netero to the lanky figure before him.

"Don't tell me this is this is the exam's Final Phase"

"It may be related. I'll just be asking a few questions to satisfy my curiosity" informed Netero to the glaring clown.

"First, why do you want to become a hunter?"

I'm not particularly interested in becoming a Hunter, but...A Hunter License can be very useful" mused Hisoka as he gave his infamous smirk.

"Oh? Any examples?"

"Hunters usually can't be punished when they kill someone" answered Hisoka without any hesitation or thinking.

"I see. Next question, which of the other nine applicants are you keeping an eye on?"

"# 99, ah, butt #405 and #406 are also on my radar, but its #99 I'm keeping my eye on. I would love to take him on one day" smirked Hisoka.

"Alright then. One last question. Which one of the nine applicants do you least want to fight?" asked Netero as he eyed the clown for his final answer.

"That would be #405, although, #99 is also up there, if your asking whom I least want to fight, it would be #405"

"Oh? What happened to #406?" Hisoka just sat there and let out a deep chuckle that caught the chairman's interest.

"You see, I would have also love to battle that secretive applicant"

_Other's response_

Pokkle #53: I'm watching for #404, He looks to be the most balanced applicant left. I definitely don't want to fight #44. To be honest, I doubt I can beat him."

Killua #99: Has to be Gon. Since we're the same age. I don't want to fight #53. I don't think it'd be a very interesting fight."

Bodoro #191: I've got my eye on #44. He has real presence. #405 and #99 are still children. I couldn't bring myself to fight them."

Gittarackur #301: #99. #44 and #406"

Gon #405: Who am I watching out for? #44, Hisoka. A lot's happened, so I've been watching him. I can't choose one out of #99, #403, #404, and Saiki-nii who is #406".

Hanzo #294: It has to be #44. He's the most dangerous one here. And #44 is the one I least want to fight."

Kurapika #404: I'm watching #405 and #406 for positive reasons, and #44 for negative reasons. If I'm given ample reason, I'll fight anyone. If not, I would prefer not to fight anyone."

Leorio #403: #405 and #406. I owe them, and I hope that they passes the exam. So I'm hoping I don't have to fight either of them."

_Saiki's Interview_

"You are the last person to be interviewed today. Please have a seat" smiled Netero towards the silent teen who had entered.

"I'll just be asking some few questions. Is that all right?" without any word, Saiki just nodded.

"Alright then, first question, why do you want to become a hunter?"

'To be honest, I joined the hunter's exam just for Gon, #405, I made a promise to protect him' answered Saiki as he also tilted his head when he saw the chairman fall on his side, making the teen worry a bit for the man.

"Telepathy, my, you don't see that everyday" chuckled Netero as he repositioned himself back to his sitting arrangement.

"Which of the nine applicants are you keeping an eye on?"

'#44 and #301, they know to much' frowned Saiki as he goes back to the times where he accidentally revealed himself a bit.

"I see, and which on the nine applicants do you least want to fight?"

'#99, #404, #403, and especially #405'

_End of Interview_

Once Netero made sure he had gone through every last applicants, he made a side mark on all of the answers that were given to him.

"Hmm, this is even more lopsided than I expected"

Meanwhile, with a certain green headed child, Gon had been staring outside on the of the blimps window and down towards the desert below. While he was doing that, Kurapika had managed to find him and called out his name, making Gon looked at him.

"Gon, we have made it to the final phase" smiled Kurapika 

"Yeah" smiled Gon. But it had seemed that he let go of his smile and went back looking out the window, making his blonde friend becoming confused and worried.


A/N: I am just going to skip the part when Kurapika and Gon were talking about the fourth phase and about the chairman showing the examiners the board in his hands. I think this chapter was mostly about people talking as well as the episode, but oh well. Any who, thank you for reading!

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